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Lost Planet

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Locked: OPEN THREAD - Random Discussions
12 years ago  ::  Nov 02, 2007 - 10:04PM #2061
Posts: 326
Warning, half-life spoilers, still worth a watch :p
12 years ago  ::  Nov 02, 2007 - 10:11PM #2062
Posts: 4,873

hulot wrote:
Warning, half-life spoilers, still worth a watch :p

Hahaha nice! :cool:

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
12 years ago  ::  Nov 03, 2007 - 3:20AM #2063
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:
Warning, half-life spoilers, still worth a watch :p

lol! I wasn't even watching it with sound and I found it funny. I'll watch it with the sound tomorrow or something.

Hopefully I can catch Fab on the messenger tomorrow (or technically today) to help me with my PSP. Got a used one off of ebay and it looks brand new. Only thing that was wrong was the LCD screen had been cracked and broken. So I just took my brother's extra disfunctional PSP apart and took the LCD out and put it in my PSP. That actually wasn't very fun because though I've seen people do it in 10 minutes or less on YouTube, it took me a couple of hours to do it right, mainly because I didn't check my progress first and stuck the LCD screen back in the clasps and couldn't get it back out after realising I hadn't put the strip that actually transfers the image to the screen all the way in and only the backlight was working. I finally managed to get that out and just made sure to get both strips in nice and snug. Checked my results before putting the screen back in and was successful. Put the screen back in the clasps, put the faceplate back over it, stuck the screws back in, and was ready to go. Practically prestine. No scratches or scuffs. Even the LCD screen I got out of my bro's PSP is super clean and no dead pixels that are noticeable. I just noticed I can't get it to read UMDs, though. Something's wrong. I should be able to do something with it, though. ;)

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Nov 19, 2007 - 6:01AM #2064
Grey Fox
Posts: 7,474
Hey, a secret thread! Seems alot more relaxed here than in other parts. :cool:

Lucent85 wrote:

That's the one I have and I think it was confirmed that Proto got the same one. I got it from here: … er%2b226BW

I have a Samsung monitor very similar to that, 22inch. It's very good, and Samsung are pretty good in my experience. I don't think I got a single pixel warranty though, so we'll see. I've witness two flat screen monitors futz up horribly, sounded like they were cooking fatty sausages inside them.


Everyone, thank you for the memories. If you're not on my friends lists, find me. Agent Tower/Piltdown. Take care and have a great life.

12 years ago  ::  Nov 22, 2007 - 11:53PM #2065
Posts: 4,873

Grey Fox wrote:

Hey, a secret thread! Seems alot more relaxed here than in other parts. :cool:

Yea, I made this thread a long time ago. It's always been a bit more relaxed here. There was a daily group that visited here, my Lost Planet clan mates. Unfortunately, interest slowly died out in this game as other online multiplayer games emerged. I am the only member of that clan that still plays Lost Planet everyday, or at all for that matter.

Despite that, I had a lot of great memories when that game was in it's prime.

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
12 years ago  ::  Dec 01, 2007 - 2:58AM #2066
Posts: 2,360

The Nubbin wrote:

Yea, I made this thread a long time ago. It's always been a bit more relaxed here. There was a daily group that visited here, my Lost Planet clan mates. Unfortunately, interest slowly died out in this game as other online multiplayer games emerged. I am the only member of that clan that still plays Lost Planet everyday, or at all for that matter.

Despite that, I had a lot of great memories when that game was in it's prime.

That's cuz you haven't gotten any other LIVE-enabled games like Call of Duty 4, Snow. lol. But, I guess if you don't like it, I can understand. I tried getting into Team Fortress 2 when the clan was playing that, but I just didn't feel it. Call of Duty 4, however, can be a lot of fun. Sure there are no vehicles (or Hardballers) to speak of, but it's kinda fun regardless. I especially like free-for-all and just going all out to run up on people and knife them. Seems I mostly like to kill in that game more than doing objective-based stuff. I don't really play Halo 3 all that much, especially now that I play Call of Duty 4 as my main online game. I may play some Lost Planet with you if I ever catch you on, for the sake of playing it since it's in library and staying in touch with as many clan-members as possible. Just cuz you're not with our current game doesn't mean we forgot you (at least I don't). Though, I hardly ever hear anybody mention you when I'm playing with them. Guess I always keep you in mind cuz you and me did some mad gaming in Lost Planet for a long time one day after another. And, you're a big Capcom fan, like me.

Anyway, I'll STFU about all that. Zmilla (yes, he's still on my list cuz I never had a reason to throw him off) sent me a message saying there was an announcement that there will be a DMC4 demo up on the marketplace sometime before the end of the year. I'm hyped! It'll help me confirm whether I should reserve the PS3 or 360 version (because the PS3 controller is the same as the PS2 mostly so I only need to try the 360 demo). I'll definantly get the collector's edition seeing as how Capcom is really good with their stuff and Devil May Cry is one of my favorite Capcom franchises ever. I hope the demo comes out soon. At least I know it has to be this month.

And, lastly, I'm still waiting for Best Buy to get some Xbox 360 Elites. They let me get a new Premium in exchange for my old one and keep the hard drive. They said as long as I return it in 30 days I can exchange it for an Elite when they get one. I called on both tuesday and thursday (days they usually get shipments) and they said they didn't have any. If they don't get any in soon, I'm gonna go in the store and see if they're lying, just aren't looking, or really are out. If I can't get one, I'll exchange it for a Halo Edition if they have one so I can have a system that has the $399.99 credit and take it to Wal-Mart and get store credit so at least I know I can get an Elite whenever it's available without having to worry about a time limit. I figure, I really could use the Elite cuz the 20 (try 13)GB just isn't working for me. I like to download lots of stuff and leave it there for awhile.

P.S. To Capcom: Working at Pizza Hut sucks. Give me some tips on what I could do to work with you guys. I know you make more than $6.50 an hour. Do not lie. lol j/k. I'm just messing with you.

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
12 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2008 - 9:51AM #2067
Posts: 326
Question: is this worth it? … 6824113011

I'm also looking at a benq 22".
12 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2008 - 11:32AM #2068
Posts: 119
Hulot, why aren't you on CoD4 with me?
12 years ago  ::  Jan 09, 2008 - 1:19PM #2069
Posts: 326
Because I'm on a friend's borrowed PS3 with Drake, Folklore, and Heavenly Sword =P (and Lego Star Wars if I do play the 360)

Unfortunately have had to play them on standard def since my CRT only has VGA, that's why I'm asking about monitors.
12 years ago  ::  Jan 10, 2008 - 12:43AM #2070
Posts: 2,360

hulot wrote:

Question: is this worth it? … 6824113011

I'm also looking at a benq 22".

Aww, that's only $50 more and it has HDMI? **** it. lol. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to get an HDMI-DVI converter, using the RCA cables to get audio through my PC speakers like I do with the 360. :cool:

So are you planning on getting a PS3 before long since you're getting a new monitor? Seems kinda silly to break out the cash to play with a temporary system. :confused:

I'll be getting my PS3 either in February or March. Tax return checks will help heal the pain. lol. I say checks, cuz I never got the one I was supposed to last year. :o

360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360)
PSN: Lucent85
YAHOO: Lucent85

Currently Playing:

PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption
PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
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