A list of slot machine passwords frequently updated as more are found and brought to my attention (For editing purposes of course)  Red Famitsu Shirt: 73154986 Midnight Live 360 Shirt: 69088873 [360 only] Japanese Playboy (?) Shirt: 34297758 Yellow Shirt: 96725729 Shirt 2: 94372143 [360 version?] Shirt 8: 63152256 (Black Shirt with white designs) Shirt 10: 88020223 Shirt 11: 25060016 Shirt 12: 65162980 Shirt 13: 56428338 Shirt 14: 18213092 Shirt 15: 26797358 Shirt 16: 71556463 Shirt 17: 31354816 **I take no credit for these. I prefer to list credits only when I know that you are the original person who found them, not just snatched the codes off a message board. However, if you did find the codes on another site, you know who you are.
was'nt expecting much from a thread with this sorta title but the codes actully work, and i was starting to think the password system was just to mess with people's minds. edit- WTH!!! the codes unlock a male and female version of the shirt, even if your chars the other gender, now my jungle pirate has breats!!!
ewwww it gives me a manly body on my femme character ;.; oh wait nm, has fem parts too :B
Cool, i want MOAR! Thanks for the codes man!
lol very nice thank you so much
This is war it's your responsibility to survive Dead Rising 2 LV 44 PS3 Biohazard 5 #1 Team Slayer on public assembly Lost Planet 2 Lv 85 Rounder
Thanks, and even taking the risk of becoming 'fool of the year'
What's a chocobo? I only opened this thread to find out...
A Chocobo is a Bird Type Creature from Final Fantasy
Waste of time. Props for the codes that are just some lame shirts.
Thanks, and even taking the risk of becoming 'fool of the year'
What's a chocobo? I only opened this thread to find out...
A Chocobo is a Bird Type Creature from Final Fantasy
Thanks, never played any FF Game...
Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker ModeRE Revelations 2 Raid Mode Umbrella CorpsWesker has never been dead...!!! "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
I bet you would have actually gotten more hits if you said upfront that you had codes for the password machine.