i am having problms getting the GJ award at episode 5 chapter 2 that need to supply the cannon untill it reach lvl 3 shot which requir the rest of the team to help with that (sry for bad english)
Hey. Senior i need it too so i can help you with it. But, i need help with it "Infiltrated: All Players - When instructed to Infiltrate the Cat-G all 4 Players must enter via his mouth (involves all players including AI). " It's an episode 1, chapter 3, mission 3. Edit : PSN : leon_azif Btw. nice topic
Senior i need it too so i can help you with it.
But, i need help with it "Infiltrated: All Players - When instructed to Infiltrate the Cat-G all 4 Players must enter via his mouth (involves all players including AI). " It's an episode 1, chapter 3, mission 3.
Edit : PSN : leon_azif
Btw. nice topic
Well I think I could help you there, but what is your problem with that? Do you need to know how to enter it? because you need to take out I think 2 or 3 legs then it opens it mouth, and then all for of the people need to enter and you get the good job, so its much easier will real players. Or am I just being an idiot to your comment and ur asking for someone to help you? In that case Im sorry there, I got an xbox!
Senior i need it too so i can help you with it.
But, i need help with it "Infiltrated: All Players - When instructed to Infiltrate the Cat-G all 4 Players must enter via his mouth (involves all players including AI). " It's an episode 1, chapter 3, mission 3.
Edit : PSN : leon_azif
Btw. nice topic
Well I think I could help you there, but what is your problem with that? Do you need to know how to enter it? because you need to take out I think 2 or 3 legs then it opens it mouth, and then all for of the people need to enter and you get the good job, so its much easier will real players. Or am I just being an idiot to your comment and ur asking for someone to help you? In that case Im sorry there, I got an xbox!
No no, i know what i need to do, but a problem is there it's easier with real players. Ofc i asking for someone to help me:p my bad, sorry :P
Looking 4 players on the ps3 the are aming 4 the platium on lost planet 2 players needed 3 any one up 2 to it contact me via psn online id AztecReaper dont need to be a pro or hardcore just make sure that if ur in ur in not looking 4 players the only play 4 1hour looking 4 3:30 an up not every day AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHH
Ok then, since someone asked it for the PS3, I might as well ask.
GAMERTAG: GENERALZCD Yea I put it in caps so people would notice.
On Episode 2, Chapter 2, Area 2, you're sent into a small security room overlooking the railway gun. Moving foward you get a target GJ for "Eliminated all Enemies". After carefully clearing out each room and triple-checking to make sure they were all dead, I finished the Area and got no GJ. So I did what any sensible gamer would do, Googled it. And sure enough, someone claimed you needed 42 kills in that area to get the GJ, but only spawning around 30 enemies became an issue. The gamer also claimed that if the player were to pick off 4 enemies at a time, and run back to the initial spawn room, the GJ award would become simply, possible. But I attempted this several times and each one failed to yeild success. I have been reset before this during a patch, and I was able to obtain the GJ before the reset, but not now. I fear that this GJ might've been bugged/glitched/faulty after the recent series of updates and patches, and I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas for this... thingy.
My profile picture hates me on the forums, but loves me on my page... XBL Tag: Muffinatur CZP (Duh)
One of the biggest pains for me at the moment is the 8 team cheer, The others I need are 5 regen grenade support, 5 v-device support (ppl always run off argh) and doing the support weapon move 3x with both gunsword support + shield and injeciton gun + plasma support. ANy help on PlaySTation Netowrk will be appreciated :P
I can help with support weapon noms. I need to finish them myself. Odion13 is my PSN