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Sticky: GJ Awards and Noms de Guerre Hunting!
10 years ago  ::  Jul 19, 2010 - 2:26AM #11
Posts: 2

Jul 8, 2010 -- 6:26PM, Muffinatur CZP wrote:

On Episode 2, Chapter 2, Area 2, you're sent into a small security room overlooking the railway gun. Moving foward you get a target GJ for "Eliminated all Enemies". After carefully clearing out each room and triple-checking to make sure they were all dead, I finished the Area and got no GJ.

So I did what any sensible gamer would do, Googled it. And sure enough, someone claimed you needed 42 kills in that area to get the GJ, but only spawning around 30 enemies became an issue. The gamer also claimed that if the player were to pick off 4 enemies at a time, and run back to the initial spawn room, the GJ award would become simply, possible. But I attempted this several times and each one failed to yeild success.

Well, i did this chapter 8 times, each one with 42 kills, and yet nothing.... and i didn found anything about fixing this crap. im already sick of that place...

Anyway i have found this tip if anyone want to know, sadly i still didn get this one.


´´Wait at the top of every stairwell, don't proceed until it's been clear  for a good 15-20 seconds. Be warned though, enemies will spawn  behind/above you on the stairs, just keep an eye on the radar. When you  finally work through to the final room, the one with the breakable door,  jump down the ladder to the lowest area (after clearing the room of  course). Again, enemies will spawn behind you (even closer than before)  so watch out!

You should get 40-43 kills total for this area. If  you can stay alive and get the 40 kill streak GJ before leaving the  area, you should be all set!``




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10 years ago  ::  Jul 19, 2010 - 4:00AM #12
Posts: 6

I farmed this level a dozen times no joy it wa spissing me off!


Then, I was boosting a friend through on Easy so he could complete the game to use a custom ksin, then play through with me on a more chalenging difficulty once he was used to the controls and we got it.


Basically after every small group we killed we kept running back to the start before proceeding any further. I hope this helps and yes, it is a *****!

Moderated by Deaco on Jul 19, 2010 - 09:55AM
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10 years ago  ::  Jul 19, 2010 - 12:34PM #13
Muffinatur CZP
Posts: 29

Jul 19, 2010 -- 2:26AM, Rafael wrote:

Jul 8, 2010 -- 6:26PM, Muffinatur CZP wrote:

On Episode 2, Chapter 2, Area 2, you're sent into a small security room overlooking the railway gun. Moving foward you get a target GJ for "Eliminated all Enemies". After carefully clearing out each room and triple-checking to make sure they were all dead, I finished the Area and got no GJ.

So I did what any sensible gamer would do, Googled it. And sure enough, someone claimed you needed 42 kills in that area to get the GJ, but only spawning around 30 enemies became an issue. The gamer also claimed that if the player were to pick off 4 enemies at a time, and run back to the initial spawn room, the GJ award would become simply, possible. But I attempted this several times and each one failed to yeild success.

Well, i did this chapter 8 times, each one with 42 kills, and yet nothing.... and i didn found anything about fixing this crap. im already sick of that place...

Anyway i have found this tip if anyone want to know, sadly i still didn get this one.


´´Wait at the top of every stairwell, don't proceed until it's been clear for a good 15-20 seconds. Be warned though, enemies will spawn behind/above you on the stairs, just keep an eye on the radar. When you finally work through to the final room, the one with the breakable door, jump down the ladder to the lowest area (after clearing the room of course). Again, enemies will spawn behind you (even closer than before) so watch out!

You should get 40-43 kills total for this area. If you can stay alive and get the 40 kill streak GJ before leaving the area, you should be all set!``




I'll try that other tip out and post if it works.

EDIT: I Kinda walked around aimlessly and killed about 40 people including the ones that WALKED out of the orange door room, so when I entered and killed those people, I counted 42 kills and got the GJ. It gives it to you before finishing the room, so if you don't get it, maybe just walk around and find some more people to kill...

This is just a theory, but maybe the enemies are committing suicide? (Seriously)

My profile picture hates me on the forums, but loves me on my page...
XBL Tag: Muffinatur CZP (Duh)
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10 years ago  ::  Jul 20, 2010 - 10:42PM #14
Posts: 2

I did look around(alot), and there is no more respanws after 42 kills so i beleave there is total 42 enemies in that place, and yes, they sometimes kill themselves with a grenade hahaha(if i remember correctly, 3 or 4 of them use grenade sometimes). O.o


Anyway one minor detail i forgot is to wait the message of the GJ pop up before you start killing them, anyway i dont remember if it did, but i finally i got it! :D









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10 years ago  ::  Jul 21, 2010 - 7:34PM #15
Posts: 44


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10 years ago  ::  Jul 29, 2010 - 8:38PM #16
Chuchuluco asprenso
Posts: 3

I need help with the noms of guerre, but what I really want, because I know that get all the noms of guerre is almost imposible, I will really apreciate help with the good jobs

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10 years ago  ::  Jul 30, 2010 - 10:21PM #17
Posts: 31

Howdy folks! I'm looking to knock out a few GJ's in PLayer matches along with getting the one Episode GJ that always escapes me.

Episode 1 Chapter 3 Area 3 Getting all four players to infiltrate into the Gourdant.

Aside form that I'm looking to get 5 Coop Kill Streak in Osprey, and while on the side of a VS, 5 Player Regen grenade, 5 point Player 5 kill streak, and I think that about covers it for me.

Also getting enough folks to do a full 8 player team taunt would be nice as well.

I'm on XBL tag is Maur_IV send me a message or post here for best times and dates to try and takel some of these. I'm more than willing to help accomplish GJ's for other players as well.

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10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 2:14PM #18
Muffinatur CZP
Posts: 29

Jul 30, 2010 -- 10:21PM, Moe wrote:

Howdy folks! I'm looking to knock out a few GJ's in PLayer matches along with getting the one Episode GJ that always escapes me.

Episode 1 Chapter 3 Area 3 Getting all four players to infiltrate into the Gourdant.

Aside form that I'm looking to get 5 Coop Kill Streak in Osprey, and while on the side of a VS, 5 Player Regen grenade, 5 point Player 5 kill streak, and I think that about covers it for me.

Also getting enough folks to do a full 8 player team taunt would be nice as well.

I'm on XBL tag is Maur_IV send me a message or post here for best times and dates to try and takel some of these. I'm more than willing to help accomplish GJ's for other players as well.

I just need a 7-kill streak with an AK VS to have all the Battle GJ, and I'm willing to help with anything thing else, it's wut I do ^-^.

My profile picture hates me on the forums, but loves me on my page...
XBL Tag: Muffinatur CZP (Duh)
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10 years ago  ::  Aug 01, 2010 - 12:47PM #19
Posts: 31

Friend invite sent!

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10 years ago  ::  Aug 15, 2010 - 12:57PM #20
Posts: 52

factions matches boosting on ps3 anybody?  I have both map packs.  i just need the titles for those

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