There is still a chance that the game can get patched up with a few modes that don't rely as heavy on Human versus Human combat. And some other general fixes, heck, we have a giant thread full of em'.
Wow... It should be underlined and bolded in your post Deaco 
There is still a chance that the game can get patched up with a few modes that don't rely as heavy on Human versus Human combat. And some other general fixes, heck, we have a giant thread full of em'.
Wow... It should be underlined and bolded in your post Deaco
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Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
It can seems stupid but, if the patch for leaderborards to get Number 1 finally comes out, the sales of the game could grow up a lot. Achievement hunters avoid this game.
See you!
The only thing that is stupid....is that there is 23 pages on this thread...countless other threads on this topic and capcom has done.....NOTHING...the longer this rediculousness stayed untouched the less and less I like capcom
Ok I have seen a few of you getting upset over these Nom de Guerre's, and I want to try and Help as much as I can to get some things sorted.
I had an Idea in mind that may help but I want to know what you guys think before I try to pass it down the line.
In the Original Lost Planet they had a Weekly Leader board that got wiped every week, My suggestion was the They see if they can implement a similar kind of thing but they reset the Leader Boards for the Training Missions and MP every month instead of every week which could help people get these Noms de Guerre's and it allows those who want fame to be in the spot light for a good time.
What to you guys think of this?
Let me know, I am serious about this and I have it writen up and read to send to Shawn Baxter and his team.
I have been asking and waiting for this for LP2 for a long time now. When is CAPCOM going to do something about this?
~ Check my Blog It's Update Time, and It's Good for current updates on my projects. ~ PSN: SUICIDE_GUY (Please tell me if you're from capcom-unity or I won't accept your invite.) ~ Skype: suicideslick / My YouTube Channel / My Twitch Channel~ "Nothing is impossible, it just hasn't been done yet." - Regulas  #000067 and #014339 It's my official way of covering my ass if somehow, someway something else happens that isn't currently planned.
Agreed, when IS something gonna be done? People (as I mentioned in another topic I made) have glitched their way to top rank, the board are at a DEADLOCK because those who done the times properly have reached the absolute limit of the game's mechanics, and...yeah... No fun capcom.
Agreed! One of the capcom admin's said he would bring it up at the next meeting, but they have no plans as of yet. I asked him to contact me after the meeting. I mean...I wish they would just say yes or no....no would be a really big slap in the face to the fans, but not nearly as much as ignoring them completely. I promised not to buy another capcom game (any capcom game) until they simply address the fans. It has been a long time since I have seen a company completely ignore such a massive fan issue like this. 99% of LP fans are on the same page about this, and we can't get a simply yes or no. A statement....anything. Plus none of us can figure out why it would be so difficult to add a weekly or monthly leaderboard...that would seem to make everyone happy
news? , it is unknown still nothing on the N1?
YEESSSSS!!!! Do it! Do it Now!
This question has been answered and the news is not good.
If you go to the bottom of the page in this Thread you will see Snow confirm that LP2 will not get any update for its current problems.
So that means that the leaderboards and glitches won't ever get fixed.
No. I'm sorry. =/
~ Check my Blog It's Update Time, and It's Good for current updates on my projects. ~ PSN: SUICIDE_GUY (Please tell me if you're from capcom-unity or I won't accept your invite.) ~ Skype: suicideslick / My YouTube Channel / My Twitch Channel~ "Nothing is impossible, it just hasn't been done yet." - Regulas  #000067 and #014339 It's my official way of covering my ass if somehow, someway something else happens that isn't currently planned.