hi guys was wondering if anyone needs to do the co-op GJ awards i basically need them all so if anyone needs them too would be better to do it together xbox gamertag : The Josh Lord add me
Ok. I am gonna add everyone. I am Brunauld, see my gamertag, you can see it here too. I need the akrid 7 kill, and the leader 5 kills. We could do a private session or something and kill to each other to get this good jobs. Also, I need other 3 to get inside the Gordiant. I will help with whatever good job you need. Just ask.
Alright Friend requests will be sent out as soon as I finish up with some work related issues.
Currnetly working on: 5 Regen Grenade, 8 Player Cheer, 5 Point 5 Kill Streak (Elimination), Host 100 Player Matches/ Guest 100 Player Matches, Sheild Support weapons with 2 Gun Swords, Injection Gun Support weapon with 2 T Eng weapons, Lose 10 Elimination Matches (my guess is they have to be consectutively), 30 Match Win Streak, Faze Master, Evax MasterCakti Master, X Seed Rookie/Master, Osprey Master, Baylid master, Fastrey Master, Dongo Master, Neegal Rookie/Master, Tencale 8 Rookie/Master, Faction Match names for almost all the current factions. Give or take a few others such as the 1 and top 10 ranking titles and the training titles these are the ones I would like to try and acomplish wiht others. If anyone wishes to know how to ge the other GJ's or Noms de Guerre, www.capcom-unity.com/lost_planet/go/thre... This link should be able to point any missing GJ's or Noms. Also I am all for helping out others to get some of these Noms taken careful. Good Arid Hunting!
Maur and muriff cz had helped a lot guys, really weird to see gamers that really help you to get your achievements. Thanks to them I just need a few good jobs. The vs co-op good job, the 4 gordiant, 8 taunt players, and that's it, so near to the victory baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maur IV, Brunald, and Myself are looking for around 5 other players to do the 8 player taunt, and also the V-Device, or Regen Grenades if that has not been obtained yet. However, Maur will not be online for the next two weeks. after those two weeks I may be in school. I should be online around 4 or 5 PM Pacific times after that. That is all on our update. ^-^ Note: And please, be smart, send me a message explaining your random friend invite, and give me some time to respond. 2nd ^-^
My profile picture hates me on the forums, but loves me on my page... XBL Tag: Muffinatur CZP (Duh)
Are there any Noms or Good Job awards that don't count towards the achievements? Such as having game saves from other games and whatnot.
Are there any Noms or Good Job awards that don't count towards the achievements? Such as having game saves from other games and whatnot.
According to my Friend, lazy teen instincts, and common sense; The entire Special section (not just sub-section) is NOT required for Achievement/Trophy. Glad someone asked this otherwise I probably would've forgotten to mention it.
My profile picture hates me on the forums, but loves me on my page... XBL Tag: Muffinatur CZP (Duh)
Would anybody like to do Planetary Platoon and Fabulous Force Nom De Geurre's? I'm struggling trying to get w/ random ppl.. If anyone else wants to do them we can just switch off by an TNG Charger some night. Only need 3. PM me PSN: Screaming-Rejekt