hope i get a demo code loved the coop version 360 plz
well if its the same demo that I have I look forward to battling u also. just hope ur on the same time I am......I think u usually are.
I'm pretty sure it is! Remember, Snow said that the discs were handed out early? aka they got "leaked" xD So I'm pretty sure we're in the same boat [or should I say Osprey]
And uh, I think I saw you one time when you logged in, it's like 12am here and I was logging out! But we'll see 
Im on almost every night from 1am to about 6am. that the only time im able to play online. and yea I really hope its the same demo. cause theres still lots of people that have it.
I love the first game, can i get a code for 360 please.
I love the first game, can i get a code for 360 please.
Go get it! Just log on the community site with your Unity account log in, choose which console, and you have your code right there! 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
Idk about the same demo snow said there is more customization than that one so...
I just wanna paly , like now
Got my code for the PS3, looking forward to playing with other peeps.
Im on almost every night from 1am to about 6am. that the only time im able to play online. and yea I really hope its the same demo. cause theres still lots of people that have it.
I'm not sure if we have the same time though [do we?]...hopefully! we'll see! 
Im in central US time zone.
Idk about the same demo snow said there is more customization than that one so...
well in the demo thats out u can customize what guns u have.
Cant wait for the demo and then the real deal....making me a kickbutt sexy girl sniper... Gots me codes and they're tucked away safely...thanks capcom :)