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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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Switch to Forum Live View TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  May 23, 2010 - 6:05PM #31
Infinite Unknown
Posts: 1

I am against this idea.  You want to erase all of the world records because of fan outcry about an achievement.  If your plan goes through then people from non english speaking countries will have their world record times erased without having a say in the discussion.  Also, some people don't care about achievements but like to try to set world records and it is unfair to erase their times.  Ubisoft hasn't wiped the leaderboards or started adding new leaderboards for the Xbox 360 version of Ghost Recon and that game also has a leaderboard related achievement.  It will be a sad day when Capcom buckles to whiners after two weeks while the makers of Petz: Horsez stand their ground for four years. 

It is not impossible to get the achievement with the leaderboards the way that they are.  People have been getting new world records in the 50 training stages  in Lost Planet 2 every day since its release.  In the movie The King of Kong people are still getting new world records in Donkey Kong and that game has been out for nearly 30 years.  Lost Planet 2 is a much more complex game and it hasn't been out nearly as long so there is still a lot of room for new people that want to set a world record.  I guarantee you that no one has figured out the right combination of rolling, grappling, and shooting to set a world record in Lost Planet 2 that will stand for 30 years.

Watch this youtube video.  It shows different techniques for moving around and the bit that shows how the grapple works is very useful for going through the training missions.  Learn how to move around quickly and play the game for a few hours and you will set a world record. 

Going back to The King of Kong, in that movie Billy Mitchell uses political manuvering with Twin Galaxies to try to throw out the world record Steve Wiebe set in Donkey Kong.  Topic creator, don't be a Billy Mitchell. 

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10 years ago  ::  May 23, 2010 - 6:45PM #32
Posts: 3

May 23, 2010 -- 6:05PM, Infinite Unknown wrote:

I am against this idea.  You want to erase all of the world records because of fan outcry about an achievement.  If your plan goes through then people from non english speaking countries will have their world record times erased without having a say in the discussion.  Also, some people don't care about achievements but like to try to set world records and it is unfair to erase their times.  Ubisoft hasn't wiped the leaderboards or started adding new leaderboards for the Xbox 360 version of Ghost Recon and that game also has a leaderboard related achievement.  It will be a sad day when Capcom buckles to whiners after two weeks while the makers of Petz: Horsez stand their ground for four years. 

It is not impossible to get the achievement with the leaderboards the way that they are.  People have been getting new world records in the 50 training stages in Lost Planet 2 every day since its release.  In the movie The King of Kong people are still getting new world records in Donkey Kong and that game has been out for nearly 30 years.  Lost Planet 2 is a much more complex game and it hasn't been out nearly as long so there is still a lot of room for new people that want to set a world record.  I guarantee you that no one has figured out the right combination of rolling, grappling, and shooting to set a world record in Lost Planet 2 that will stand for 30 years.

Watch this youtube video.  It shows different techniques for moving around and the bit that shows how the grapple works is very useful for going through the training missions.  Learn how to move around quickly and play the game for a few hours and you will set a world record. 

Going back to The King of Kong, in that movie Billy Mitchell uses political manuvering with Twin Galaxies to try to throw out the world record Steve Wiebe set in Donkey Kong.  Topic creator, don't be a Billy Mitchell. 

This sounds like the words of someone who bought the game and got the nom long before anyone else had the opportunity to. Maybe you should consider for one second that eventually (if not already) someone is going to get the "Perfect" time that can only be matched and not beaten.  Besides, no one said they had to ERASE the times already in place - they only asked for an additional leaderboard of some sort that is monthly or weekly. 

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10 years ago  ::  May 23, 2010 - 9:45PM #33
Posts: 1,483

 One of the key arguments we are seeing in this thread is that people don't want the leaderboards reset.  This thread had multiple people posting and a few ideas in it, and when it came down to it, some people are only against one possible enhancement to the leaderboards.

 The two different ideas for the enchancement starting with the more focused on idea.

 That leaderboards should be reset at some point.  It's true, people earned those records and don't want them wiped out.  I do agree with this, those times shouldn't high handedly be wiped out.  They were earned times, whether or not they were earned before the full public release of Lost Planet 2.

 Now the idea that seems to have more promise for everyone involve.  An additional leaderboard system that would be reset occaisionally.  So basically there is the lifetime leaderboard that will never be reset, and then there will be another set of leaderboards for specific periods.

 We don't want the title just given away so we don't want to see daily leaderboards.  Besides that would just become a hassle anyway and wouldn't show any true skill because there would be no challenge.  Just put up a time and you will likely top the board on some days, even if you only put up a bronze scoring challenge.

 So definately longer then a day.  Weekly might be nice, though it too is stil a bit short.  Might detract from the effect.  All you have to do is play it quickly one day each week and you have a good chance of locking in your own copy of the number 1 title.

 So now we have Monthly, or seasonal refreshing leaderboards.  If the secondary leadorboards were reset 12 times a year, then the whole fanbase that plays Lost Planet 2 would get their chance at going for full completion, as well as at seeing the title, and getting the use of the crown for that period of time.  People would try to earn the crown and hold onto it for that month period.  It would be an achievement.

 Seasonal or reseting only 4 times a year would make it a great competition among people.  You could lock in a score and have a hold of LP greatness for 3 months sometimes.

 Either of these time periods would be great in addition to the lifetime leaderboard.  They are even a good example of why the lifetime leaderboard isn't a great basis for an achievement.  Sure those players all put up great times and great gameplay, but they don't have to try and keep it.  For many of the times it is now set in stone.  No one will ever beat those times legitimately, so those people never have to try again.

 Maybe in addition to adding a secondary leaderboard that refreshes they would add something like an alternate crown so that people know the difference between lifetime and refreshed list crowns.


 Most useful to either viewpoint would be clarification if those specific titles are necessary for achievement/trophy completion, or if capcom could actually change the achievement to make it not require those titles as well as a few other titles or items that can't be earned normally anymore.

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10 years ago  ::  May 23, 2010 - 10:00PM #34
Posts: 2,074

May 23, 2010 -- 9:45PM, Roy wrote:

 One of the key arguments we are seeing in this thread is that people don't want the leaderboards reset.  This thread had multiple people posting and a few ideas in it, and when it came down to it, some people are only against one possible enhancement to the leaderboards.

 The two different ideas for the enchancement starting with the more focused on idea.

 That leaderboards should be reset at some point.  It's true, people earned those records and don't want them wiped out.  I do agree with this, those times shouldn't high handedly be wiped out.  They were earned times, whether or not they were earned before the full public release of Lost Planet 2.

 Now the idea that seems to have more promise for everyone involve.  An additional leaderboard system that would be reset occaisionally.  So basically there is the lifetime leaderboard that will never be reset, and then there will be another set of leaderboards for specific periods.

 We don't want the title just given away so we don't want to see daily leaderboards.  Besides that would just become a hassle anyway and wouldn't show any true skill because there would be no challenge.  Just put up a time and you will likely top the board on some days, even if you only put up a bronze scoring challenge.

 So definately longer then a day.  Weekly might be nice, though it too is stil a bit short.  Might detract from the effect.  All you have to do is play it quickly one day each week and you have a good chance of locking in your own copy of the number 1 title.

 So now we have Monthly, or seasonal refreshing leaderboards.  If the secondary leadorboards were reset 12 times a year, then the whole fanbase that plays Lost Planet 2 would get their chance at going for full completion, as well as at seeing the title, and getting the use of the crown for that period of time.  People would try to earn the crown and hold onto it for that month period.  It would be an achievement.

 Seasonal or reseting only 4 times a year would make it a great competition among people.  You could lock in a score and have a hold of LP greatness for 3 months sometimes.

 Either of these time periods would be great in addition to the lifetime leaderboard.  They are even a good example of why the lifetime leaderboard isn't a great basis for an achievement.  Sure those players all put up great times and great gameplay, but they don't have to try and keep it.  For many of the times it is now set in stone.  No one will ever beat those times legitimately, so those people never have to try again.

 Maybe in addition to adding a secondary leaderboard that refreshes they would add something like an alternate crown so that people know the difference between lifetime and refreshed list crowns.


 Most useful to either viewpoint would be clarification if those specific titles are necessary for achievement/trophy completion, or if capcom could actually change the achievement to make it not require those titles as well as a few other titles or items that can't be earned normally anymore.

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10 years ago  ::  May 23, 2010 - 10:30PM #35
Posts: 51

speaking of leader boards i wish they did it by points weekly and monthly like first one. Keeping K/D up is tough

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10 years ago  ::  May 24, 2010 - 11:36AM #36
Posts: 36

Don't forget PS3! I believe I'm in the top 10 on two obstacle course maps might have changed already. World Record times are ridiculous like the time is beat by like a whole 10 or 20 secs or more. How the heck can you destroy the decoys in factory level when they don't finish spawning until after the world record time?

[IMG]" width="230" height="155" border="0"[/IMG]
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10 years ago  ::  May 24, 2010 - 12:28PM #37
Posts: 4,549

May 24, 2010 -- 11:36AM, ShadowHound wrote:

Don't forget PS3! I believe I'm in the top 10 on two obstacle course maps might have changed already. World Record times are ridiculous like the time is beat by like a whole 10 or 20 secs or more. How the heck can you destroy the decoys in factory level when they don't finish spawning until after the world record time?

Of course the PS3 Also :P

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10 years ago  ::  May 24, 2010 - 4:38PM #38
Posts: 46

yea its so frustrating to be off by milli secs and tried for hrs to figure out that guy just got a lucky spawn once..... PS3 ALSO here... if they did it id have np getting my nom 1#

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10 years ago  ::  May 25, 2010 - 5:58AM #39
Posts: 3

BTHR Zero X, I was wondering if you have any news or updates on the current situation on the weekly/monthly leader boards from Capcom?

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10 years ago  ::  May 25, 2010 - 3:13PM #40
Posts: 20

I've tried for 2 days gettin in first place on Advanced 3-1 and I'm only able to get to seventh place, which is kind of frustrating.


I agree with alot of people here, weekly or a monthly leaderboard + a all time leaderboard would be the best solution, with the monthly it would give us another reason to do the trainings again if we want to be on top. And its fun against your friends aswell. Abit of a weekly or monthly competition.

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