The point of the DLC is having a boss rush mode + a leaderboard for some competition. And Capcom hasn't cheated anyone. You got the Rush Arena and that outfit, just as the description says. "Download this dlc to get a nom" wasn't part of the story.
Oh, and you should really think about what you just posted ;) Playing for achievements only is just wrong IMO.
Though I don't play only for the achievements I think in a good game they should be possible to achieve.
I mean by your means, working on them (like leveling, weapon use etc) Anything that I can control and do.
But some the noms are like lottery-wins. If you got the game just recently, it will be hard to get that Nr1 and even other noms.
I don't mind these Noms themselves, but they shouldn't be part of the trophy/achievement requirements.
whenever i come here i see new people talking out their... about this and that, the titles should remain as is, everyone is playing the what if game and the 8 other times i posted here it fell on deaf ears
YOU STILL NEED 15 WEEKS MINIMAL OF FACTION MATCHS, looking at it from the ps3 side, though i now have a shot at influnicing 1 match to hit the ones i need overall their all dying out...
2 of them are under 100 matchs after 3 - 4 days... and the other barly has 1,000, it doesnt matter how many people want the number one nom that bought it recently once this mode dies do you really expect groups of people to pick factions to fight one another to force X faction to win 15 different weeks which are ALSO required for this trophy?
How about when capcom pulls the plug on the server? what about the people who have poor concepts of how trophies our "achieve"ments work?
I had someone add me ps3 side named dante (wont post the rest) he was looking at me as a google of sorts so i didnt care to deal with him, upon him asking me to boost with him and rejected i wanted to gauge how many people even had a shot at the plat, when asked he said "capcom will fix this, or wipe the server so i might as well get the rest" a lot of people here im sure have the same attitude... sure NOW its hard, but when people were posting how impossible it was here when the faster running patch went live Riko (ps3 side) got #1 in one of the DP missions so im sure the rest might have been done, and before the day was done he droped 10 spots, that update came well after the game came out =\
we can get into this all day and all night, but there is no actually challenging title in this game past #1 so removing it will turn this game into white knight chronicles (though many will be locked out over the 15 weeks of faction matchs) a lot of people who post here prob didnt even know but people were boycotting this title before the game even came out =\ so its not like it was a complete blind side either
long story short
the point of a trophy/achievement is to work for something, Number 1 which can be earned in 50+ leaderboards is always obtainable if you work hard enough...
no matter what you can not control faction matchs which is truely unfair
and most people are too short sided to see this =\