BTHR Zero X, have their been any updates?
BTHR Zero X, have their been any updates?
not at the moment :( but hopefully we will get some kind of result
BTHR Zero X, have their been any updates?
not at the moment :( but hopefully we will get some kind of result
We should really get an update for the lag when someone is flying/jetpack/swimming/sprinting. They are all such cool features and they need to be fixed.
I was here at Capcom Unity since day one. Long time reader, and a fan for forever! But I don't post very often... and I gotta say, please Capcom! Implement a weekly reset of the ranks. We already have Personal Best saved onto our profiles, so anyone who's self assured and has the World Record in the bag by a mile can look back onto that! The servers have to reset, and I feel monthly is way, way too long of a wait. Either that, or give us a slot machine code to unlock that particular Nom! Or, don't make those Noms a prerequisite for the trophy! Trophies should be personal challenges in-game to make it fun, not challenges against other people, who may or may not be better than you. Some of us don't have the time nor the drive to go up against uneven odds.
Did this really need to be stickied? Seems a little self-glorifying if you ask me. That being said, it sounds like a good idea.
Waysider. Gunsword. Magnum.
PSN: spazski Currently playing Killzone 2, and loving the hell out of it.
Hello, i signed up just to help the cause of rebooting the leaderboards every now and then, because at one point, there will be a perfect time that cannot be beat without cheating. it also goes without saying that human reflex has a terminal point of enhancement and therefore, no matter how good someone can get, they will not be able to get past a certian time or score. if this happens to all of the training courses, which it eventually will, i believe the scores will need to reset, otherwise, 99% of people owning this game will never be able to obtain 1000 / 1000 gamerscore.
Make this happen.
^ Lol, totally saving that! xD
Keep on rollin'
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I agree that there should be a monthly leaderboard that allows more people a chance to get the "TOP 10" and "NUMBER 1" noms.
I WOULD support this idea...but I don't like the OP for *****ing about my topic. T.T
Excuse me how have I done anything to "Your" Topic if this post I am quoting is your first post on Unity?
I recognize you.
You were on GameFAQs. You were the guy who decided it would be a good idea if you ***** about answering any questions players had.
Uh-oh Zero! Looks like you've been caught digitally handed! On a more serious note, could you guys discuss this in a PM? It would suck if this thread got derailed due to problems that occured on another site, thanks!
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