quit crying grant FFS.... its meant to be long and grinding but to have a unmakeable platinum is just wrong
look at the list sparky =3 even IF they fix this it still can be IMPOSSIBLE, that was my posts point...
get 3 overall wins with all factions, even if faction matchs get fixed... Nothing says any faction will win 3 overall times in the end
8x emote... it was hard enough for me to get 8 people now a days, how easy do you think it will be in 4 months? how about a year?
getting people do to co op attacks
getting people to help you level
playing 300+ area's with others
Even if you fix this 1 title, there are still completely unknown how to obtain titles perhaps even broken, there are titles that require other people to get, there are titles that require people to do exact things... Over time it will become impossible because of the heavy reliance of other people so if you have the title or not it will make no difference if say the fight junkies or rounders never get another overall win
@Grant: I Understand your frustration about people complaining about the achievements, but you are of the same caliber if not less if you come on this board to complain about us. Yes, I understand an achievement requires you to ACHIEVE something, but would you take a moment to look at advanced training 1 - 2 I believe it is. The dummys DO NOT spawn faster than 30 sec, yet the time is currently 28 seconds. You have to realize people who can't beat a time will find a cheap way to get it. so when people pick up this game a couple months from now, they won't be able to get all the achievements, a big flaw when its not related to server shutdown. those who earned their time should still be up there, but we are simply asking for a seperate leaderboard or a movement of the titles to the "special" section. and btw, the scarab vs (thats the one you're looking for, right?) can be found on the multiplayer map identical to the one which the scarab appears on in the campiagn. I've been in it twice (sorry, don't know the maps name, it has a cave in the middle and an ocean to the right of the map).
@Grant: I Understand your frustration about people complaining about the achievements, but you are of the same caliber if not less if you come on this board to complain about us. Yes, I understand an achievement requires you to ACHIEVE something, but would you take a moment to look at advanced training 1 - 2 I believe it is. The dummys DO NOT spawn faster than 30 sec, yet the time is currently 28 seconds. You have to realize people who can't beat a time will find a cheap way to get it. so when people pick up this game a couple months from now, they won't be able to get all the achievements, a big flaw when its not related to server shutdown. those who earned their time should still be up there, but we are simply asking for a seperate leaderboard or a movement of the titles to the "special" section. and btw, the scarab vs (thats the one you're looking for, right?) can be found on the multiplayer map identical to the one which the scarab appears on in the campiagn. I've been in it twice (sorry, don't know the maps name, it has a cave in the middle and an ocean to the right of the map).
I actually here originally to see why on 5-3 I could never get as many points as my partner and report it as a glitch for capcom to fix... people passed it off as a non host bonus, idk but i left due to it being unuseful to me
I came back to ask about titles dinging at a delayed time, like i got my normal nade master 3 games after i swaped to flame nades... So i wanted to have an idea of how to get them to ding normally or is there some way to tell quicker than it will happen when it happens...
When i saw this topic, I am often tired of people complaining about this title and the trophy... I agree it is wrong, but the trophy is NOT get #1 in the world like it is on Fight Night round 4, and get in the top 1% that week on killzone 2, or get top 10% that day on Mod Nation racers... its a very small part of 1 other trophy that makes up 0.2% of the total...
though i agree it is still wrong on some levels, This is not the only title that will become a problem for people to adopt this game later on... Hell some trophies as i mentioned band of brothers and stealth assasin are assumed to be glitched, and a fix to those since if i got #1 or not without those no one will plat it should be attended to first...
In addition Faction matchs have no real order in them currently, and I cant control what week NEVEC is gonna win, and what week fem fatals are going to win... This week i believe fem fatals will win all 3 overall games, if this is not fixed them if Rounders or Fight Junkies or Nevec dont get their x3 wins AT SOME POINT no one will also be able to get the trophy, the same goes for if it happens only once who knows if you have the combo that could get all the titles you could forever be in limbo... Assuming nothing is done or something is done nothing says that Never/Fight Junkies/Rounders/Snow Pirate elites will have enough support in the later days to ever give late supporters of the game those titles anyways...
This also goes along with getting the 8x emote down the road which gives a title + another trophy, same with a lot of other titles and things that over time might become harder and harder and harder and harder to obtain... though i understand your problems I mean the guy who beat me i am unsure how he shot 10 people in 7 seconds, I do not agree with others focusing on something trivial... with the faction matchs looking like the biggest factor between getting and not getting titles...
We can also get into all the other titles that are iffy, and the other ones that unless the damage patch really helps them will be a pain and make the game overall quite unenjoyable i do not think it is right to worry about 1 title which is not the divide between the people with NUMBER 1 and the people without it getting the full 1,000 and or the Plat trophy
Ahh, yeah, I have no idea why the host gets so little points, but I tend to not be a host unless I need to a complete a mission. Maybe capcom assumed that the host is getting that level completed in return for the point reduction (thats how I see it :P). Also, I know there are other games with achievements like this, but I don't have them (I'm sure people have complained about them though). the only reason I'm on this bandwagon is because, like everyone else, I'm worried about 100%. the other ones take time, or may even be glitched. when we find that out, we will push for those to get fixed too, but not having NUMBER 1 is driving me to not want to complete this game. I hope you understand, I would be wholeheartedly neutral if I had the title and am in no way trying to bash your opinion.
Ahh, yeah, I have no idea why the host gets so little points, but I tend to not be a host unless I need to a complete a mission. Maybe capcom assumed that the host is getting that level completed in return for the point reduction (thats how I see it :P). Also, I know there are other games with achievements like this, but I don't have them (I'm sure people have complained about them though). the only reason I'm on this bandwagon is because, like everyone else, I'm worried about 100%. the other ones take time, or may even be glitched. when we find that out, we will push for those to get fixed too, but not having NUMBER 1 is driving me to not want to complete this game. I hope you understand, I would be wholeheartedly neutral if I had the title and am in no way trying to bash your opinion.
I understand their platform, but still a lot of titles like getting gold on every mission... are hard enough, you should really question less about the method they went about it and wonder why capcom choose to subject people to this type of title... though i understand how hard it is since when i did it it took hours... I do not think everyone posting here will be able to pull off every training mission *doing the basic 4-_ were less enjoyable than anything else* finding the people to pull off the exact co op attacks, special good jobs, or take the time too boost where you kinda have to...
some titles like win 30 games in a row, are basically unobtainable unless you boost it... my point from the start to now is the same... Just because you have Number 1 does not mean you will have the interest in the game to get the rest, or the skill to pull off some of them like master of tech
no matter how you look at it though, the list is highly dependant upon others, and thusly it will 100% be unobtainable before capcom removes the online... I think a lot of people also forget, just because they change the system doesnt mean you will get the title!
Killzone 2 had a weekly leaderboard the trophy was based off of, this was 1% skill 99% time... I got general in my first week of playing which USE to be the last rank in the game until they added higher ones to basically get people to keep playing... and i was barly in the top 3% and i got all my ranks in 1 week and around 29 hours of play time... the same will happen with LP 2, if they make it at the end of the week less people will get it, and if they make it weekly reset many people will get locked out because they lack what it takes reguardless, over time too the title will be devalued like no other, from what ive read you can get it in Multiplayer and people on trophy sites apparently have a way to boost it (I believe the title is for X only) No matter how you "fix this" it will cause a strong dislike in some groups eyes...
if capcom devalues the title because people keep complaining about it... whos to say the challenges wont be made easier? whos to say that other titles people worked at wont be moved to the waste side because people cant get the trophy... I think too many people forget the game is ment to be fun, and trophies in capcom games are almost always unenjoyable... but does complaining about the skill required to do every trial in super street fighter IV because 90%+ of the world will never be able to pull them all off, really matter in the end?
I also think that people forget that some of the other ones do not take time, doing every training mission was harder than me beating the game on extreme... hell gold medaling 1-1 was harder than anything i did in campaign, its too strict on time... and though you will be able to get it any time, its pointless to give into 1 request because if they cave on this title (as i said how was capcom unable to see this being a problem from the start? lol) people will complain about others, and if they give in on 1 but not another it will cause a bigger problem for them in the end
Well my idea is if we can have to seprate leader boards. One World Record Board were it keeps everyone record together. and a Weekly leaderboard like BTHR Zero X suggested. Aswell with training i understand a month sounds good even though i can only get bronze haha so yea. Hope Capcom does something about it. Not for me but for all the capcom unity members and those trophy/achievement collectors (like my self who wants a Platium for this) I end my statement.
yeah, the basic training is WAY harder to gold than the advanced. I have only been able to gold the 4-_ though, cause mechs are faster than land speed and easier to manuver. Capcom does make ridiculous achievements, that's why i gave up on SF IV (plus I don't really enjoy fighting games except with other people who are bad at them like I am).
Here is my one verdict that I want to make about NUMBER 1. in the future, it WILL be impossible to get without cheating due to cheaters. everything else, from the 30 games won to the faction wars can be done if you find other people to do them with, which there always is (even if you have to have multiple Xboxs, there is still a way). not saying I'd go this far (Maybe, if I REALLY had to, since I do have two 360s). then there is band of brothers. that elusive, glitchy title.
yeah, the basic training is WAY harder to gold than the advanced. I have only been able to gold the 4-_ though, cause mechs are faster than land speed and easier to manuver. Capcom does make ridiculous achievements, that's why i gave up on SF IV (plus I don't really enjoy fighting games except with other people who are bad at them like I am).
Here is my one verdict that I want to make about NUMBER 1. in the future, it WILL be impossible to get without cheating due to cheaters. everything else, from the 30 games won to the faction wars can be done if you find other people to do them with, which there always is (even if you have to have multiple Xboxs, there is still a way). not saying I'd go this far (Maybe, if I REALLY had to, since I do have two 360s). then there is band of brothers. that elusive, glitchy title.
someone said they had Band of brothers
and no matter what you will not be able to boost faction matchs =3, even with minimal people you will have to out boost matchs and always win them without whatever number of people still playing exist to make sure your group wins... saying that down the road in like a year it will become boostable is rather a fallacy since you would still neeed people to pull this off, and enough people to allow you enough room to boost it without fail sincei ts overall win...
another thing that i dont think anyone knew but it LOCKS OUT anyone who gets 1 title, this week fem fatal won all 3 on the ps3... I happened to be them since i saw it coming, and when i checked my titles i had 1/2 of them even though they won all 3 (ill show a screen shot if people doubt it...) so this will take a minimal of 15 weeks of boosting, under all 3 catagories, and... really if you put in this much effort to beat the system for those titles, im sure you can beat a high score...
as far as basic vs advance, basic is harder because those are the skills that help you win matchs more than shooting things, i have all gold and i can tell you though i did it in 1 sitting most peoplee will not like them enough or put in the time, I mean most people here are spending more time complaining about this title than doing **** about it...
the people on xbox360achievements.org actually beat the scores, video taped how they did it/posted the method, then left room for other members to get it, several of which got it because of that... I can tell you someone beat my score which i held onto for 1.7 weeks by 5 seconds (still not sure how past the absolute perfect game) this was more than enough time to keep doing the missions and beating a score over complaining to capcom that its too hard... I think a lot of people such as the person above with the bronze, needs to accept that trophies were designed as a sort of bragging rights, and though no one will know i was #1 to get the full title one, or know that i was #1 and gave up on the titles, some people such as the person above feel that they SHOULD be able to get the plat reguardless of skill (if you cant do better than bronze... youre doing it wrong, ive come up with some crazy ways to beating the levels and got gold before i really got good at them) as ive said too many other times...
if capcom yelds on this, i will be strongly turned off... if every title and trophy has time attached to earning it over skill, what does the plat really say? what good is number 1 for say the guy 2 posts above who is unable to get gold on 1 mission much less all 50? what really will be gained by making it easier...?
Good time to chase number 1 since Dash has been increased tremendously. Who knows if they decide to reset or not. Chances will become slimer as days go by.