True, a lot require hook shot mastery but lets say 5-1 in advanced for example. Running with the conveyor belt is better than hook shotting mastery in some areas, and you do require some hook shot skill but not much. I beat no.1 this morning when patch came out, and guess what, it was beaten in the next 10-20 minutes by somebody else cuz they took the OPPORTUNITY to do something about it before they do actually reset it. I had number 1 title prior me doing this.
I mean I'm all for resetting leaderboards, but I don't understand why people don't jump at opportunities to do anything about it. *sighs
Japanese are gonna dominate the next boards too once they reset it because all we're gonna do is sit and complain.
wow racism, and lets not forget you claim they're right... but you forget they dont need to dominate, What type of person is gonna be vindictive enough to keep doing X mission to retain a title which honestly is mostly luck based (im not saying it doesnt take skill to get gold but doing the one WR time is a bit of luck than skill on a lot of missions) so even if the "Asian's" or people with japanese flags do do that, the fact that their complaining and they got their way, arnt the asian's/japanese flag people the ones who get shafted?
what.. how was I being racist? I said the japanese are going to dominate? where was i being racist. you are quick to judge sir. More japanese people play this game then any other nation so the odds are against us. Even if people change their flag, really how many do. And japanese people actually like to break game records. While most americans like to cry and moan about problems and think they are so righteous about everything. I can say this cuz I'm a born american. Every non american person can agree me on this.
and what do u talk about the so called "japanese" complaining. Its the westernized reviewers who complained how hard the game is and the controls. Then they slapped on low scores on the game's review.
they patched it to make the game easier for them.
and what do u talk about the so called "japanese" complaining. Its the westernized reviewers who complained how hard the game is and the controls. Then they slapped on low scores on the game's review.
they patched it to make the game easier for them.
reread how its worded the group with japanese flags may or may not dominate the leaderboard, the fact they make up most of the gamers does help them... but still claiming that it will be someone from japan, is still racist, I am counter this argument and ive said a lot of times, since these topics started 3 WEEKS prior to the games release... you had more than enough time to get in a basic score and shut up about it for good, a lot of people here seem more interested in helping the "future" Lost Planet 2 gamers, since I agree in 3+ months it will be impossible... but a lot of people also forget the leaderboards are not HUGE, 4-3 for instance had 800 people on it when i got all gold as i said in my first post though, people here are complaining and this topic was made, no matter how they reset the board all it takes is someone playing early enough, if people can time it out then it can be easy... take me and mod nation, you have to be in the top 10% THAT DAY, if they worked out a system where it only poped for the person at the top after a week... (would make it very long and still challenging, which i am all for this sort of change as i mentioned) since i was the FIRST person to do the hot track on mod nation on the 2nd day i had it (had the world record #1 time with something like 1 min 35 seconds XD im horrid at racing games...) and by the time i got on at the end of the day the world record time was 45 seconds so if the trophy dinged, and capcom does agree to this, wouldnt the complainers still beat out the people to worked for it? I do not wish to fight with you over this, i had enough of that on PSN with you -.x...
^ You did not understand my point at all. I'm not here to pick a fight, I am going to merely going to break down my argument for you since you took it the wrong way.
I said I was all for reseting but the fact of the matter is, even if they do, someone will set the bar high enough so that an average leisurly gamer can not reach it. Sure it might be unfair to whoever holds the record but its not like Capcom hasn't done this before (i.e. resident evil outbreak). It is really to keep the fanbase pleased so that Capcom keeps their customers. And I would ultimately like to see another LP game.
My point is that we had a slim opportunity just recently with the patch, yet nobody here seemed to even notice. Its gonna be the same thing when they reset the boards. What I'm trying to MAKE MY POINT ACROSS is how people are quick to complain, yet when the opportunity arises, people HERE do nothing about it. On the other note, I wasn't being racist by degrading Japanese people in any way NOR was I saying they are superior than everybody else. Fact of the matter is.. I look at the leaderboards right now and see mostly flags from Japan, mostly at the top. Who are they? Most likely JAPANESE. And I'm saying they are being more OPPORTUNISTIC than people here. Is that being racist? No. I'm just stating the facts that they are dominating the leaderboards right at this momment and are most likely going to in the next reset. Also there are more Japanese player in LP2 right now then any other country, so ODDS are HIGHLY against Non-Japanese players...
You want me to say gamers who show their flags as Japan are at the top spots in the leaderboards? Is that politically correct enough for you? Might as well do that for every other country to be politcally correct. Saying a particular group of people in a country dominating in something is not racist. You must've been really offended when watching the olympics then. When all you hear is how a country dominates a certain sport, all you think about is racism, right? I'm pretty sure this all sounds silly to you. That's what I thought when you called me racist.
Don't be quick to pull the racism card.
Ok back on topic stop and arguing
Grant, your confusing racism with stereotyping. Stop being an idiot and accusing people of things you don't even know the meaning because that's a pretty big accusation. Anyway 1 more for this idea. I'm sick of reading about how people aren't buying this game because of an "unnobtainable achievement" I also have a friend not getting it for this reason. So I think that it may even boost sales figures of the game as it will be open to those sceptical achievement whores.
Hey, just joined to support the idea for resetting the leaderboards. I am currently rank 19 on basic training 1-1 and it's surreal at the times that i have to beat to get to the number 1 spot.
I support this proposed reseting of the leaderboards or altering the achievement or anything really.
im just posting to remind you that this nom is the only thing going to cost me the 3 trophies... and theres ppl glitching the boards now as ppl are killing bots before they can even spawn..... we have no chance with things like that so please do the right thing and remove them from the % list... dont even bother with the other boards cause ppl will just do it there also... remove those 2 noms completely