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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2010 - 9:11AM #211
Posts: 12

I doubt that this game get a patch. This game is completely abandoned to their fate. The leaderboards are incredible bad and a pain, so if you kill more than the first or win more than the first never can you up in the list.

Think that is a game with 850G, I have ALL noms, except Number 1 and I haven't a chance for 150G, great Capcom!

10 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2010 - 7:40PM #212
Posts: 24


Please put info at the end of this thread if you actually hear something in the works or have any input on if this is/possibly going to happen.



10 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2010 - 10:20PM #213
Posts: 1

May 23, 2010 -- 6:05PM, Infinite Unknown wrote:

I am against this idea.  You want to erase all of the world records because of fan outcry about an achievement.  If your plan goes through then people from non english speaking countries will have their world record times erased without having a say in the discussion.  Also, some people don't care about achievements but like to try to set world records and it is unfair to erase their times.  Ubisoft hasn't wiped the leaderboards or started adding new leaderboards for the Xbox 360 version of Ghost Recon and that game also has a leaderboard related achievement.  It will be a sad day when Capcom buckles to whiners after two weeks while the makers of Petz: Horsez stand their ground for four years.

Found your post rather amusing when I just read the above linked article earlier today. Ubisoft is letting the player base vote to have the leaderboards reset or not.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2010 - 6:54AM #214
Posts: 55
What if they had two seperate leader boards? That would fix both sides of the issue wouldnt it? Have a 'leaderboard of the week' and 'top scores of all time' both displayed. That would allow the cheaters who use the dummy gernade III trick to get scores of under 30 seconds on a two minute time trial to gloat about their 'achievements' while allowing those of us who are honest to still earn the much coveted 'Number 1' nom.
10 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2010 - 9:47AM #215
Posts: 24

Oct 5, 2010 -- 6:54AM, RGZ_Archer wrote:

What if they had two seperate leader boards? That would fix both sides of the issue wouldnt it? Have a 'leaderboard of the week' and 'top scores of all time' both displayed. That would allow the cheaters who use the dummy gernade III trick to get scores of under 30 seconds on a two minute time trial to gloat about their 'achievements' while allowing those of us who are honest to still earn the much coveted 'Number 1' nom.


^^ That is the problem.  When you have a number 1 leaderboard achievement/trophy/nom de guerre you are basically saying in about a few months we are only going to be rewarding cheaters.  It is very rare for a games leaderboards to be unhackable and there are always hundreds of people spending everyday trying to figure out a cheat/hack/glitch just to be number 1.  This is the issue, and it amazed be that a game dev even did this so long into the achievement era as it has been nothing but an epic failure to include such things for this particular reason.  Unless you are 100% certain that your game cannot be glitched or cheated or anything you should not include this.

Now....has anyone actually heard anything about a new weekly leaderboard or what???  I feel like that is an easy solution and would not be hard at all to incorporate.  You don't need to reset the leaderboards to simply add a weekly leaderboard.  VERY SIMPLE...DO IT CAPCOM

10 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2010 - 8:07AM #216
Posts: 145

The game is DEAD. Nothing will be patched cauz there is no need to put any more work into that game. Only a handful of people playing it on 360. Most people playing other games now, with a better online mode than LP2 btw.

At least I will got my 1000GS in November cauz I have all the noms now (except for the honeymoon achievement + nom). And no, I haven't cheated/glitched for my Number 1.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2010 - 9:46AM #217
Posts: 757

Oct 6, 2010 -- 8:07AM, GalaxySpider wrote:

The game is DEAD. Nothing will be patched cauz there is no need to put any more work into that game.

I suggest reading other threads before posting statements like that.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2010 - 9:26AM #218
Posts: 145

You mean the +1000 players. Sorry, that's not a serious number, in my opinion. Look at CS 1.6, for example, how old it is and how many players are still playing it. That's what I call active.

Maybe it's not totally dead on PC, yes. But on 360 it nearly is (you only have to look at the numbers in the menu), so I highly doubt that capcom will do anything for the nom hunters and their missing Nr. 1 nom in LP2.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2010 - 6:30PM #219
Posts: 2,074

Oct 8, 2010 -- 9:26AM, GalaxySpider wrote:

You mean the +1000 players. Sorry, that's not a serious number, in my opinion. Look at CS 1.6, for example, how old it is and how many players are still playing it. That's what I call active.

Maybe it's not totally dead on PC, yes. But on 360 it nearly is (you only have to look at the numbers in the menu), so I highly doubt that capcom will do anything for the nom hunters and their missing Nr. 1 nom in LP2.

While what you say is true, CounterStrike is a completely different genre. It is only 10 bucks at this point, and is very easy to get into. Also from looking at sales, it seems that each new installment had a smaller amount of sales. From 4.2 Million to around 2.4 million. Not only did this start out with about twice the amount of sales LP2 received, it had the support from being originally a mod on Half-life 2, if I remember correctly.

In other words, it is fairly easy to learn, was released with a good deal of help, and had a population twice the size of Lost Planet's, so of course it is still going to have a fairly good population, for a game with thousands of Youtube videos, it being on steam for 10 dollars, and the large game population--it would be safe to say that Counter Strike still has a great deal of active members.

With the game not being totally dead on the PC, and it including all of the other DLC's, there should be more money flowing in. Also including feedback of problems with the game on this forum, and the fact that the Lost Planet 2 dev team has not given up on the franchise--according to Snow. There is still a chance that the game can get patched up with a few modes that don't rely as heavy on Human versus Human combat. Wink And some other general fixes, heck, we have a giant thread full of em'.

I know I may be overly optimistic about this stuff, but just going around singing Lost Planet 2 is dead all day isn't going to make the team make a entirely new game and suddenly get everything right on their own. Until I hear directly from them with something said along the lines of. "We bombed big time on this game, we think the best course of action is to end the franchise." I will still support the team.

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I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
10 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2010 - 9:19PM #220
Posts: 12

It can seems stupid but, if the patch for leaderborards to get Number 1 finally comes out, the sales of the game could grow up a lot. Achievement hunters avoid this game.

See you!

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