Complete Ability List - This thread contains Information about the Abilities you can Unlock in the Game
Faction Unlockables - This thread contains Information about the Unlockable Outfits and Weapons tied to each Faction.
Career Level Experience List - This thread contains Information about the amount of Experience you'll need to reach each level in your Faction Characters Career Advancement from Level 1 to Level 99
Unlockable Extra's Via Game Saves - This thread contains Information about the Special Unlockable Outfits, Noms de Guerre and Weapons tied to other CAPCOM® games.
Good Job Award List - This thread contains Information about the Good Job Awards and how to unlock them (Work In Progress)
Q: What is this Prologue A and Prologue B thing? A: During the Prologue if you are Player 1 or 3 you get Prologue A if you are Player 2 or 4 you get Prologue B, Just join a Co-op Campaign play the one you want.
Q: How do customise my character with parts from other factions? A: When you reach Lv.80 with a Faction you can then custumise that Factions character with parts from any other Faction
Q: How do I use Frank West, Wesker, Dom, Marcus, Rathalos Armour or the Helghast? A: When you are on the Customisation screen you'll be on the Head selection as default, Press up and you'll be on Preset Model's. Then Press A/X you'll bring up a list of Preset Characters Just scroll down and they will be at the bottom of the list
Q: I beat the Campaign but didn't get the Trophy for getting it on ...... Difficulty why? A: You may not know this but there is a Secret Area in Episode 1 Chapter 2, To find it at the start of the Episode Hug the right wall and look for a small hole. Grapple in to the hole and a Good Job Award will activate, walk through the small cave until the end and you will end that Chapter and Move on to Episode 1 Chapter 2b
Q: How do I merge 2 VS's and which VS's can merge? A: There are 2 VS's that can merge, The 2 you will encounter in the Campaign are the GAB-25M and the GAN-34. You need to have them next to each other to activate the merge and to Merge them Press both thumb sticks in and move the left one left and the right one right this will activate the Merging process.
Q: I heard there is a 4th Difficulty setting but I can not see it any where is there one and where is it? A: Yes there is a 4th Difficulty setting called Extreme, Once you beat the Game on Hard Extreme mode will be unlocked and you can select it just like any other Difficulty setting.
Q: What is this Crown I have heard of? A: The Crown is from playing Ranked match's when you enter the Top 20 in any Ranked Gametype Leader board you can have a Crown for your character. But once you loss your place in the Top 20 you Lose your Crown.
Picture of the Crown
Q: Where are the Gravity Gun and Big Destruction Missile A: The Gravity Gun can be found on Thunderpeal Precipice Team Elimination Layout 4 and the Big Destruction Missile can be found on Desecration Team Elimination Layout 4 In Multiplayer.
Q: I am ...... Rank online what is the Highest Rank I can reach and is it true I can go down in Rank? A: Yes it is true you can go down it rank. and here is a list of the Ranks you can Earn
Q: Will Marcus or Dom be on the PS3 Version of the game? A: Sorry no they are a Microsoft Exclusive Characters sorry :(
Q: Will the Helghast Character ever be on the 360 Version of the Game? A: Sorry no they are a Sony Exclusive Characters sorry :(
Q: Will the Rathalos Armour Character ever be on the 360 Version of the Game? A: To be honest I have no idea it may do one day but I highly doubt it.
Q: What are these Slot Machine Passwords and where do I get them? A: At the Moment we only know a few but I'll update when we know more here are the ones we know.
Forward Dash towards target + 2-3 slash kill = Pwnage.
P.P.S. Use the Gunsword's melee in campaign, its a 2 hit kill facing their front, and a 1 slash kill from behind. Also, since it's a melee you get a (?) Box from almost every kill you make. I used it in Episode 1 chapter 2 and recieved over 13,000 Credits.
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard AIM: Lunethex is muh best frand! :) I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
LP2 does NOT show up under the "What's new"-recently played section of the PS3 XMB, like my other games do. Is that supposed to be?
Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker Mode RE Revelations 2 Raid Mode Umbrella Corps Wesker has never been dead...!!! "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
LP2 does NOT show up under the "What's new"-recently played section of the PS3 XMB, like my other games do. Is that supposed to be?
at the moment for some reason the PS3 Network hasn't updated properly @.@ I have no idea why
Ah! Thanks, at least it's nothing with my system
Then we better just wait and see...
Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker Mode RE Revelations 2 Raid Mode Umbrella Corps Wesker has never been dead...!!! "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
Some characters are thin (chicks mostly) some are fat. Does it make a difference when shoting at them ? I mean it`s easier to aim in fat man than in thin chick. Or the "harming area" is the same for all characters ?
Some characters are thin (chicks mostly) some are fat. Does it make a difference when shoting at them ? I mean it`s easier to aim in fat man than in thin chick. Or the "harming area" is the same for all characters ?
The hit boxes are all the same regardless of character size or shape