you now snow a laptop is 6 bills easy but a game is just 60 so......... just saying we need our nubbin on TF2....last night was like a renuion of the clan we were all there playing agame laughing and then cussing at oth1n for his cheatin ways as a spy :D
you now snow a laptop is 6 bills easy but a game is just 60 so......... just saying we need our nubbin on TF2....last night was like a renuion of the clan we were all there playing agame laughing and then cussing at oth1n for his cheatin ways as a spy :D
Truths. I mean, if you don't have a PC at all, then I guess I can see why you're getting a laptop. But if you already had a PC, I'd say get the game first.
Anyway, I need to know your opinions on the game from those of you who have it. How good is it and do you really think you can see yourselves playing it almost like playing Lost Planet? It's been quite awhile since I've played anything with the whole clan. Playing stuff on Halo 3 was cool and all, but there were only a handfull that got on there and I dunno, it didn't have the same feeling for some reason. I think Halo is just so average in a way that it doesn't have the "this is a game that you should be playing with your clan" feel like LP did. I can already see some BS stand-bying and stuff going on.
Kinda funny cuz Oth1n has been mostly on Shadowrun since our clan matches started dying down in LP and Chaser has finally stopped with the GS boosting (mwhahaha) and was on R6V a lot. I've been trying to max out achievements on my own games and playing a lot of solo type stuff. So yeah, it'd be cool to get back in a game that the clan plays regularly. And I lol'd when I saw the "With friends like these..." achievement. With a clan, that's no problem.
One more thing, it's cool to see you and Snow got to become mods. I dunno how many of you got that message from Lost, but I've been private messaging him (well, only once after the initial reply so as not to nag him) and he hasn't replied yet. I'd like to at least get a reply saying something along the lines like, "Thanks for replying and showing your interest in becoming a mod for the Capcom forums, but we already have all the help we need", or something. Nothing against him of course, he may be busy. I'd just like a reply, y'know?
TF2 is definatly fun, although there are only 6maps, and each map has its own fixed gametype. the matches are quite fun, especially the last game type, where you have to dominate all sections. Im sure they will come out with download content with new levels as they have with the original TFC. .. so for that alone I think its worth it...
ADD the fact that you get 4 more games included... $60 is an EASY buy compared to most other games out rite now.
the fact that almost everyone in the clan has it is good incentive too.. ;) if nothing else then just to have fun.
EDIT:.. Lost planet prob still has more depth in individual gameplay just due to the mechanics of it (Mechs, grappling hooks etc).. But TF2 definatly beats the hell out of it for Team Stratagy since its a class based system, and the gametypes..
TF2 is definatly fun, although there are only 6maps, and each map has its own fixed gametype. although the matches are quite fun, especially the last game type, where you have to dominate all sections. Im sure they will come out with download content with new levels as they have with the original TFC. .. so for that alone I think its worth it...
ADD the fact that you get 4 more games included... $60 is an EASY buy compared to most other games out rite now.
the fact that almost everyone in the clan has it is good incentive too.. ;) if nothing else then just to have fun.
Yeah, that is. It's not like I need a new online-based game to keep my interests. I still have a lot of things to do in the games I already own. And a lot of the games I'm looking forward to are all single player. Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry 4. Metal Gear Solid 4, and so on. Also, around christmas, I may have the money to join the dark side with Fab. Instead of spending $599.99 to get a 80GB PS3, I can get a 40GB PS3 and an ice silver PSP for the same price. lol. Then I'll have Fab help me exploit all the fun ways to mess with the two. MWHAHAHAHA!
And I may get a Wii when they get more than Super Smash Bros. to interest me.
Yeah, that is. It's not like I need a new online-based game to keep my interests. I still have a lot of things to do in the games I already own. And a lot of the games I'm looking forward to are all single player. Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry 4. Metal Gear Solid 4, and so on. Also, around christmas, I may have the money to join the dark side with Fab. Instead of spending $599.99 to get a 80GB PS3, I can get a 40GB PS3 and an ice silver PSP for the same price. lol. Then I'll have Fab help me exploit all the fun ways to mess with the two. MWHAHAHAHA!
And I may get a Wii when they get more than Super Smash Bros. to interest me.
How about Monster Hunter 3, or Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, or Zack and Wiki? All promising Capcom titles.
Or how about Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, or The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, or Mario Kart: Wii?
The Wii is definitely worth owning as a gamer. At least in my opinion.
I haven't played a Monster Hunter game before, so I dunno if it's worth worrying about.
As big a fan as I am of Resident Evil, it's no reason to rush out and get a Wii. Just seems too much on rails. It'll be finished day 1. I was looking forward to it, but I can't deny the fact that it may just be a House of the Dead-inspired game that will be over all too quickly. It'll be good for you, though as it'll cover the story from beginning to the end of the Umbrella corporation. I'm more looking forward to Resident Evil 5. I basically have all the Resident Evils already.
Zack and Wiki does look interesting, but again, not something I know much about at the moment. I doubt they're as awesome as Jak and Daxter.
I'm not big into the Metroid games and have only played Super Metroid. There've been so many other games to play that I never had time to give those games a chance.
I already have Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the cube and feel no reason to buy it again for the sake of a different control scheme. I hope they make more Zelda games, though. I have the disc on the cube that contains the first two zelda games on the NES and the two on the N64. I also have Wind Waker on the Cube. Link's Awakening on emulation from the SNES.
Mario Kart is a good game, but unless it has online play AND voice communication, I'm thinking I wouldn't play it much.
Having said all that, I'm more interested in the PS3 as I know for a fact that it'll be bombarded with a huge line of RPGs as the PS2 did. Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII are too good to pass up. And the PSP would make it an awesome combo. Hearing all the fun things you can do with the two from Fab through our chats convinces me that they'd be the next two toys I should own. But that doesn't mean I won't get a Wii eventually, it just won't be soon. That is, unless I nab a job that pays a lot more than I get now.