Well, I figured that now is as a good a time as ever to get a monitor, the borrowed PS3 is the perfect excuse to replace my 15" inch CRT (though I'll never throw it out, still great image quality). And it has component, so who knows, I'll be able to play a Wii on it down the line ;)
Was going to get it from Newegg but a search on eBay got me an even better deal at the same price with double the warranty and also comes with the speaker bar peripheral that would've costed $50 extra. Now I don't have to worry about a sound solution, though a 2.1 system would've been nice.
Oh, on a side note, why are 360 guys getting excited over the PS3 port of Lost Planet? The Sixaxis analog sticks just can't compete in shooting control and it is the same game again isn't it? I suppose people should at least 1000 the 360 achievements first?
Oh, on a side note, why are 360 guys getting excited over the PS3 port of Lost Planet? Because I'm addicted.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
*busts in the room*
Whats going on in here?!!
Long time no see boys, girls and emo (Lucent) :p
Im prob gonna pick up the PS3 ver of LP as well... on that.. I prob wont be renuing my XBL membership anytime soon.. or at least until it gives me a good enough reason to pay for it again..(like LP2 360 exclusive...yea rite!)
I just cant seem to find time to play much games at all.. and honestly It will prob get less.. Ive been workin 10 hour days, for 10 days straight, and Ill be on it for another 2 weeks... all good tho...and as it starts to warm up ill be back on my car building... gonna be starting a new project this spring :D ...
I posted up on the ANBU site, ill try to check the forums once in a while, and if you guys use msn, add me up (keep_it_trill@hotmail.com)... or on the Playstation network my PSN name is : Fabrikator.
Peace all
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
Oh, on a side note, why are 360 guys getting excited over the PS3 port of Lost Planet? The Sixaxis analog sticks just can't compete in shooting control and it is the same game again isn't it? I suppose people should at least 1000 the 360 achievements first? Getting excited 'cuz I get to whoop on teh n00bz. And it's true that the PS3 controller isn't as good for shooters. It is the same game. And I've had the 1000 achievements for the 360 version for many months now. :rolleyes:
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Im prob gonna pick up the PS3 ver of LP as well... on that... Hey Fab!
Cool beans. It will be like old time with all the pwnzering going on in the PS3 world of LP. :D
prob wont be renuing my XBL membership anytime soon.. or at least until it gives me a good enough reason to pay for it again..(like LP2 360 exclusive...yea rite!) ;) :cool: ;) :)
Oh, btw, you guys getting Rocketmen: Axis of Evil for the XBL? Cuz you should... Or for the PSN, since Fab probably won't renew his subscription just for that probably. :rolleyes:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Oh, btw, you guys getting Rocketmen: Axis of Evil for the XBL? Cuz you should... Or for the PSN, since Fab probably won't renew his subscription just for that probably. :rolleyes: I may actually be jumping on the "no renewal of the gold-membership" band-wagon like Fab is doing. At least until more reasons pop up to have one and M$ gets Live straight again and does some major improvements on their usage agreements. I hate that you have to be online to use content that you paid for already just because your 360 you bought it on died, which is inevitable, and had to get another one. I'm gonna just stick with PSN when I get my PS3.
Oh, speaking of which, I think Gamestop still carries new 60GB PS3s, Fab. Of course, they're the same price as an 80GB and don't come with a game. But full B/C totally makes up for that. So I think I may just suck it up and get one of those. Also, I've been seeing some cheap alternatives to my HDMI problem. I've seen cables online that are HDMI at one end and have a DVI attachement at the other end. They've been going for like $3 and stuff, so I dunno how good they could possibly be. Just been seeing some through amazon.com and pricewatch.com.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
I'm gonna just stick with PSN when I get my PS3. Have you tried PSN online? You can't check or send messages while in a game. Or send friend invites, etc. Even if Live has its problems, I was really surprised at how many of the features I took for granted (and as I should, since it's just a matter of common sense) aren't even possible on PSN. Hopefully a firmware update will fix that but some things like friends list options probably do require some sort of unified structure. As for BC, I'm wondering about that too, specifically whether or not the 80 gb's emulation is any good. Though, anything would be better than the 360's pathetic attempts.
Getting excited 'cuz I get to whoop on teh n00bz. If there are going to be enough people buying it. You'll probably just end up in games with previous 360 owners. :D Still, I don't know about paying another $60 just to be able to dominate new players, wouldn't you rather get a new game?
Because I'm addicted. Hmm...
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Maybe only to multiplayer? :p
Have you tried PSN online? You can't check or send messages while in a game. Or send friend invites, etc. Even if Live has its problems, I was really surprised at how many of the features I took for granted (and as I should, since it's just a matter of common sense) aren't even possible on PSN. Hopefully a firmware update will fix that but some things like friends list options probably do require some sort of unified structure. As for BC, I'm wondering about that too, specifically whether or not the 80 gb's emulation is any good. Though, anything would be better than the 360's pathetic attempts. I haven't tried it yet, but I've read about it. I know they're working on an update to allow the XMB to become more versatile and will probably eventually catch up to LIVE.
And as far as BC goes with the 80GB, it's software emulation. Right now, it's 85% BC with the PS2 and will get better with updates, but the 60GB is almost completely BC with it as it's got actual PS2 hardware inside.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Just teasin' ;)
I just looked up the DMC4 special edition, is the extra disc really going to be another one of those cheap-o PC discs that came with Lost Planet? :mad: I want gamerpics and themes, not PC avatars I can get for free online.
I wanted to get all 1000 points, but I just hate the last mission. Makes me cringe every time I play it. It's a totally different control scheme. So, I think I'm just gonna hit level 99, and enjoy starting all over again on the PS3.
Especially with DMC4 coming out... yea, that'll consume my time. I'm still not sure which system I will get it for though. They both look nice. I may just get it for the PS3 since the others were on it, and it controls probably are better suited to the PS style controller. And I don't own a Capcom game for my PS3 yet, so I think DMC4 will change that. :D
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter