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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  Jul 30, 2010 - 8:19PM #161
Darth Trayse
Posts: 9

Jul 28, 2010 -- 5:04AM, GalaxySpider wrote:

The point of the DLC is having a boss rush mode + a leaderboard for some competition. And Capcom hasn't cheated anyone. You got the Rush Arena and that outfit, just as the description says. "Download this dlc to get a nom" wasn't part of the story.

Oh, and you should really think about what you just posted  ;)  Playing for achievements only is just wrong IMO.


To you playing for achievements is nonsense however to others it isn't. Your opinion versus mine that's all it is. And the dlc is a cheat. Most of the people I know were waiting on it so they could get the noms so that they could enjoy the rest of their LP2 experience. I know tons of people who have stopped playing the game all together because they don't think they can't get the number 1 nom. That is just bad business. Read some other forums around people are dropping off left and right because of the leaderboard noms. So, upon hearing about the dlc I was stoked because I would have a chance to get on the leaderboard and get the noms so I could enjoy playing online and campaign with friends. No matter the cost of the dlc itself it created a "new mode" that come on you can do in campaign and an extra skin that while hilarious obstructs your view when playing competively online. Seems like a waste of coding to me to just have that. How hard would it have been to link the rush leaderboards to the noms? It probably would've been cheaper to do a leaderboard reset. And I have recently gotten to second place on one training level and should have number 1 soon and still believe that this was handled terribly and for most people the top 10 and number 1 noms are out of reach. There are even some generous souls like Dead Herb from who have posted how they got their number 1 nom to give others a fighting chance. With all the "complaining" about these noms you would figure Capcom would have done something about it by now which they haven't. There has been enough outcry about it and instead of handing it out with a reset they had an opportunity to do it with the dlc and guess what they dropped the ball.

10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 9:50AM #162
Posts: 1
please to put the markers to 0 weekly the profits must be possible and non impossible.
10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 2:38PM #163
Posts: 145

I know tons of people who have stopped playing the game all together  because they don't think they can't get the number 1 nom. That is just  bad business

Would it fair for people to get this nom by purchasing a DLC? The other side would say "omg, Capcom forces us to buy DLC". And this what I would call "cheating". But it never happened and that's why the DLC can't be some kind of cheating. Dont blame Capcom if some people out there just play for the achievements. It's their own fault.

Sooner or later Capcom will do something against it and you can simply do it with a patch. Just be patient.

10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:13PM #164
Posts: 4,549

Jul 31, 2010 -- 2:38PM, GalaxySpider wrote:

Sooner or later Capcom will do something against it and you can simply do it with a patch. Just be patient.

Actually this kind of fix is to large for a Patch, for them to even try to do a Weekly/Monthly Reset or even Remove the Noms would be a large file Download.

Also you have to admit (Because I do myself) for those who did buy the DLC and Earn the Top Spots and not getting the Nom's as Credit is bad form.

I helped my friends get to No: 1 So they could get the Nom and everyone got shafted. Anyone buy the game Now has no chance to get the 1000 GS or Platnum Trophy because of this Silly Leaderboard Based Nom.

I think I'll be one of the few to 1000 this game in Nov with the Honey Moon Achievement. (Not counting those Clock Glitchers they don't count)

10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:18PM #165
Posts: 145

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:13PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Also you have to admit (Because I do myself) for those who did buy the DLC and Earn the Top Spots and not getting the Nom's as Credit is bad form.

I know what you mean but I see it from another perspective. Everyone still has the same chance getting this nom WITHOUT paying money for it.


And changing two values of two noms isn't that hard  ;)


I think I'll be one of the few to 1000 this game in Nov with the Honey Moon Achievement.

same here. On november 11th you will get 3 achievements at once  xD

10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:21PM #166
Posts: 4,549

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:18PM, GalaxySpider wrote:

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:13PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Also you have to admit (Because I do myself) for those who did buy the DLC and Earn the Top Spots and not getting the Nom's as Credit is bad form.

I know what you mean but I see it from another perspective. Everyone still has the same chance getting this nom WITHOUT paying money for it.


And changing two values of two noms isn't that hard  ;)

Actually changing the Coding for an Scripted Event is a lot harder then it sounds there is far more coding then you may actually realise and removing the coding could also have impact in other areas

10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:30PM #167
Posts: 811

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:21PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:18PM, GalaxySpider wrote:

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:13PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Also you have to admit (Because I do myself) for those who did buy the DLC and Earn the Top Spots and not getting the Nom's as Credit is bad form.

I know what you mean but I see it from another perspective. Everyone still has the same chance getting this nom WITHOUT paying money for it.


And changing two values of two noms isn't that hard  ;)

Actually changing the Coding for an Scripted Event is a lot harder then it sounds there is far more coding then you may actually realise and removing the coding could also have impact in other areas

Wait a sec, a patch that deletes a value (code) is impossible it's like Anti Matter, except it's Anti Patch, wouldn't you need to create values (code) that just masks the other code, or tells the other code to malfunction and stop working? seems like a trojan horse....

Don't be mad at me if it seems I have no idea what i'm talking about I am a super young techie and am still trying to learn these things. just politley explain that I am wrong or whatever.

PSN ID: Justin_Coplen

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10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:34PM #168
Posts: 145

I know. That's why I haven't said "remove them".  ;)

There are already special noms which you dont need for achievements. It's absolutely no problem changing both noms so they show the exact same behavior.

Developers made similar things in other games. Rockstar Studios, for example, changed the "beat a rockstar" achievement for GTA4 to a virus-like script, which means that you dont need to beat/kill a developer/moderator anymore. To get it you can now kill anyone who already has this achievement.

You can patch ANYTHING what's related to achievemnts. You could even add some to Xbox originals and developers confirmed it but MS was against it (since MSs goal is to make money with Xbox 360 games and not some 5$ classics). Achievements are external scripts parsing the progress of the game/savedata. You can basically change everything here.

10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:40PM #169
Posts: 811

Jul 31, 2010 -- 3:34PM, GalaxySpider wrote:

I know. That's why I haven't said "remove them".  ;)

There are already special noms which you dont need for achievements. It's absolutely no problem changing both noms so they show the exact same behavior.

Developers made similar things in other games. Rockstar Studios, for example, changed the "beat a rockstar" achievement for GTA4 to a virus-like script, which means that you dont need to beat/kill a developer/moderator anymore. To get it you can now kill anyone who already has this achievement.

Couldn't you also have a patch that unlocks the noms for you (They did this with AI Battle) but you are unable to equip the nom/noms unless you are Currently in top ten or number 1?

PSN ID: Justin_Coplen

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10 years ago  ::  Jul 31, 2010 - 3:58PM #170
Posts: 145

Sure they can. Why not. They unlocked Battle vs A.I. which actually requires you to get at least bronze in every training mission. 

Both titles are on the disc. There is no need to download them from somewhere else. Both titles are coded directly to the game itself. The game is doing nothing more than checking your profile and leaderboard as soon as your are conncected to the LP2 server. If you are placed between 1 and 10 in one of the standard leaderboards you get this nom. Those leaderboards are currently the only ones the script will accept 'cauz the basic string is the same and hasn't been affected via the patch or the DLC....otherwise it would simply unlock the nom.

It's super easy stuff I learned at school, lol. I can even code a PHP script you can load into your browser which requires you to type in a specific number to get access to my home server.


There are several ways to patch it:

- simply unlocking the nom (can cauze the most problems if you are not doing it right)

- change the value of the nom so it's still unlockable but no need for the achievement itself (no need to say that it can also cause lots of problems)

- add the DLC leaderboard to the list of possible options to unlock NUMBER 1 and TOP 10. So far there is, let's say for now, leaderboard 0 - 52. But unfortunately the new leaderboard is number 53 and simply will never count as a given requirement)


Sure, sounds all easy. And I know it's actually not that easy but also not hard on the other side. But Capcom is the one who made this game.

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