Hey guys, when Snow posted the, Lost Planet 2 Team Listens - Juicy Patch Incoming thread, one of the first things I noticed was that when he said "You fans have been playing the crap out of Lost Planet 2, and we've been listening to all of your feedback. " The first thing people thought of was what reviewers were complaining about (Episode 3 Chapter 3).
So I figured, why not just make a thread of what you guys want, all centered into one place? Just go ahead and post any ideas, fixes, modifications, etc. If people agree with it, I'll add it to the OP. (OP = Original Post---->This post.)
Official Response from Snow ---
I pop in and read everything. I don't always have time to reply, and quite honestly, there's just somethings I can't comment on.
However, I can tell you all that with the new Rush Arena DLC coming in July, there will be a new patch with foundations on some of the feedback in this thread.
Shawn (Snow)
- Leader Boards for the Training Missions and MP every month. (See Thread TOP 10 and NUMBER 1)
Training Mode
- Use of all downloaded maps in AI Enemy Battle
- Ability to play AI enemy battle with all of the settings of hosting a normal Player Match.
- More detailed Training stages on tactics that do not feel like time trials.(You automatically fail after 30 minutes.)
Multiplayer Lobby
- Keep all other match settings the same when changing the game-type. (i.e. Abilities, VS, Weapons on map, etc.)
- Ability to play Player Matches with bots.
- Party System.
- Option to allow bots to fill empty slots in a match.
- A way to stop team stacking when Team-Switching is on. (i.e. penalty for the team that has more players than the other, etc.)
- Scrimmage wait, when in the lobby waiting for players. (See Post #309)
Multiplayer Gameplay
- Free Roaming Camera in Viewing Mode.
- More VS Combos.
- Speed up the Weapon switch animation.
- Display ally's health bar above their name when you have the injection gun II on Green, or have Regen Grenades.
- Nightvision that doesn't feel it just highlights enemies.
- Fix the Air-walk glitch. (See Post #51)
- Assist Points when aiding a teammate with a support weapon.
- Momentum when grapple canceling a high ledge (See Post #134)
- Show how long the match has been by opening up your PDA.
- Fix the Gunner seat in a Osprey, as it currently just has your screen jerking around everywhere like it is lagging, and it makes it harder to hit a target.
- When dying, show the data post under your team's control closest to the spot you died. Also show map of all the data Posts under your team's control, and have the option to scroll down a list of data post numbers that show which data post you will spawn at with a dot on the Data Post. (See Posts #188, & #191)
- Grenade Launcher cross-hair for Rocket Launcher SP. (See Post #313)
- Ability to grapple onto a ladder and go into a climbing animation.
- More character parts for Femme Fatales & new characters in general.
- A color wheel to further customize character parts.
- Special characters; Helghast, Marcus Fenix, Dom Santiago, Rathalos Armor, etc. parts are interchangeable.(i.e. Helghast Torso under a rathalos head) Nevermind, not possible due to licensing.
- Leader heads have 4 colors--or more-- like other character parts.
- More things to use credits on. (Add-ons to guns such as a scope, etc.)
- Automatically selects the storage device after selecting the device in the main menu, so you won't have to select it anytime you accept an game invite.
- Campaign Episode DLC instead of Online maps.
- Akrid Hunter, and other content that was featured in one of the trailers for Lost Planet 2.
- Colonies Character Pack, Characters look exactly the same as in the Colonies Edition of LP1, except rendered in new Engine. (See Post #295)
- An online remake of Episode 5 Chapter 3, where on teams defend their Overland Battleship and go through the same scenario as in the campaign. (See Post #286)
- Sounds for Female characters in multiplayer.
- Switch weapons or abilities at the end of an area or chapter.
- In split screen, allow Player 2 to customize their character, and able to save their progress if they are using their own account(non-guest account). ________________________________________________________________________