Anyway, looks like I may just go with my friend to a Best Buy on the 28th because they're doing a midnight release for GTAIV. I'll just put my preorder at GameStop on something else.
Obviously. At least they're extending it so when they get it up it won't be like "hey, enjoy the beta, even though there's only one day left!". I had a feeling this would happen, though. With the problems they had on the site, it was kind of a given that the beta itself would have problems. BTW, I saw a TON of MGS Saga Vol.2 boxes at Best Buy. Still plenty of potential testers. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I made up my day by getting a haircut and stopped by a used game store. I managed to find a mint copy of Silent Hill. I was like "whoa! it's only $16.99 and you usually see it on ebay for quite a bit more." But I won't sell it. I'll play it and then keep it as part of my growing horror section. :D Silent Hill 5 hits in September. Awesome.
Need to get Persona 3 FES if they have it tomorrow. And my Gamestop said they're doing a midnight release on the 28th for GTAIV, so there's no need for me to head out to Best Buy with my friends. I should probably tell them just to reserve it real quick and go with me there. :P
Well, plenty to keep me occupied until GTAIV and the MGO beta. :cool:
Well, now there's not much to keep me occupied until GTAIV.
Fixed. Don't know about you but once GTA IV hits, I don't think I'll spend too much time with any demo, even if I'd like to try it. Back to whatever's in my backlog I suppose.
Fixed. Don't know about you but once GTA IV hits, I don't think I'll spend too much time with any demo, even if I'd like to try it. Back to whatever's in my backlog I suppose.
How's that fixed? If you were using it as a way to take a stab at the MGO beta, then I guess. But I don't need the MGO beta to keep me occupied until GTAIV. Like you, I also have a backlog, and I have no problem going to it. And I'm sure no matter how good GTAIV turns out to be, I'll be playing other games along side it so as not to get "burned out" on it, if it's possible. Have to mix it up a bit in the genres sometimes. Why do you think FPS games annoy me right now? Too many. And I'll definantly put time into the MGO beta once it kicks off this friday (hopefully). I'll have GTAIV forever, but the beta is only for a short period of time and after that we won't be seeing it until June. And hell, I'll still take the time to strum away on my plastic guitar. :rolleyes:
Oh yeah, people on the playstation forums are already forming clans for GTAIV. lol! Grand Theft ANBU! REPRESENT!
BTW, why hasn't anybody been on messenger the last few days?
10-11 hour workdays has got me tired as FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK. I basically come home, eat, watch a couple ep of whatever anime.. then pass out.. wake up 6 am.. repeat.