Back from NYC and being sick the weekend after to cause hell... I mean, um, answer ur kwestuns.
1. Is there a possibility of underwater VS's? Wondering, because in the TGS Trailer, on one part it had a some NEVEC soldiers coming out of what looked to be some kind of VS.
2. Just how Epic will the Final boss battle be?
3. And are the voices of the characters customizable? Or are they Pre-Chosen?
4. If you are playing solo, will that affect the way cutscenes are played? Or are their AI Pirates that will take the place of the other 3 missing players?
5. Will all the Pirates AI be improved? Because im sorry to say but the AI is pretty bad, at least from what i see so far
6. Will we be able to choose the way our weapons are holstered? Ive already seen several different ways the guns have been holstered so i was just wondering.
7. And I dont recall, but did you guys say that you still had some "Super Secret" new Multiplayer modes in development? I would really look forward to some sort of Horde/Firefight mode.
8. And is the Energy gun part of the Standard class of gun or is it something else?
9. Are there any plans to release a Multiplayer PvP demo on the XBL marketplace?
Lots of questions! So here we go:
1. Underwater VS? Maybe... We'll be revealing more of the Vital Suits down the line. With a release in 2010, it's just a little to early to be talking about everything.
2. I don't think I can physically describe the epicness of it, since it's full of epic stuff. But it's pretty epic. But don't worry, it won't cause a seizure or anything... I hope not anyways...
3. If you're thinking like Monster Hunter, it's not really like that... Lost Planet 1 online didn't have grunting or screaming when being shot/explodified, and niether does LP2. There's just no voices to customize to begin with.
4. When you're playing solo, the cutscenes still have the original faction pirates in.
5. The footage you've seen so far has all been from extremely early builds. It will, of course, get much better with the full release of the game.
6. Each gun has it's own unique holster position depending on the parts you've used to customize your character.
7. Noted.
8. Stay tuned. =)
9. I've answered this question multiple times in the thread, so as to not reiterate myself, please do some digging in this thread to find out.
Hello Snow,
My question is if the rocket launcher has been fixed cuz in the demo it sucked for me :( . Meaning if ur gonna be able to reload in mid air after u shoot. or lets say it like this (jump, shoot really fast and reload) before hitting the ground. Im a big fan of the rocket, an know alot of ppl that would love to see this again in LP2. i wouldnt consider the rocket to be overpower since u can roll it :) but the combats get better same as the 1 vs 1. Same goes with rifles where u can double shoot (shoot, jump and shoot again) really good tecnique when it comes to rifle playes... and so on with plasma revolver handgun. An if not go be able could you please tell them to put it back !!!PLEASE!!!... as i said i know alot of ppl mostly rocket players in LP, an on behalf of all of them i would LOVE to see that implemented on LP2. it would be way funner, an if its not going to be possible thank you Snow :(
Actually, the reason those weapons have changed is to improve balance. The weapons have all been tweaked very specifically, including the reloading abilities. So don't think of this as a hinderance, but rather a very detailed and specific tweak to the gameplay experience as a whole.
Since my questions were just ignored and other people's "energy gun problem" pretty much the hype of the thread, there's no release date announced, yes? so that means the game will most likely be released next year yeah? ok cool, cuz i'm gonna go ahead and get Tekken 6 instead of just waiting here getting no responses about the game and the so-called release of RE3 for PSN which we had waited for, months of its announcement...might as well play something i enjoyed during sweet childhood and share with people online(and friends who visit)
Actually, we have announced that the game is coming out in 2010. And I'm not sure about the whole Tekken 6 comment, since that came out today, and LP2 isn't coming until some time in 2010...
Hey snow will u hang out with me?
Only if you bring me flowers.
Here's a question that has not been answered and you hopefully can address;
Will there be tactical overhead maps ever released for the multiplayer levels?
Example -
LP was one of the few games that never had tactical maps for us to use as a reference. Awhile ago somebody (snow, chaser, lucent don't remember who) did an awesome tactical map of Canyon 810 on this site but never did the others that I know of.
So if Capcom does not release something like this will we be able to do this by using a camera feature or overhead view?
Thanks and hopefully Snow can this answer at his convenience.
I created some a while aog before I started working on LP2, way back before I had a job here at Capcom (probably the ones you're talking about). I'd love to do more for LP2 should I have the time. But we'll see about this in the future. It's certainly a help, but with the new weapons categories it really simplifies things, making it less useful.
Oh, just thought up this question last night.
Will there be levels in campaign or Multiplayer where you will fight underwater? Or like in a large swampland full of trees walking through water? I noticed the Nevec soldiers in Diving Outfits so I just wondered.
I don't know if this has already been asked and answered but, will there be more control options in addition to what's in the demo?
Of course!