hulot i think to remeber that everytime i met you in a game i always seemed to be the one that could use some learnin as you walk away and i die? :D
Hi, I just got this game so I'm new to this whole thing. Can someone be my mentor and teach me the ways of taking down names and kicking *** in Lost Planet? Very funny... haha :rolleyes:
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
4 more days till O BOX !..... 3 for Hulot :p
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D ..................................... boo Halo
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
are you serious?... It played like a sloppy wet piece of ... meat!. Average at best.. The controls need alot of work.
How can you wanna pass on Orange box (prob the best value ever with 5 games for 1) ?!?... and think Time **** was good?..
Ur Crazy man.. ur crazy !.. :p
jk.. but really tho.. i thought it sucked..................and ur slightly crazy. Yea yea... I'm not gonna buy Time Shift. I just thought the demo was cool. Orange Box, here I come. Why? Because my clan will cease to love me if I don't buy you, oh Orange Boxy-ness... *sniffle*
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Yea yea... I'm not gonna buy Time Shift. I just thought the demo was cool. Orange Box, here I come. Why? Because my clan will cease to love me if I don't buy you, oh Orange Boxy-ness... *sniffle* Im glad you came to your senses.. I was thinking i mightve had to use the Jedi mind trick on you (... Timeshift is not the game you are seeking..) :p
.. btw.. even, for some reason unknown to man, or god himself... that you wouldnt get Orangebox. we wouldnt stop luvin you....
...........we just might luv you a little less. :p :D ;) jk
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
Halo 3 is kind of boring now, I need something new! Want to play Eternal Sonata or Blue Dragon (in a grind-fest sort of mood, otherwise Odin Sphere or Persona 3 if my PS2 were still with us, may god rest its little black soul) if eBay would be kind to me. Anyways, I just called in, Orange Box on Monday, hopefully. That would be in 2 days, not 3 :p
Have you checked out Gurren Lagann, Fab?
Halo 3 is kind of boring now, I need something new! Want to play Eternal Sonata or Blue Dragon (in a grind-fest sort of mood, otherwise Odin Sphere or Persona 3 if my PS2 were still with us, may god rest its little black soul) if eBay would be kind to me. Anyways, I just called in, Orange Box on Monday, hopefully. That would be in 2 days, not 3 :p
Have you checked out Gurren Lagann, Fab? **** you and your early pick up!... yea im on ep 5 of Gurren Lagann.. im liking it so far!. i didnt know it was mecha anime, I love Mecha stuff, but I havnt seen a good one in quite a while.. the humor in the show is great, its just up my alley.... prob cuz im Ero, and I enjoy big boobs.. even much more when girl girl is carrying a massive sniper rifle. :p
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur
Meet the Demoman. Best one yet. "I'm a black scottish cyclops!" :D
This game has so much character it's not funny.
BTW, hulot. Going for that Gurren Lagann or whatever it's called. Also gonna be getting Eureka 7 since I've wanted to see that to the end. Still need to see the other half of Lucky Star, though. :p
And looks like I'll be starting my 7 day achievement adventure again on sunday. round two. I have a good idea this time. I went through some guides and someone mentioned that wireless controllers turn off automatically after 15 minutes and that it takes about 20 minutes after refilling your health to max to drain completely. So if you get to a safe spot and the only time you touch the controller is to max out your life, the controller will automatically turn off before you can even die. So if I accidentally forget to feed him because I start talking to Fab again during the final stretch (or any other time) I'll be safe from dying unexpectedly from starvation.
360: Lucent85 (currently w/o a 360) PSN: Lucent85 MSN: lucent85@hotmail.com YAHOO: Lucent85
Currently Playing:
PS3: Final Fantasy XIII and Red Dead Redemption PS2: God Hand, Okami, Persona 4
Arrgh! **** Canada and our delays!.. prob no-obox till tomorrow for me :(
Currently Playing:
PS3 - MGS4 PSP - MGS Peacewalker Xbox360 - RRoD, Banned, & Dont cuuuur