Group Officials
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Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
Created thread:
Capcom unity forum will be off soon - join Lost...
on Apr 1, 2020 @ 4:04 PM CDT
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A well made Lost Planet on new gen could have t...
on Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:01 PM CST
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Capcom® Gets Steamed
on Jul 7, 2019 @ 5:07 PM CDT
Lost Planet
Ask Snow Your Questions
I have a question about language version. I can buy LP2 in Germany 7 may (at least that`s what says). My question is if there is only german language or can i choose...
806 Replies
Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer Feature Discussion Wish List
They have got to fix it to where you can jump into a match instead of waiting for 16-ish players (even waiting for at least 13 is taking a bit too long).The stun locks on when...
1078 Replies
Win a Lost Planet 2 Plushie!!!
Locking thread. Tempers are getting high and we have gone over 1 400 posts, I believe that is more then enough.
1409 Replies
Get Early Access to the Lost Planet 2 Demo NOW!
me also get the codego us psn enter the code but say the code not workevery people is that?me is play ps3
723 Replies
TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
It is a Staff/Developer only title[/quote]Ah that sucks. I still play LP2 every now and then would love to own that title :(
303 Replies
Any news about Lost Planet 4 ?
It`s not about the chronology. LP3 is the worst game i`ve ever played. It has broken mechanics&physics, broken gameplay, broken design, broken ideas, broken keys config, broken...
53 Replies
Ideas for Future Updates?
I think a great idea for Ranked Match would be the option of actually hosting a match with an actual pre-set map, and actual pre-set weapons. The voting system is garbage. Try...
803 Replies