If i do a melee attack with a tencale how much damage point do i get, anyone? It is difficult enough to target and kill an opponent let alone getting a 100,000 damage points, CAPCOM this is insane!!
Anyone need help with any noms? I can say that I only need: Supreme Ruler The General Comeback Kid Planetary Platoon Fabulous Force Destroyer of All Devourer of All Grounded Pilot (idk if this is to be done multiplayer or in campain) Tencale master and Brocakti Master infact most of the vs masters. Anyone have any tips for any of these noms or wanna help a fellow lp community memeber out? I'll deffenetly return the favor. C:
If anyone on Xbox wants to do coop noms and good job awards, my gamertag is "Dr Pan Man". I've created a session on True Achievements to try to get the good job awards which require more players, such as the 8 player emote and 5 player support good job awards.
If anyone needs help on the ps3 side add me and ask. I'd love to help get a group thing going for anyone who needs 8 player taunt or 5 V device, Points and Regen. Or help with anything else. leme know.
I could use a couple of noms... And I got ps3... But unfortunately I have little time and a crap internet connection :(
im just kinda getting back into lost planet 2 and i need a few of the last trophies which include the noms de gurre and good job awards so if anyone needs help or wants to help let me know
If ur looking for a platinum...
Well, Number 1 pretty much prevents that.
Don't know if anyone will see this but I'll give it a shot. Have been playing a lot of LP2 lately. I have basically given up all hope in getting the Noms de Guerre trophies. But I'm trying to get all the Good Job Awards. I only have some multiplayer and Team VS ones left. I would really appreciate the help and would of course in return help with the GJ/Noms you need ^^ . I have LP2 on PS3 and my PSN is the same as my forum name :) .
 I'm dyslexic. So my spelling is kind of crazy sometimes.
I would add you and help you, but I got so many unplayed games to play first before I go back to lp2.
Eeey yo, So here's the deal. Depending how much you actually like this game. How dedicated, patient, and severely board. (Putting aside how tired hungry and entirely useless I am.) I managed to one-hundred percent and plat LP2 today. And just look how long it took. /; Now take into account I was going for it for about two months before I even started posting here. So you see you really have to take a deep look into the gauls of yourself and question whether you have the time and dedication. I'll tell you the number one nom IS possible and WILL TAKE AT THE LEAST A MONTH. It's all about learning the mechanics of the game. It's easier to understand if you understand frame data. (Like in fighters Guilty Gear, and Street fighter an such.) Everything else comes only with time and friends. ANYWAYS I'll always have a open schedule for LP2. Aswell for the People who need help, and for matches. I seriously LOVE the lost planet series and will never stop playing. So drop me a line if anyone needs help. I might sometime make a how to number one vid but it will get dated and that's when you all will have to get creative. ;D tl;dr - Add or Msg me if you need help. PSN - Clouth. (I'll help as much as I can, and then we split ways. Gotta keep room for ppl in friends list. So don't think anything of it.)