Let's put this into perspective:
RE5's Mercenaries leaderboards have impossibly-glitched top scores. Capcom has been "working on it" since...well, it's been years. They aren't fixed yet.
Snow's put in another request to do something about it this year. There won't be anything done about this for a while.Or to quote the Waysiders: "Man, that's a long-ass time..." if anything is done at all.
This game's community is dwindling, there's not a whole lot of players on either console or PC, and the fact XBL Marketplace is selling it for $19.99 while most retail vendors are carrying similar if not lower prices would indicate that this is a bargain-bin title. In terms of quality, not by a longshot, but in terms of monetary gain Capcom stands to benefit from.
Getting people to code takes money to pay the programmers for them to make the patch. Even if it is a simple fix like a monthly reset a la LP:C ... so they're not going to do anything for this game. The game's sales were abysmal when it was first released, underselling far below what they had anticipated.The fact that Keiji Inafune has left the company didn't help matters at all, as he was one of the top-tier employees for the company and also one of LP's strongest advocates.
Aside from Snow, Capcom does not care about LP2's community. We've essentially been left to rot while they focus on titles they know for sure will make them money instead of taking any more risks on this franchise. A damn shame, really.