You guys are being to complicated....
All they have to do is add a monthly or weekly leaderboard...extremely simple...problem solved...others dont get their records swiped so they wont complain and everyone else is able to get the 100%....its soooo simple that it should be known that if they havent done anything by now...they wont
Sorry I have to LOL at this comment, the Inner workings of the Game and the company's that need to validate and approve the suggestions and patches are far more complicated then you can even Imagen
Oh cmon it is nowhere near simple to put a weekly or monthly leaderboards in. You have to run tests on the current and future(if there is a future) ranking system, code realigning, getting it into the servers, sending out updates through PS3 network(Sony), also through the microsoft network for xbox or whatever it is, getting permission to do so, and a lot more etc. So don't think its just as easy as pie, it takes work, time and oh not to mention money. Anyway, I'd rather not continue as I don't wanna get kicked or get this LP2 thread closed by me arguing, but please think first before you assume whats easy and whats not. P.S.- the page obviously didn't update so I didn't see BTHR's comment until after I posted my reply, I think he summed it up quite nicely of what I was trying to get at.
I was referring to the simplicity of the SOLUTION........not the actual implementation Plus I have had contact with a few capcom admins and the reason is b/c capcom lost money on lost planet 2 and they are having a hard time validating a reason to spend more money on it. Patches cost money for the reason both of you stated above ^....but capcom nor the devs of LP2 have made any effort to actually start working on any SOLUTION b/c the devs of LP2 are spread out now and capcom doesnt want to put any more money into LP2 (the IMPLEMENTATION) considering how much they lost of its production so I have to LOL at your comment
I was referring to the simplicity of the SOLUTION........not the actual implementation
Plus I have had contact with a few capcom admins and the reason is b/c capcom lost money on lost planet 2 and they are having a hard time validating a reason to spend more money on it. Patches cost money for the reason both of you stated above ^....but capcom nor the devs of LP2 have made any effort to actually start working on any SOLUTION b/c the devs of LP2 are spread out now and capcom doesnt want to put any more money into LP2 (the IMPLEMENTATION) considering how much they lost of its production
so I have to LOL at your comment
At Talk to Dev's, Staff, Admins, and Mods daily, we have a dedicated chat for it.
There is far more to the situation then you are aware of, and a Fix has been written up and has been submitted and is waiting for the yes to continue. So as for your "Admin Friends" it seems they are very behind or do not exist
It was snow....but I'm glad to hear this This was the message....we had about 2 or 3 others back and forth...this was the last one While I understand your points, an update will not generate the amount of revenue needed to justify the cost of creating it. Lost Planet 2 is approaching a year now since release. No amount of fixes will spark new interest in the game. At least not without serious marketing investments. Sorry to be so blunt, but it's the truth. Best, Snow
Why must you point out the negative? You don't know if a patch will come through or not, and you got your words from these admins that its not likely to happen eh Alex, and that Lost Planet 2 was a damn failure? Yeah right, say that to all the gamers. If the permission to get a patch going is let through, I say great, if not, oh well(fingers crossed for patch personally). Sit patiently, and wait for the conclusion of the Snow's message sent out and hope for the best. Does patience mean anything anymore to anyone?
Ben, i love your enthusiasm... I really do, not kidding. We all had it, but we lost it. CAPCOM doesn`t care about this game. Face the truth.
Hmm, probably right, else capcom would have done something by now. Well, I might as well do what can be done to finish the game to the fullest(achievement and trophywise), just so that its done to the fullest.
Ben, i love your enthusiasm... I really do, not kidding. We all had it, but we lost it. CAPCOM doesn`t care about this game. Face the truth.
thank you....and im not trying to point out the negative...im trying let everyone know the truth...and the truth is...if capcom can't make money off it...they dont want anything to do with it....sad really when other big name industries are updating and keeping track of their "less performing" titles just to please their fans because they have plenty of other titles bringing in loads of money....just like...hey wait a minute...CAPCOM, except for the fact that capcom has no intrest in fan loyalty by completely neglecting games that don't "sell well"
seems to me that there is no positive reason to not address the LP2 fans outcry of fixing its many problems (other than money), while other companies are learning to back up the games they sell...i mean ****...i even got an update for halo wars just a month ago...its been out for a couple years and the online population was at about 2k to 3k a night maybe...but hey maybe im just speculating
Anybody heard about game Hydrophobia ? It was big fail. Developers took all comments (6000) from players and half year later they put on the market new , better version of this game. They just repaired everything people didn`t like. And sell it now in very good price. No idea if it will work and sell good now, but some companies could learn customer-care from them... Respect for trying....