Yeah, I can't believe we only get one map. It's so small, too. They better give us more maps for free to make up for it...okay I'll end the sarcasm there. :rolleyes:
But, yeah, I'm hyped for it, too. It's definantly going to be one hell of a game. It's like a virtual playground. Man, now, more than ever, I wish I had a way to record my play sessions. I can only imagine the stuff you could do with this. Now, some of those pics make me wonder how those guys got on that beam in the air and how much of a rush it's gonna be when you leap out of a helicopter onto a moving truck and fight someone on top of it. lol This is gonna be awesome. If the multiplayer is gonna be like anything I think it is and it doesn't lag too much, it may take up a lot of my Colonies time. :eek:
Oh, and how much you wanna bet that Fab's gonna go all Al Pacino on everyone's arse when he jumps in a game. He'll pull out a rocket launcher and be like "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!"
Oh, and how much you wanna bet that Fab's gonna go all Al Pacino on everyone's arse when he jumps in a game. He'll pull out a rocket launcher and be like "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!"
Lucent, you need people like me.. so you can point and say.. THATS THE BAD GUY !! ...... so say goodnight to the Badguy ! :p
Lucent, you need people like me.. so you can point and say.. THATS THE BAD GUY !! ...... so say goodnight to the Badguy ! :p
lol! Yeah, but at least the Badguy will be on my least I hope. :cool:
Also, seems that the Metal Gear Saga disc itself doesn't unlock the MGSO beta, but there's a slip inside the case saying Congratulations and all that giving you the date on when you can download the beta, when the beta starts and ends, and the code itself and how to use it. So I already watched all the trailers for the hell of it. Really wonder how long the game will be. But I have my code so I'll be playing that and hoping it's good. Glad I got one because I didn't want to have to do the japanese site thing to get a code. :rolleyes:
I don't know about any of you, but after seeing how good Valkryia Chronicles looks in both graphics and gameplay, this game just seems...I dunno...lame. I like the cute japanese girls shooting and hurling flames at katana-carrying wolfmen, but geez, it's still got Hitler in it. Couldn't they have just made it entirely fictional? Leave the Nazis out of it. It's already been done to death.
see ya'll on the MGS Online Beta.. reserved my copy of MGS4 today, and surprizingly they didnt screw canadians over :D Nice!
Good job. I got your offline message so I already knew this, but good job. That's three we know of: you, me and hulot. Who else is up for some MGS Online Beta goodness? :cool:
Amazing. If that's in-game, then that's truly next-gen cel-shading. I want a MegaMan Legends game that looks like that. Actually, I wouldn't mind FF7 being remade like that. It might not be consistent but it'd be closer to the drawings from the original if it was done in cel-shading.
yea im really looking forward to Naruto on ps3... they seem to really be pushing the look of the game being just like the anime... supposidly its supposed to span a longer part of the story than the 360 naruto game did..
I just hope the fighting is fast paced like the other Ultimate Ninja games, and not like the 360 ubisoft game.. which looked great.. but the fighting was too slow IMO..
edit: the official website has a counter.. counting down to........ je ne sais qua
Hell yeah. I want it to not only be fast-paced, but more in-depth as far as fighting goes. I'm all for being able to pull off moves with ease, but I just want a wider range of moves than what seemed present in the 360 version. Hell, I'd even settle for it just being an RPG.
BTW, did you see the GTAIV commercial? I'm getting so hyped for that game.
And you see on that you have to make a Konami ID and Game ID to login and play the Metal Gear Solid Online beta? I went ahead and got that out of the way so I don't have to do it later.