You mean the +1000 players. Sorry, that's not a serious number, in my opinion. Look at CS 1.6, for example, how old it is and how many players are still playing it. That's what I call active.
Maybe it's not totally dead on PC, yes. But on 360 it nearly is (you only have to look at the numbers in the menu), so I highly doubt that capcom will do anything for the nom hunters and their missing Nr. 1 nom in LP2.
While what you say is true, CounterStrike is a completely different genre. It is only 10 bucks at this point, and is very easy to get into. Also from looking at sales, it seems that each new installment had a smaller amount of sales. From 4.2 Million to around 2.4 million. Not only did this start out with about twice the amount of sales LP2 received, it had the support from being originally a mod on Half-life 2, if I remember correctly.
In other words, it is fairly easy to learn, was released with a good deal of help, and had a population twice the size of Lost Planet's, so of course it is still going to have a fairly good population, for a game with thousands of Youtube videos, it being on steam for 10 dollars, and the large game population--it would be safe to say that Counter Strike still has a great deal of active members.
With the game not being totally dead on the PC, and it including all of the other DLC's, there should be more money flowing in. Also including feedback of problems with the game on this forum, and the fact that the Lost Planet 2 dev team has not given up on the franchise--according to Snow. There is still a chance that the game can get patched up with a few modes that don't rely as heavy on Human versus Human combat.
And some other general fixes, heck, we have a giant thread full of em'.
I know I may be overly optimistic about this stuff, but just going around singing Lost Planet 2 is dead all day isn't going to make the team make a entirely new game and suddenly get everything right on their own. Until I hear directly from them with something said along the lines of. "We bombed big time on this game, we think the best course of action is to end the franchise." I will still support the team.