Warned my friend not to get lost planet 2 if hes planning on platting it becausing the leaderboards are ridiculous and in order to reach plat u have to get to no.1 in the world in the training missions.
Im not badmouthing the game...but whoever is interested in going for 100% can forget about it
If he's new, he could always boost. If he stays out of Ranked Matches and doesn't get his Win/Loss ratio down, he could always hold off until there's a friend he could just do 1v1's, have his friend throw the matches, and get himself a number 1 spot on the leaderboard since he'd have no losses. I normally don't condone that kind of crap (since I can't do it myself... been playing since day one of release, so there's no chance of me being able to do it now unless I wanted to start an entirely new XBL profile), but I also don't condone game companies leaving their fan-base to wither, rot, and die off like Capcom's done with the LP franchise. And I feel you on that, Yuv... I know a few PS3 players who've taken to calling this game: "Lost Platinum 2" ... and for good reason.
keep posting guys if we dont keep talking there is no chance of anything geting done spread the word fill the forums and im sure something will be done!
keep posting guys if we dont keep talking there is no chance of anything geting done spread the word fill the forums and im sure something will be done!
The downside is and a lot of users have messaged me about this also, Unless it is a fighting game nowadays it isn't going to get patched 
which is a shame because despite what its overall sales where but not patching the bugs and stuff like this a lot of newer players opted out of buying it in the end.
It is a shame Zero, but if Capcom doesnt get on board with upkeeping their community/games, they dont deserve to have one... Regardless how much any of us want it. At this point though, ppl really need to accept LP2 is never going to be patched, the leaderboards never going to be reset, and pretty much ignored.
Ive stopped playing LP2. The neglegance of leaderboards,patches ect... just put me off the game. And afew friends decided in not purchasing this title because of the ridiculous achievements.
Been working real hard to try and get NUMBER 1, but after hours and hours of attempts I truely think it is a lost cause. I was able to get the 5th best time on one of the training missions, but thats as far as it goes I think. It is truely sad that half the people now BELOW me on the leaderboard have the number 1 nom, but I guess I am not good enough to get it lol...oh the irony
OMFG!!!! I just got the NUMBER 1 NOM!!!! After months of sheer determination I finally did it by beating the number 1 spot by .007 seconds....wow I am still on everyones side that there should be a monthly leaderboard or some sort of fix, but holy #$%! I cannot believe I finally did it
wow CONGRATS! :) now thats pure dedication. What training mission was it?
Ive given up both on the training AND the game afew months back. Really couldnt be bothered with it anymore. So many amazing and fun games have come out since then. Besides Ive found my new challenge (game-wise) : Demon Souls.
Afew months back I so wanted to get the nom de guerre no.1 that I was up for nights on end...my health was deteriating and my work was not showing any improvement.
Had such an effect on me all round that I just gave the game away and never looked back.
Thanks to Capcom I now know where to draw the line and which games are suitable for me :) (EVERYTHING BUT CAPCOM!)
I completely understand your frustration lol. I got it on training 5-2. I actually developed a slightly new variation of the approach and was able to get the record. Honestly when I broke it, it was one of my worst runs and beat the WR by .007 seconds....it was insanely hard though