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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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Switch to Forum Live View TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  May 19, 2010 - 6:57PM #1
Posts: 4,549

Ok I have seen a few of you getting upset over these Nom de Guerre's, and I want to try and Help as much as I can to get some things sorted.

I had an Idea in mind that may help but I want to know what you guys think before I try to pass it down the line.

In the Original Lost Planet they had a Weekly Leader board that got wiped every week, My suggestion was the They see if they can implement a similar kind of thing but they reset the Leader Boards for the Training Missions and MP every month instead of every week which could help people get these Noms de Guerre's and it allows those who want fame to be in the spot light for a good time.

What to you guys think of this?

Let me know, I am serious about this and I have it writen up and read to send to Shawn Baxter and his team.

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10 years ago  ::  May 19, 2010 - 7:00PM #2
Posts: 2,074

There's a lot of little tidbits to fix up in an update, so this might as well be added in there as well.


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10 years ago  ::  May 19, 2010 - 7:33PM #3
Posts: 1,483

 I would definitely hope for a leaderboard that will count for the nom and would be reset regularly.  If it was spread out to a month duration then they would have to limit the name still in a slight way.

 If they added a period of perhaps a day or two so that during that day the 1st place and the top ten titles for all the leaderboards don't get handed around 100 some times an hour.  Basically, everyone would end up getting it just after a reset and wouldn't really be trying for actually earning a good time.

 If the first day after a reset wouldn't earn the title unless you kept the position until after that day, then it would keep people actually going for a great score.

 It might mean that some people would still lock up the leaderboards before other people get chances, but it's better to have 12 chances a year, or however often the resets will be, then to know that we don't have a chance at most of the leaderboards since the top spots are all secured already.

 It would also be good for some of the versus leaderboards to have a periodic leaderboard of some time, weekly, monthly or seasonal would be just fine and would offer the same opportunities to people that prefer mutliplayer over training.

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10 years ago  ::  May 20, 2010 - 9:46AM #4
Posts: 2,107

I think achievements simply shouldn't even look at those titles. There's several other titles which are stupidly hard to get too, that I wouldn't mind be ignored by any achievement checks.

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10 years ago  ::  May 20, 2010 - 10:32AM #5
Posts: 32

I think weekly or monthly leaderboards would also be a good idea.

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10 years ago  ::  May 20, 2010 - 10:44AM #6
Posts: 241

I also believe tohos Noms should go to a different category so they aren't required for the trophies/achievements.

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10 years ago  ::  May 20, 2010 - 6:50PM #7
Posts: 6

trophies would be nice

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10 years ago  ::  May 20, 2010 - 10:05PM #8
Posts: 107

you could separate was monthly, weekly and daily! Just so  anyone can feel glory just for a short while.

Im not  forcing the LP2 team to listne to my ways, but if it could be done, i t wpuld be rather interesting.

However, i would not like the idea of  reseting the ranks on the training missions. Those are like olympic and world records, might as well keep them up


Psn - SoSleviSlix
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10 years ago  ::  May 21, 2010 - 2:02AM #9
Posts: 32

Well I think there should be weekly, monthly, and overall leaderboards for the Training missions so anyone can get the NUMBER 1 title through that. Also what would be better is if NUMBER 1 and TOP 10 weren't required for achievements, either.

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10 years ago  ::  May 21, 2010 - 3:10PM #10
Posts: 38

I dont understand this suggestion, im a noob sorry...

What are you trying to do exactly?

"How quickly do you want this to end?"
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