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Ask Snow Your Questions
10 years ago  ::  Oct 28, 2009 - 7:54PM #201
Shiro Kitsune
Posts: 29

Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:18PM, C4SINO wrote:

You ignored my questions Snow :(


Oct 17, 2009 -- 7:57PM, C4SINO wrote:

I'm a sucker for customization, so...

1. How many clothes are there in all the categories rough ly so farand how many will there be in the end?

2. Likewise with colours, roughly how many colours are there so far and how many will there be in the end?

maybe because they cant reveal that iinformation yet? :P

PSN - WhiteFangKitsune

an explosion of pure JUSTICE
10 years ago  ::  Oct 28, 2009 - 8:21PM #202
Posts: 137

Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:18PM, C4SINO wrote:

You ignored my questions Snow :(


Oct 17, 2009 -- 7:57PM, C4SINO wrote:

I'm a sucker for customization, so...

1. How many clothes are there in all the categories rough ly so farand how many will there be in the end?

2. Likewise with colours, roughly how many colours are there so far and how many will there be in the end?

1. 1593; 1692
2. 6; 9001

10 years ago  ::  Oct 28, 2009 - 9:19PM #203
Posts: 542

Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:18PM, C4SINO wrote:

You ignored my questions Snow :(


Oct 17, 2009 -- 7:57PM, C4SINO wrote:

I'm a sucker for customization, so...

1. How many clothes are there in all the categories rough ly so farand how many will there be in the end?

2. Likewise with colours, roughly how many colours are there so far and how many will there be in the end?

these questions have already been answered.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 12:20AM #204
Posts: 832
...sorry for this retarded boneheaded question...but I'm the team (capcom) working on the ps3 version?
again sorry...

Your FACE!...god damnit!
C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.)
3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me.
Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211
What you're doing is 120% criminal.
Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt.
You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 5:18AM #205
Posts: 31

Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:47PM, Snow wrote:

Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:18PM, C4SINO wrote:

You ignored my questions Snow :(


Oct 17, 2009 -- 7:57PM, C4SINO wrote:

I'm a sucker for customization, so...

1. How many clothes are there in all the categories rough ly so farand how many will there be in the end?

2. Likewise with colours, roughly how many colours are there so far and how many will there be in the end?

Indeed I did. And not to be a jerk, but because it's too early to talk about it. Sealed

No problem, you weren't a jerk. The others who posted were though, spamming the thread.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 5:29AM #206
Posts: 890

Oct 29, 2009 -- 12:20AM, Flashy wrote:

...sorry for this retarded boneheaded question...but I'm the team (capcom) working on the ps3 version? again sorry...

I think that's a big yes.

PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)

10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 9:22AM #207
Posts: 83

Oct 27, 2009 -- 6:42PM, Snow wrote:

6. Each gun has it's own unique holster position depending on the parts you've used to customize your character.

Very cool, I'm excited to see this in action!

Only if you bring me flowers.

Hippie Snow Pirates confirmed?

I created some a while aog before I started working on LP2, way back before I had a job here at Capcom (probably the ones you're talking about). I'd love to do more for LP2 should I have the time. But we'll see about this in the future. It's certainly a help, but with the new weapons categories it really simplifies things, making it less useful.

Uh oh, breaking out the PDF! Very nice, although it makes me wonder if the in game HUD map from the top right corner will be expandable. I really liked how in Colonies each "level" was a point on a larger globe and had some basic illustration for the terrain, and the data posts guided you throughout the levels while unlocking more on the mini-map. Even if it was just the vector graphics outlining the basic areas and items it would be very nice to have a full overhead accessible in game, moreso for campaign but it would also make learning MP maps a breeze!

Oct 28, 2009 -- 5:52PM, Snow wrote:

The game in it's most recent form has the bounding box turned off by default.

I think that's probably a good decision, it's the first thing I do whenever I introduce someone to the demo - lead them through changing controls to Pattern B with Bounding Off and aim speed at 6+. I think it's just an issue of conditioning, and the novelty of the bounding box is not worth the amount of individuals it turns off at first glance.

It just wouldn't be Lost Planet without snow...


Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:47PM, Snow wrote:

Indeed I did. And not to be a jerk, but because it's too early to talk about it. Sealed

Here is the current relevant info I've heard from Snow so far regarding customization, in the form of his response to some of my musings earlier this year: "And now with all the other parts to customize I mentioned above, there's even more. I should also mention that the poster you're referring to doesn't even touch on a third of what's available for customization. It's near limitless, when you start adding it all up."

I had previously thrown out a lowball figure of around 2M armor combinations based on a press shot, and Snow blew us all out of the water with his multiplayer blog update. Assuming 50 "full" Snow Pirate sets (200 objects in the pool) and 4 permutation slots, that would leave you with a total of 64,684,950 possible combinations for Pirate looks in the end game. This is before considering Male/Female, Color modifiers, Taunts, Titles & Abilities. Surprised

Rest assured that I am very interested in customization, and LP2 looks to be setting the bar very high for this type of action game. It's also important to remember that once you play through the campaign, the next time you play with your party of friends they will all be rendered in the cut scenes live with all of their custom gear. This might sound like a small deal to some people but to me it is enormous, it will go a long way towards bringing all of my friends personalities into the game in a big way as we replay the campaign for fun and [?] profits!

"Who Feels It Knows It"
10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 12:03PM #208
Posts: 137

Oct 29, 2009 -- 9:22AM, Dub wrote:

Oct 27, 2009 -- 6:42PM, Snow wrote:

6. Each gun has it's own unique holster position depending on the parts you've used to customize your character.

Very cool, I'm excited to see this in action!

Only if you bring me flowers.

Hippie Snow Pirates confirmed?

I created some a while aog before I started working on LP2, way back before I had a job here at Capcom (probably the ones you're talking about). I'd love to do more for LP2 should I have the time. But we'll see about this in the future. It's certainly a help, but with the new weapons categories it really simplifies things, making it less useful.

Uh oh, breaking out the PDF! Very nice, although it makes me wonder if the in game HUD map from the top right corner will be expandable. I really liked how in Colonies each "level" was a point on a larger globe and had some basic illustration for the terrain, and the data posts guided you throughout the levels while unlocking more on the mini-map. Even if it was just the vector graphics outlining the basic areas and items it would be very nice to have a full overhead accessible in game, moreso for campaign but it would also make learning MP maps a breeze!

Oct 28, 2009 -- 5:52PM, Snow wrote:

The game in it's most recent form has the bounding box turned off by default.

I think that's probably a good decision, it's the first thing I do whenever I introduce someone to the demo - lead them through changing controls to Pattern B with Bounding Off and aim speed at 6+. I think it's just an issue of conditioning, and the novelty of the bounding box is not worth the amount of individuals it turns off at first glance.

It just wouldn't be Lost Planet without snow...


Oct 28, 2009 -- 7:47PM, Snow wrote:

Indeed I did. And not to be a jerk, but because it's too early to talk about it.

Here is the current relevant info I've heard from Snow so far regarding customization, in the form of his response to some of my musings earlier this year: "And now with all the other parts to customize I mentioned above, there's even more. I should also mention that the poster you're referring to doesn't even touch on a third of what's available for customization. It's near limitless, when you start adding it all up."

I had previously thrown out a lowball figure of around 2M armor combinations based on a press shot, and Snow blew us all out of the water with his multiplayer blog update. Assuming 50 "full" Snow Pirate sets (200 objects in the pool) and 4 permutation slots, that would leave you with a total of 64,684,950 possible combinations for Pirate looks in the end game. This is before considering Male/Female, Color modifiers, Taunts, Titles & Abilities.

Rest assured that I am very interested in customization, and LP2 looks to be setting the bar very high for this type of action game. It's also important to remember that once you play through the campaign, the next time you play with your party of friends they will all be rendered in the cut scenes live with all of their custom gear. This might sound like a small deal to some people but to me it is enormous, it will go a long way towards bringing all of my friends personalities into the game in a big way as we replay the campaign for fun and [?] profits!

While the bounding box might throw off newer players, it's vastly superior to the new standard option. I completely agree with their decision. Allow newer players to start a familar camera setting, while Lost Planet vets can quickly jump to Accelerate.

The "snow" question was pretty obvious. The trailer for Episode 1 shows the world of EDN III. These new environments are small pockets inside an endless world of snow. Category G Akrid allow these climate shifts.

10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 12:32PM #209
Posts: 4,873

Oct 29, 2009 -- 5:29AM, Chad wrote:

Oct 29, 2009 -- 12:20AM, Flashy wrote:

...sorry for this retarded boneheaded question...but I'm the team (capcom) working on the ps3 version? again sorry...

I think that's a big yes.

Yep, we're definitely working on the PS3 version. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
10 years ago  ::  Oct 29, 2009 - 6:35PM #210
Posts: 708

I just saw a video of Bioshock 2 where they'll be using stages from Bioshock 1 as multiplayer maps. Please, tell me there's plenty of LP1 maps in LP2? Also, multiplayer demo please?? Laughing Oh, and that bird symbol between your health and the team gauge is taking too much space imo, need to streamline it.

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