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13 years ago  ::  Oct 21, 2007 - 9:07AM #2051
Posts: 326
13 years ago  ::  Oct 21, 2007 - 3:51PM #2052
Posts: 2,360
lol. Kinda funny because the Medic CAN kill if he wants. I still grin when I think about how I took out that Heavy with my Medic with the needle gun. He just kept trying to rev up that gun but every time I'd just strafe far enough to the side that he'd have to stop and rev it again. :D

But anyway, got all 25 episodes of Gurren Lagann finally. Still waiting on all 50 of Eureka Seven. Gonna have a lot of anime to watch.

Kinda am and kinda not looking forward to November. Naruto and Mass Effect come out for the 360 and the 40GB PS3 comes out like the 2nd day. Not that I'll get the 40GB as soon as it comes out, but I was just saying. I'm in no real hurry until MGS4 comes out. That is, unless, a demo is released. Then I'll have to pick up a PS3 earlier than thought. Probably gonna get DMC4 on the PS3 because it'd be weird playing a DMC game with the 360 controller. I can go a game without the achievements. Besides, Fab says most of the PS3 games sound better, and sound is something that'd be good for DMC4 with it's rock'n tracks. Yes, I'm joining the dark side. You know you want to choke lift someone without physically touching them. :cool:
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Oct 27, 2007 - 8:55PM #2053
Posts: 326
I'm considering getting a new monitor for my 360, and I hear they now come with HDMI as well? Not that I know what that is, but would the PS3 cables then also work with it? Anyone know of any deals or sites that I could look into? Definitely something less expensive than an HDTV, below $400~$500 or so.
12 years ago  ::  Oct 27, 2007 - 9:22PM #2054
Posts: 5
I have recently bought LP forr my PC and my keyboard doesn't work in the game. I have plugged in my PC game controller and it works but the pitchs are messed up and i cant fix it. Can anyone help me with this problem?

12 years ago  ::  Oct 27, 2007 - 9:24PM #2055
Posts: 5
I have recently bought LP forr my PC and my keyboard doesn't work in the game. I have plugged in my PC game controller and it works but the pitchs are messed up and i cant fix it. Can anyone help me with this problem?

12 years ago  ::  Oct 28, 2007 - 2:53PM #2056
Posts: 2,360

neotnn wrote:

I have recently bought LP forr my PC and my keyboard doesn't work in the game. I have plugged in my PC game controller and it works but the pitchs are messed up and i cant fix it. Can anyone help me with this problem?


You're better off asking here:

That is the section for PC Lost Planet players. The section you are on now is where mainly Xbox 360 Lost Planet players talk. It'd be kind of hard for us to understand your problem seeing as how we don't own the PC version. :D

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Oct 28, 2007 - 3:05PM #2057
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

I'm considering getting a new monitor for my 360, and I hear they now come with HDMI as well? Not that I know what that is, but would the PS3 cables then also work with it? Anyone know of any deals or sites that I could look into? Definitely something less expensive than an HDTV, below $400~$500 or so.

Yeah, me and Proto got the same monitor (not on purpose, mind you) for about $300. I'm definantly happy with the improvement over my SDTV. Widescreen, up to 720p, flat; oh yeah, I'm liking it. And like Proto, I'll have to get an HDMI to DVI device to get a PS3 to work on my monitor because it only supports DVI and VGA. Wish it had component so I could play my PS2 and GameCube on it. lol.

I usually go here to find deals on computer parts:

That's the one I have and I think it was confirmed that Proto got the same one. I got it from here: … er%2b226BW

I guess look around and stuff. You seem to be aiming kinda low like I was so it'll be a pain to find what you want cuz you'll always feel like there could be a better deal floating around. That's how I went about it. But I figured, I'd have to pay another $200 or so to get to the 24" so I just went with 22" for 720p.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2007 - 1:40PM #2058
Brian Dunn
Posts: 606
You can get an HDMI-DVI adapter like this: … 1&format=2

But I suggest just getting a DVI-HDMI cable like this: … 1&format=2

Both are under $5.
12 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2007 - 2:18PM #2059
Posts: 2,360

Brian Dunn wrote:

You can get an HDMI-DVI adapter like this: … 1&format=2

But I suggest just getting a DVI-HDMI cable like this: … 1&format=2

Both are under $5.

So that last one can plug into the PS3 itself and then I can plug the DVI part to the back of my monitor? If so, that's great. Thanks for the suggestion. :cool:

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2007 - 6:59PM #2060
Posts: 920

Brian Dunn wrote:

You can get an HDMI-DVI adapter like this: … 1&format=2

But I suggest just getting a DVI-HDMI cable like this: … 1&format=2

Both are under $5.

Both of those solutions are for HDMI to DVI.

yea Hulot they will both work.. if your monitor has a DVI... if it has an HDMI input. the ps3, uses HDMI already... as well as the 360 Elite.

PSN : Fabrikator

Currently Playing:

PS3 - MGS4
PSP - MGS Peacewalker
Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
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