I Just want to move them atleast to special/complete catergory. Im working on Training and with the xboxachivenments.com help im probably going to finish gold over the summer (maybe a year) i also going for 8+ Emote if anyone wants to do it we can make a Elimation on PS3. Maybe you Zero can make the game (Ill join so as others) but thats all im complaining I just like to have fun and shoot 300 Ft Tall monsters in there **** haha XD
As an alternative to creating new lederboards you could implement asystem like I think MAG has. the computer removes peaple from games who it thinks cheated. you could simply impement a program that removed rediculous times. like when the time is faster than the training dummies appear. this would take longer and probably be harder to do however. Honestly I support getting weekly or monthly leaderboards, but thisis one alternative. Either way tell those guys to hurry up. I hate waiting.
Just patch it and take the trophy out. It's just plain unnecessary and unfair.
you cant... its counts as 2 trophies ... the funny thing is our we 100% sure those noms count ?? noone will know for months as the damn faction noms are at least 15 weeks before someone gets them all and thats if the fems dont always win
Hi guys, I also agree with this post, but maybe the best score of all time could be put on a seperate scores list that never gets reset? A quick question also, I have recently come 24th in advanced training on lost planet two, and I believe im the highest ranked member of the UK on the rankings, does this entitle me to the "number 1" nom de guerre? I was told its awarded to the number 1 of your country not of the world, please any feed back would be appreciated as I appear to not have recieved the reward.
yea its worded wrong... you have to be #1 in the world not country
Hi! i am agree with the reset of leaderboards. I got my number 1, but for 2 times i got same score of the world record and i was at 2nd place cause of alphabetical order. Finally i did a good record and unlocked number 1 nom de guerre. Is very hard now get this nom de guerre and with cheaters, more hard... so Capcom ,please reset leaderboards once a month, i think would be pretty good. See ya 
if this costs me a platinum i will be furious..... this is the only nom i really dont have.... CAPCOM FIX IT
This thread has really died. is there any news on the achievement fix? a lot of times have become impossible to beat without cheating now.
Ive tried for 6 hours on Basic map 5, version one and still only reached about 114 on the leader boards. If they dont fix this leader board mon guree. It may be even harder than the GRAW - World Champion 40G acheivment. Considering how hardcore the japanese following is.