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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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Switch to Forum Live View TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  May 25, 2010 - 4:19PM #41
Posts: 36

WE definitely need the WEEKLY leaderboard!!!Yell because I've read the trophies/achievement forum sites and they are hollaring about the same thing with the nom de guerres. I was lucky enough to get in top 10 early but I'm pretty sure I'll be playing this game well into a platinum. The world record times are ridiculous don't know who can beat the obstacle courses or combat maps its insane. Like in under 10secs on a target map is impossible cause the targets don't pop fast enough almost hate to say hacking had to be somehow involved I don't see how any of the sniper rifles or plasma guns can do it except for the plasma gun sp cause of its rapid fire function.    

[IMG]" width="230" height="155" border="0"[/IMG]
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10 years ago  ::  May 25, 2010 - 11:45PM #42
Posts: 2

i would much rather see developers spend their time making more co-op dlc than redo the entire leaderboards so some people can get a title just for a trophey or achievement. i think capcom did a great job making hard to get titles for people who earned them and fun ones for anybody to get. i got my number 1 and i plan on keeping the spot. i earned it and shame on anybody who wants to take it away cause they want the stupid achievement so they can stop playing and sell it.

your not going to keep people online by making weekly leaderboards, your just giving the excuse for them to stop sooner. you cant please everyone so make sure the ones who waited for the game and earned their titles keep the honor with them.

thank you

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 1:37AM #43
Posts: 2

Steven, why would I want to sell a superb game with decent multiplayer.  Please do not put everyone in the same boat, just because I want 100% achievements does not mean I am going to get rid.  I am for this, because challenging achievements I am all for, but putting an achievement which only realistically a handful of people will get is a little "far out" there.

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 3:08AM #44
Posts: 10

well heres the problem ive worked my butt off to be ranked 18th in elimination gamertag:xXTHISSUCKSXx

and i really like the crown i get to wear im currently on my way to 10th place and think that these things deserve a type of rarety. the thing i dont like is the top 5 guys on the elimanation leaderbaords that cheated and have a kd of 115 and are still the first rank i would like a sort of system that would get those type of people off the leader boards. the problem i have with it is i dont want to loose my ability to wear a crown after just a week or month i really want to keep it:) but a reset on training would be nice. 



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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 5:52AM #45
Posts: 3

May 25, 2010 -- 11:45PM, staven wrote:

i would much rather see developers spend their time making more co-op dlc than redo the entire leaderboards so some people can get a title just for a trophey or achievement. i think capcom did a great job making hard to get titles for people who earned them and fun ones for anybody to get. i got my number 1 and i plan on keeping the spot. i earned it and shame on anybody who wants to take it away cause they want the stupid achievement so they can stop playing and sell it.

your not going to keep people online by making weekly leaderboards, your just giving the excuse for them to stop sooner. you cant please everyone so make sure the ones who waited for the game and earned their titles keep the honor with them.

thank you

Who is to say that they can't do both at the same time, and also I believe that there is a policy of Microsoft that there aren't supposed to be any achievements that have anything to do with leader boards.

May 26, 2010 -- 3:08AM, justin wrote:

well heres the problem ive worked my butt off to be ranked 18th in elimination gamertag:xXTHISSUCKSXx

and i really like the crown i get to wear im currently on my way to 10th place and think that these things deserve a type of rarety. the thing i dont like is the top 5 guys on the elimanation leaderbaords that cheated and have a kd of 115 and are still the first rank i would like a sort of system that would get those type of people off the leader boards. the problem i have with it is i dont want to loose my ability to wear a crown after just a week or month i really want to keep it:) but a reset on training would be nice. 



Well the thing is the NUBER 1  and TOP 10 titles only concern the training mode, so in turn they don't even need to touch the online leader boards.  It would be nice for them to put in monthly leader boards for the online so after a few months when a lot of the multi-player population has died off that the remaining players could have the possibility of attaining a rank on the leader boards. Now as to the "Crown" that you say you get to wear, could you elaborate as to what it is or post a picture. If it were me I would just  have the monthly boards to just be a list but the lifetime boards could still have their crowns.

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 7:54AM #46
Posts: 4,549

May 25, 2010 -- 11:45PM, staven wrote:

i would much rather see developers spend their time making more co-op dlc than redo the entire leaderboards so some people can get a title just for a trophey or achievement. i think capcom did a great job making hard to get titles for people who earned them and fun ones for anybody to get. i got my number 1 and i plan on keeping the spot. i earned it and shame on anybody who wants to take it away cause they want the stupid achievement so they can stop playing and sell it.

your not going to keep people online by making weekly leaderboards, your just giving the excuse for them to stop sooner. you cant please everyone so make sure the ones who waited for the game and earned their titles keep the honor with them.

thank you

I have both NUMBER 1 and TOP 10 myself but the current times are out of reach for some players and people have already started to cheat to get to the Top Spots, So I would rather see some effort to clean the slate monthly or weekly to make it far for all players. I earned my NUMBER 1 and TOP 10 but why should we single out players because of some the the current Boosters/Cheaters?


And to those who asked I have no update at this time sorry :( I think this will be a timely Process

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 12:05PM #47
Posts: 4

Hey Zero, thanks for looking up for a solution. I wanted you to know that I registered to Capcom Union just now to tell you that I had a similar ideia to that one, so I am all for it!

Another one that would fix most of the problems would be to make the achievements not count those 2 noms de guerre. Most people dont care about the title per se, they just get annoyed to know that they won't be able to complete the game achievement wise. Still, I would prefer your ideia. I actually want the title AND the achievement. And it would still make it chalenging.


Zero, please do what you can. Knowing that I need to do the training missions as soon as possible is really harming my lost planet 2 gaming. I want to play the campaign, but I have this clock in my head saying that I can't do that, because each day that passes makes the top 1 records even harder.


Also, please reply with comfirmation sometime soon, I want to start playing something other than trial mode.

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 2:54PM #48
Posts: 2

the only side you guys are arguing is getting your achievements. quite frankly you have 5 1/2 months before you can even get 1 nom. if you can get it on your own you should be proud, getting something that people can do. quite complaining about every achievement that seems impossible, it happens. if hundreds of you had everything but that one nom, you have a case but i doubt anyone is that far

maybe you should actually look that achievements are spelled with "achieve".

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 3:29PM #49
Posts: 4,549

May 26, 2010 -- 2:54PM, staven wrote:

the only side you guys are arguing is getting your achievements. quite frankly you have 5 1/2 months before you can even get 1 nom. if you can get it on your own you should be proud, getting something that people can do. quite complaining about every achievement that seems impossible, it happens. if hundreds of you had everything but that one nom, you have a case but i doubt anyone is that far

maybe you should actually look that achievements are spelled with "achieve".

And Again you are missing the point at the moment the Some of the Top Leaders are not legit so how can you "Achieve" it via a legit method if some are cheating? You can not.

I am trying to help the users who where less fortunate and didn't get chance to get it because they are now cheated out of it.

And as to your point with the Time Based Nom you can get it now with a Simple reset of the systems clock so your point is invalid.

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10 years ago  ::  May 26, 2010 - 3:49PM #50
Posts: 4

The first guys that did the trainings, got the title, even if they sucked. That title is NOT a valid way to check if you are good or not. Unless its something dinamic that changes depending on your position of the leaderboards, it just means that you got it earlier.

I ordered the game online and there was a problem with posting, so I got the like at 20th may, and that means I got screwed over on the achievement. This problem will also grow with time, each time that the record is broken.

The bottom line is that it is just unfair to people that got it a good while after the launch.


On a side note, another fix to the problem would be setting a fixed (harder than gold) score/time that one would have to break in order to get the nom. Some kind of par time.

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