ok ive played the single gaming im up to level 4 where you fight boss radeon what does it take to kill it ive tryed it all even going over to the edge & jump down too the ledge dug out that VS got in boss raibeon hanging at the top shoot it a few times & renewed my eng jumped to the top shooting at his belly got him looking like he was going to die ran over to get in a new VS while getting a new weapon oh yea hiding in back of the little hill thats got 2 guns on top as you are about to shoot as he goes way out there & comes flying straight at you im thinking the game might have a glich in it it did the same thing when i was fighting the boss gtf_11I t it was tough with that pink bot i went as far as going to the other side were that other VS was the only way i kill him ed that bot was staying ot of a VS and using a gatling gun & staying by the framing on the place & going back in forth throughthe framing it confussed the crap out of her she once got stuck in a side she couldnt get out i poured the fire to her if any one got any good ideas on boos readeon
Yeah...I think you may have to reword that a bit. Maybe take a little more time to make that readable without putting a strain on my brain. Ow....
It's best to just use rockets and machine guns because energy weapons eat up your Thermal Energy and it just sucks even more when you miss. Learn to read the boss' moves. If you know it's going to launch something at you, get out of the way.
Watch that. He basically did what I did. I unloaded whenever the boss was standing still (which is usually when he's about to do an attack) and avoided him when needed. Jumping out of the way before he raids you with bombs is always a good idea. Just keep it up until he turns into ice, where he'll fall, shatter and die. The End. :cool:
ok ive played the single gaming im up to level 4 where you fight boss radeon what does it take to kill it ive tryed it all even going over to the edge & jump down too the ledge dug out that VS got in boss raibeon hanging at the top shoot it a few times & renewed my eng jumped to the top shooting at his belly got him looking like he was going to die ran over to get in a new VS while getting a new weapon oh yea hiding in back of the little hill thats got 2 guns on top as you are about to shoot as he goes way out there & comes flying straight at you im thinking the game might have a glich in it it did the same thing when i was fighting the boss gtf_11I t it was tough with that pink bot i went as far as going to the other side were that other VS was the only way i kill him ed that bot was staying ot of a VS and using a gatling gun & staying by the framing on the place & going back in forth throughthe framing it confussed the crap out of her she once got stuck in a side she couldnt get out i poured the fire to her if any one got any good ideas on boos readeon
Punctuation and Grammar are your friends, do not stray from them my young padawan.
lol pretty funny. i like where is lord umd? hes still loading this room.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window
lol pretty funny. i like where is lord umd? hes still loading this room.
Heh, that's pretty messed up. I lol'd at the RRoD 360s. What's good is that they didn't really seem to make any system or device look good, so as not to look fanboyish. Though, I don't think I saw a Wii in there. :confused:
I like it. Really light and pretty compact. I bought it mostly for taking photos for reference in drawing or animating. But I saw this in the paper for just around $80 and figured I couldn't pass it up. I can also record videos with it, so I might actually post some youtube stuff. Sure it won't be the same as using a gamebridge or something, but at least it's something. Hopefully someday I can get a hook-up like Th3rd3y3s or better sometime in the future to make pointless but entertaining videos and AMVs. :rolleyes:
Heh, that's pretty messed up. I lol'd at the RRoD 360s. What's good is that they didn't really seem to make any system or device look good, so as not to look fanboyish. Though, I don't think I saw a Wii in there. :confused:
well theres no wii because its from a wii site. both those comics bash the 360 and psp tho.
AMD Phenom II 940 PSN=roofsniper Visiontek HD 4870 with T-Rad2 cooler Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe WiFi 4GB OCZ Platinum PC-8500 PC Power and Cooling Silencer 750W NZXT Alpha with open window