
If you're itching to get early access to the Lost Planet 2 versus demo, now is your chance to get a code! All you need is to be a member of Capcom-Unity, get Engaged on the Lost Planet community site, and pick which console you want a code for. The codes will go live on Wednesday for 360, and Thursday for PS3. CLICK HERE to get your own. UPDATE: We're running out of codes, thanks to you guys making this an outstanding success! Unfortunately, some people are getting errors with the Xbox codes not being redeemable. If you run into this, please send me a private message here on Capcom Unity. I'll try to deal with each situation individually. Sorry for the hassle, and thanks again for making this demo so popular. You guys rock!
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Great news! Get ready for a crap load of new members soon. 
PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)
Thanks Snow. You came through. +20 awesome for you.
There is a difference between those who know the path and those who walk it. I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new.
Gamertag: Jason El Cuervo PSN: Kenjiro88
Waysider. Gunsword. Magnum.
PSN: spazski Currently playing Killzone 2, and loving the hell out of it.
Cheers Snow, got mah code! Looking forward to wednesday! 
Funny, I just got done doing this. Now I check here and see it's been announced officially. I feel like a guy who's just secured a seat on Jet Blue.....cozy.
Nice. I was already interested in the game, so this demo makes the wait all the better.
Agreed, just got my code, so stoked for wednesday, any idea if there will be any customization on the demo?
Funny, I just got done doing this. Now I check here and see it's been announced officially. I feel like a guy who's just secured a seat on Jet Blue.....cozy.
Agreed, just got my code, so stoked for wednesday, any idea if there will be any customization on the demo?
Yes, there will be.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter