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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  Jul 06, 2010 - 2:59PM #131
Posts: 15

Are noms consider items (i know weird question) if so then they didnt took out one trophy but we dont need all noms idk if im correct or not but i check i counted and theres one trophy missing for PS3

Sorry if im wrong maybe miss counted. Who Knows?Undecided

10 years ago  ::  Jul 08, 2010 - 4:59PM #132
Posts: 46

any word on this yet??? ive got 3 training left and my factions and im done and i want my platinum :(..... ive busted my ass on grenade nms etc so if i dont get my number 1 cut off or whatever they want to do im going to be seriously pissed

10 years ago  ::  Jul 09, 2010 - 11:28PM #133
Posts: 1,483

 Some people ground out just about everything and other then the noms, they had everything.  Yet the achievement or trophy for all items didn't unlock yet.  So most of the Noms are included.  Most people have not gotten all the noms yet and that is still being tested to be sure.

 As for what is going to be done.  Capcom hasn't exactly pulled support for Lost Planet2, but it isn't a priority project.  It gets work at the same rate as any other non-developement game in the capcom workload.  As far as I can tell.  So it could be a while before another change comes along.

 Wait until after the next patch and dlc that is coming.  Then we hopefully will get additional information about what else is being worked on.  Though we can't expect any info before they are willing to release the information.

10 years ago  ::  Jul 10, 2010 - 11:55AM #134
Posts: 3,870

I wouldn't complain about the challenges to get some Noms if they weren't part of that trophy... I like the idea of the Noms in the first place, you can give your character a personal not right away.

But you get the weapon-trophy for unlocking them via the slot-machine.... and getting all 5 characters on level 5 you have to play the game a lot...

The challenges are hard, but that Noms-Trophy?! It's the reason why gave up on platin when I saw the list in the official guide Frown

It's the first nuisance: you need some kind of guide, you will never guess all you have to do for certain noms...

Not to mention Nr 1 or Top 10. I'll never get on top of any board, I like to play, but I'm just not good enough.

Chatterbox: I had other people with voice chat on for more than an hour... no nom. Means I can get it because I don't own a headset myself?

I don't play my games for the trophies only. What I like is that you do things for a trophy that you might not happen upon in the first place. It sure increases replay value.

But with LP2 it's truly frustrating.

Thanks for bearing me out. Smile

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10 years ago  ::  Jul 10, 2010 - 10:29PM #135
Posts: 1

I created an account soley to support this idea. Or atleast the idea to wipe the "More Pain than Fun" Nom's off the list for the achievment. Certain things that are out of a players hands are NOT an achievement. Having the stars align is not an achievement, it's luck.

There are a few noms which should be moved to the "Special" list, which as I'm aware, do not count towards the trophy/achievement. This allows those who've earned them to legitimately keep them, and remain in the high percentile who- Lets face it, bought the game early enough and got in before anyone realised it was part of the achievement- OR, employed hacks and ruined the system. OR simply gave up hours of their lives to accomplish, while it was possible.

Capcom aren't stupid. But if you look at most developers, when an achievement is considered on the 10/10 difficulty, they reduce the cost of it. Sometimes to 0. That way you can still earn the achievement if you want, but you can still get the 1000G without losing hair. But Capcom made /two/ achievements dependant on this for 150G. That's what I like to call: A **** Move. It needs to be fixed.

The Number1 and Top10 are just two in a handful which need to be moved to the "Special" list. The Faction match ones should be there too. As well as the Ranked Elimination ones. Resetting the leaderboards will do nothing. You'll just have hundreds of players scrambling to get a record in the span of a few minutes the moment mid-night dings. And when they do get their title, it will simply diminish those who put the real work in prior to the "fix".

Just remove them from the achievement list entirely.

10 years ago  ::  Jul 11, 2010 - 8:32PM #136
Posts: 46

yup i agree totally.... the ranked 100 wins you talking about? if so thats easily doable and they would never remove that cause theres far worse things out there

10 years ago  ::  Jul 14, 2010 - 8:03PM #137
Darth Trayse
Posts: 9

The dlc is going to cost 240 msp supposedly so it looks like as if capcom is kind of saying sorry for having a ridiculous achievement/trophy that requires you rank on the worldwide leaderboards. And the rumor is they will be either monthly resets or even better weekly for the Rush Arena mode.....


As for grinding if anyone has had to grind firecracker and incendiary grenades then I feel your pain! I have 78% of the noms with 100 hours invested into the game....the definition of redonkulous.


And Capcom how about that release date for the dlc so all of us devoted LP2 players and can jump on the leaderboard bandwagon and actually have a shot at the final two achievements.

10 years ago  ::  Jul 14, 2010 - 8:19PM #138
Posts: 811

I gave up on trophys/achievements, I am just enjoying a great game,...and pestering snow about AI Fill Slot.

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10 years ago  ::  Jul 15, 2010 - 6:13PM #139
Posts: 46

im at 96% just waiting on my #1 and my factions and im done :(

10 years ago  ::  Jul 15, 2010 - 8:58PM #140
Posts: 15

Agree josh i know your pain i have all forsake num.1 and 10/factions/and missing a few weapons and training missions after tht im good to go btw yes Darth Trayse i agree with pain lol firecracker is definition of hell. Funny Side is i got master for firecracker on the 4th of July.  Cheers too everyone GoodLuck.  Can't wait too rush those bosses hahaSealed

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