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Lost Planet 2 General Discussion TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
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TOP 10 and NUMBER 1 Noms de Guerre an Idea.
10 years ago  ::  Aug 02, 2010 - 12:23PM #181
Posts: 3,870

Aug 2, 2010 -- 5:34AM, Russell wrote:

Is there any way to get a Nom from a certain game that you don't have like "Devil May Cry" or should I just rent it from the local video store?

I don't think you need the Nom for the trophy, but if you really like to have them all I guess you have to rent/buy/borrow the game. Cool

Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker Mode
RE Revelations 2 Raid Mode
Umbrella Corps
Wesker has never been dead...!!!

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
10 years ago  ::  Aug 02, 2010 - 10:45PM #182
Posts: 3

Well if you don't have #1 it will shortly be impossible, someone is bragging about their leaderboard hack & is charging for the hack, he is using the times on 1-2 advance as proof he hacked it (the newest time is 15 seconds when they don't spawn faster than 30) So legit gamers beware if you are still trying there isn't much time left

I thought I'd put it out there, it seems this game may become cheat to win

10 years ago  ::  Aug 03, 2010 - 11:15AM #183
Posts: 811

I was in the Ask Capcom Forum and someone brought this (about changing or getting rid of these two Noms) up there and very quickley, Sven (Importanat Mod I believe that has as much power as Snow) said they he would bring this up with Capcom, but He Also said the Team has moved on to new projects.....does this mean no more patches? =(

Anyways I'll be hangin out there more often, seems like the place for new ideas or Ideas in general considering the quick Response from an Important Mod.

PSN ID: Justin_Coplen

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10 years ago  ::  Aug 03, 2010 - 11:46AM #184
Posts: 3,870

Aug 3, 2010 -- 11:15AM, Justin wrote:

I was in the Ask Capcom Forum and someone brought this (about changing or getting rid of these two Noms) up there and very quickley, Sven (Importanat Mod I believe that has as much power as Snow) said they he would bring this up with Capcom, but He Also said the Team has moved on to new projects.....does this mean no more patches? =(

Anyways I'll be hangin out there more often, seems like the place for new ideas or Ideas in general considering the quick Response from an Important Mod.

Well, it would a pity if Capcom dropped LP2 like that.

Sales weren't good, a lot of people were disappointed by LP2. If the developers took care of issues like that they could re-establish a lot of trust in their work.

I mean if this trophy-drawback was removed, it would even elevate LP2 a lot. So, to  many people, this nom/trophy issue is just an example for many flaws in LP2 (not really my opinion, but a few of my pals in other forums are truly let down by LP2)

Hope they reconsider their decision to 'drop' support for LP2 Undecided

Resident Evil Zero Remaster Wesker Mode
RE Revelations 2 Raid Mode
Umbrella Corps
Wesker has never been dead...!!!

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to saturate..."
10 years ago  ::  Aug 03, 2010 - 3:29PM #185
Darth Trayse
Posts: 9

I experience the same thing wesker on other sites of people being let down. But in all honesty it sounds like a a lot of excuses added on to the fact they can't "complete" the game because they can't get the number 1 and top ten noms. Also there has been a lot of complaining about the multiplayer...and I would have to agree. 3 modes for ranked matches just isn't enough considering akrid egg battle and fugitive are such a blasty blast to play, however, since most people want to be ranked it is mucho hardo to get anyone on player matches unless it is to boost noms. I don;t think the game is a let down by any's the support. Look at this forum that was started back in May that has the same things being asked for by fans to capcom that haven't been done. Besides a few balancing issues in patches no other items have been addressed. The one "major" dlc (I know I am beating my own dead horse here), Rush Arena, wasn't anything special. Had the months after the release of LP2 been met with the kind of support from the developer that we expect I personally believe it would've done better. Let's be realistic in today's gaming world LP2 was not going to be a triple A selling title straight off the bat. But, over time it would be appreciated and sell more. Look at Red Dead many dlc's and updates for it are already planned before this year is even out? And all we are asking for is a few slight changes.....

10 years ago  ::  Aug 04, 2010 - 6:57AM #186
Posts: 145

LP2s support is already bigger than for LP1 which  still has cheated leaderboards (Boss/Score Rush) and Capcom never patched it. Except for 3 patches (multiplayer still laggy) and 9 Multiplayer Maps (800 MS Points each) for LP1, the suppport wasn't that big either. No balancing updates for Colonies etc. For LP2 Capocm listened to the fans for the first time. Fans said "heh, I fall of the train in Episode 3 all the time, please fix it", "that unlimited ammo for the cannon sucks, please fix it". And they fixed it.

I believe the biggest problem is that Capcom is just known for Resident Evils and Street Fighters but not for Lost Planet. It's is just no casual run & gun shooter most people prefer more these days. On the other side, Red Dead Redemption is such a game + it's from Rockstar Game Studios. And these guys created GTA. And I mean, GTA had always a HUUUUUUUUGE fanbase. They can afford throwing out DLC after DLC cauz they have the money, time and people who are willing to buy the (pretty good) DLCs. Awesome game everyone can play >>>> big support. A natural process.

LP2 will sell over time, that's right, but not good enough for some super awesome DLCs or further support. LP1 sold good because the game had something new and fresh and there werent any other really good titles around that time.


But I hope there will be one more DLC + an update for the Number 1 stuff, more fine tuning.



It wouldn't surprise me if Capcom drops the support. With Halo Reach coming in September and other good titles LP2 will have a hard time (Xbox 360, for sure, dont know what's coming for PS3)....




10 years ago  ::  Aug 06, 2010 - 7:58AM #187
Dark Anaconda
Posts: 10

I checked the trainings missions "again" and all i can say that its impossible to get the Number1 Title in a legit way.

We are doomed...hmm and i have a really bad feeling about some little support in that case.

I wish we could get some new informations about this thread.

I am just afraid...puhh...

Best regards



10 years ago  ::  Aug 11, 2010 - 2:32PM #188
Posts: 46

I cant believe this forum just died in a week... i mean i used to read **** here everyday about petitions etc and now everyone is MIA..... i guess ppl have given up hope :(

10 years ago  ::  Aug 11, 2010 - 3:05PM #189
Posts: 811

Aug 11, 2010 -- 2:32PM, josh wrote:

I cant believe this forum just died in a week... i mean i used to read **** here everyday about petitions etc and now everyone is MIA..... i guess ppl have given up hope :(

Actually no, This was posted as a topic in Ask Capcom and Sven said he would talk to the devs, even though they have moved on to new projects, It's not that everyone gave up hope, it's that you guys won.

PSN ID: Justin_Coplen

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10 years ago  ::  Aug 11, 2010 - 5:26PM #190
Posts: 46

wait where is this thread you speak of?

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