I know what you mean Alex. I'm us to challenging things but this is a job. I got mine in about 2 weeks worth of work and 3 controllers later. /; Now if anyone can tolerate me feeding in VS annihilation matches whall using the tentacle 8 and various other conditions that the noms call for. I just remember my girlfriend coming in whall I was doing some of them and being like... O...o what are you doing? And me explaining how I need to be zoomed in for 5 straight min. or why I keep going up and down on the same stairs for some odd reason. Needless to say she didn’t quite understand.
Just checking in to see if anything has changed. nothing lol. I gave up on the No.1 last year (afew months back). Never looked back since then. Had a friend who got no.1 with the balloon trick 1 month ago and he even sent me his strategy saying its foolproof. I believe him, but guess what? dont really care lol. The whole ordeal I had to go thru (3+ weeks of training on the same level day after day with no results ,no sleep- got 2nd or 3rd place once but by that time i was emotionally and phyically exhausted by LP2 - while in the meantime other good games were coming out - fair games at least)
I took on Demon Souls (Bandai/FromSoftware) and then Dark Souls at the end of 2011. Thoroughly enjoyed them and altho they were very hard they never ever expected u to compete against the world but prove urself within ur own skills - if that makes any sense at all)
LP2 nom no.1 - id go far as to say it ruined my health for afew months (no sleep or lack of appetite) but its very far behind me and seeing LP2 sitting there on my shelf unfinished (trophy-wise) i just smile and pick up something more "rewarding" ;) Sorry for the rant (guess theres still abit of resentment towards LP2 on my behalf) Sure maybe the no.1 is still achievable by 0.00000001 of a split second - but not worth it by any means.
I used to care about this...
...then I took a shuriken to the knee
"oh man that was a knee slaper......." Old jokes are boring. Been trying to get capcom to atleast answer on the ask capcom forums but so far nothing. I go as far to say they are trying to forget the whole ordeal of lp
Will we ever get that mega man nom de guerre? I've wanted it since the day I saw it D=
Face it, we'll never get any more DLC for this game.
Even what they did give us was pushing it.
Lost planet 3 announced !! Does this give any hope that they may reset leaderboards for lost planet 2!!! I hope so post away people and we may get what we all have been waiting for!! if capcom resets the leaderboards or comes up with some solution for the number 1 nom de guerre for lost planet 2 then I most certainly will buy lost planet 3, but sorry capcom if nothing is done than i will not invest anymore money into the lost planet series even though i truly think its one of the best games out there, but if your not going to listen to the fans about this number 1 nom de guerre problem we are all stuggaling with or provide proper support for your product than there is no way im going to buy the next instalment knowing that your just going to abandon it later on!! hopefully you make us all proud capcom :)!!
My life.
Is complete.
I really wish they would do something to help us out just make one more trial where you have to beat a certain time (obviously make it chalenging) so that we can unlock number one its the only nom im missing and im top 10 on 2 challenge boards I feel i deserve my platinum after all the time and effort I have put into the game as a whole, and the time I have put in alone for number one is rediculous. I want to buy lost planet 3 but i will not put another penny into this lost planet franchise untill this problem is addressed. Really its their loss I was a big fan of this series but will not continue to play if the are not going to listen to the fans or provide propper suport for their product. Keep talking about this if we keep talking about it they may do something but if we give up there truely is no hope....
I've been trying to beat these basic/advance training mode World Records for a while now. I'm really giving up. It's messing up my sleep pattern and causing major headaches. It's 12/25/2013 and Lost Planet 3 has been out for some time now. There has been no luck with the Leaderboards reseting or no evidence of it being "not needed" towards the Platinum. Is this asking for too much? I'm a big fan of Capcom and I've suppported almost every thing you guys have released. I would really appreciate it if there was some kind of an attempt at helping us out with the Number 1 Noms de Guerre. Please reset the Leaderboards. I've managed to get every mission so far at Gold. However the WR are it their limits. I've used forums, videos and advice from friends who has all ready recieved the Num1 some time in 2010.