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Ask Snow Your Questions
11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 1:34PM #171
Posts: 832

Oct 18, 2009 -- 9:55AM, Jwhude wrote:

Is the harmonizer in online multiplayer gameplay?

No,you remember someone posted a vid for the online multiplayer and you said something like good thing it's not in there?

Your FACE!...god damnit!
C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.)
3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me.
Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211
What you're doing is 120% criminal.
Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt.
You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 3:49PM #172
Posts: 17

Is the Energy Gun still overpowered? How about Homing Laser? Those two weapons have made me come pretty close rage quitting, which is something that I never, ever do. (mainly because I hate it when other people do it)

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 4:38PM #173
Posts: 137

Oct 18, 2009 -- 3:49PM, NewAku wrote:

Is the Energy Gun still overpowered? How about Homing Laser? Those two weapons have made me come pretty close rage quitting, which is something that I never, ever do. (mainly because I hate it when other people do it)

Neither of those weapons were overpowered. The only "overpowered" weapon was the VS Rifle, which they've toned down in Lost Planet 2.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 6:12PM #174
Posts: 542

Oct 18, 2009 -- 4:38PM, Kaeporo wrote:

Oct 18, 2009 -- 3:49PM, NewAku wrote:

Is the Energy Gun still overpowered? How about Homing Laser? Those two weapons have made me come pretty close rage quitting, which is something that I never, ever do. (mainly because I hate it when other people do it)

Neither of those weapons were overpowered. The only "overpowered" weapon was the VS Rifle, which they've toned down in Lost Planet 2.

agreed, the homing laser and energy gun were the only two weapons that could consistently take out snipers who would hide in some obscure corner of the map and take a opponent down as they rounded a corner or were forced to run across barren open land.

because of this reason alone i truly hope both weapons are in the game, i was so sick of getting killed a dozen different times because a sniper would hang by their grapple and glitch through a wall, or flipping the camera up (towards the sky) while running against a wall, just to jump/glitch up a wall and hang their the whole game sniping.


11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 7:22PM #175
Posts: 650

Oct 18, 2009 -- 4:38PM, Kaeporo wrote:

Oct 18, 2009 -- 3:49PM, NewAku wrote:

Is the Energy Gun still overpowered? How about Homing Laser? Those two weapons have made me come pretty close rage quitting, which is something that I never, ever do. (mainly because I hate it when other people do it)

Neither of those weapons were overpowered. The only "overpowered" weapon was the VS Rifle, which they've toned down in Lost Planet 2.

Yeah I was actually trying to find out if the vs rifle had been changed earlier in this thread because it's basically a 10 kill streak the second I or anyone with decent skill touches it.  But yeah both those other guns are easy to roll.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 7:26PM #176
Posts: 261

Oct 18, 2009 -- 8:16AM, Mushroomcar wrote:

How precise can you color your characters armour? every little detail? or just presets (also the question above mine!)?

Are DLC:s planned? Huge/small? I'm sure i'd buy them if the game is good, which it will be. ;)

"Every one of the parts will have many dozens of variations in them," Takeuchi said. "You can also change the color of each part."


As for the DLC, I remember reading some interview, that I can't seem to find, that "there's only so much room on the disk". He seemed to hint that there might be some.


11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 7:28PM #177
Posts: 650

I like how this thread has gone from Snow answers your questions to other random members attempt to answer your questions.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 7:57PM #178
Posts: 13

Oct 18, 2009 -- 7:26PM, Ender wrote:

Oct 18, 2009 -- 8:16AM, Mushroomcar wrote:

How precise can you color your characters armour? every little detail? or just presets (also the question above mine!)?

Are DLC:s planned? Huge/small? I'm sure i'd buy them if the game is good, which it will be. ;)

"Every one of the parts will have many dozens of variations in them," Takeuchi said. "You can also change the color of each part."


As for the DLC, I remember reading some interview, that I can't seem to find, that "there's only so much room on the disk". He seemed to hint that there might be some.


Great to hear! Glad for your answers, thanks!


- Shroom

11 years ago  ::  Oct 19, 2009 - 12:49PM #179
Posts: 957

Oct 18, 2009 -- 7:28PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

I like how this thread has gone from Snow answers your questions to other random members attempt to answer your questions.

so many people are asking stuff we already know or where asked or things that are just not going to get answered yet

11 years ago  ::  Oct 20, 2009 - 7:13PM #180
infra red011
Posts: 142

1. Is there a possibility of underwater VS's? Wondering, because in the TGS Trailer, on one part it had a some NEVEC soldiers coming out of what looked to be some kind of VS.

2. Just how Epic will the Final boss battle be?


3. And are the voices of the characters customizable? Or are they Pre-Chosen?


4. If you are playing solo, will that affect the way cutscenes are played? Or are their AI Pirates that will take the place of the other 3 missing players?


5. Will all the Pirates AI be improved? Because im sorry to say but the AI is pretty bad, at least from what i see so far


6. Will we be able to choose the way our weapons are holstered? Ive already seen several different ways the guns have been holstered so i was just wondering.

7. And I dont recall, but did you guys say that you still had some "Super Secret" new Multiplayer modes in development? I would really look forward to some sort of Horde/Firefight mode.


8. And is the Energy gun part of the Standard class of gun or is it something else?

9. Are there any plans to release a Multiplayer PvP demo on the XBL marketplace?

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