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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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9 years ago  ::  Jun 13, 2011 - 1:51AM #261
Posts: 16

I signed into this site because of this thread.

I have been in the training missions (especially advanced 5-1) and it is practically impossible to break 47 seconds.

That time is the min time and theres no way of passing it.


Why is this issue still being discussed??

I see this thread started a year ago and nothing has been done.

To tell you the truth my hopes are 0 for this reseting :(

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9 years ago  ::  Jun 19, 2011 - 12:45PM #262
Posts: 24

This issue is still being discussed (I think) because people still have some hope (I don't understand why).  I think the hope stems from the fact that no one can seem to put a finger on why capcom has had no response to this issue and seems to not care about the lp2 fans.


This is also the reason I have not purchased any capcom material since LP2 just because their lack of fan support (what I call customer "service) is truely rediculous.

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9 years ago  ::  Jun 19, 2011 - 2:37PM #263
Posts: 15


All that we can do is keep talking about it spreading the word rallying as many people to the cause as possible and hope that capcom comes to reason that customer service is really the most important part of retail. So many people I have spoken with feel the same way about this situation and it truly is losing them profit not only on this game but people are not buying any other capcom product because they are scared that similar problems might arise in their other titles and will be unaddressed by the producer.

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9 years ago  ::  Jun 19, 2011 - 5:47PM #264
Posts: 24

If you don't think enough has been said already...scroll through the 27 pages on this thread alone....the countless other posts on other forums and websites...the conversations between people not on forums....


I'm pretty sure they aren't going to do anything and I'm sure they lost my business....I still play LP2 and if ever there is an update then they can win me back. 


They just make excuses (it didnt sell well enough, not enough players, not enough money, the dev team is too spread out...blah blah blah is all I hear)

I agree with you that they are being pretty stupid by not doing (or even addressing the fans) anything about this issue because I have also heard multiple people say they will not buy capcom b/c of the lack of support for smaller titles.

However, in regards to my statement above, it does not matter because capcom makes plenty of money and that is why they truely do not care.


This first post on this thread was may 19, 2010 (OVER A YEAR AGO)....and this thread still remains on the top or near the top of the forum

NOW A YEAR for this thread alone means CAPCOM WILL DO NOTHING (please prove me wrong)

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9 years ago  ::  Jun 20, 2011 - 2:33AM #265
Posts: 16

Can anyone out there with CapCom connections reach some form of CapCom chairman\boss ,something...

Have they definately given a negative response to all of this "Reset Leaderboard" request?

Why does every other game (Killzone2) ,even Lost Planet 1 (as ive been noted) has their leaderboard reset numerous times (monthly ect..).

Is it so hard to place a trigger on their database leaderboards for a reset every month?

The top number1 players dont even play this game anymore...why would they care for a reset or not?

Why do companies (i.e. Guerrella Gaming for example) listen to every request issued by their fans and CapCom (who have been around for years now) dont give a ****?

If they were desperate for customers (getting in new ppl to get LP2) they would have done something bout the leaderboards already...but seeing as theyr sitting so high up there in the gaming bussiness no-one's going to take a second glance at this request

Ive been "glitching" the training just so that I can reach some respectable position on the leaderboard.

This is ridiculous and practically (pardon my language) but **** to adjust  some form of reset to the leaderboards...its not like we'r asking them to overdo a graphical adjustment to the game


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9 years ago  ::  Jun 20, 2011 - 9:08AM #266
Posts: 24

Yes YUV, the simplicity of the solution is truely amazing.


I said it almost a year ago....add a monthly leaderboard = done

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9 years ago  ::  Jul 03, 2011 - 6:12PM #267
Posts: 15


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9 years ago  ::  Jul 09, 2011 - 9:54AM #268
Posts: 15


So does anyone have any updates or know of any progress with this situation??? I would love to see some kind of fix. I would love to be able to complete this game but at the moment it is pretty much impossible with all the cheating that has polluted the leader boards

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9 years ago  ::  Jul 09, 2011 - 7:21PM #269
Posts: 93

Jul 9, 2011 -- 9:54AM, Tazwaz wrote:


So does anyone have any updates or know of any progress with this situation??? I would love to see some kind of fix. I would love to be able to complete this game but at the moment it is pretty much impossible with all the cheating that has polluted the leader boards

I'm going to guess they will not fix it at all. Instead of a reset I think they would be better off having them unlock when you put the game in. Its pretty dead so why not? If you think this is bad don't buy Chromehounds, there is no longer an online mode at all in that one and they did nothing for the achievements.

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9 years ago  ::  Jul 10, 2011 - 9:01AM #270
Posts: 16

yeah ur right

they wont do anything about it.

Their a big corporation and have no need to listen to the little fans.

At least the 12 ppl who got this game in the first week and got their plats today - congrats to them.


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