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Ask Snow Your Questions
11 years ago  ::  Oct 15, 2009 - 5:44PM #161
Posts: 4,873

Oct 15, 2009 -- 3:37PM, Deaco wrote:

Oct 15, 2009 -- 3:27PM, robotboot wrote:

Oct 15, 2009 -- 2:27PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

im confused what is this pic from

^ What he said @_@

This picture is from the Lost Planet 1 theatrical trailer. The logo screen fades in with the planet from space, showing two small moons outside of it. 

Keep in mind that this trailer is part of the Western marketing, and was not created by the Lost Planet team. They approved it, but likely did not think about the two moons added to the planet, since the moons were there for extra flare and style. Makes that particular shot look more like it's from space, which it did well. 

Now, since this was the only time you ever see these moons, and it was part of a trailer not created by the Lost Planet team, don't expect to see them as a part of the Lost Planet 2 universe. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
11 years ago  ::  Oct 15, 2009 - 6:05PM #162
Jason Dangerously
Posts: 69

Makes sense.

There is a difference between those who know the path and those who walk it. I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new.

Gamertag: Jason El Cuervo
PSN: Kenjiro88
11 years ago  ::  Oct 15, 2009 - 11:28PM #163
infra red011
Posts: 142

Well if you can answer this, i know the Revolver and the Handcannon are both in the game, but can you confirm if the Handgun will be in the game as well? I really enjoyed using this gun but felt it was very underrated and underpowered. I couldve sworn i saw it in a LP2 gameplay vid at one point but i wasnt entirely sure.

And I dont recall, but did you guys say that you still had some "Super Secret" new Multiplayer modes in development? I would really look forward to some sort of Horde/Firefight mode.

And us the Energy gun part of the Standard class of gun or is it something else?

11 years ago  ::  Oct 16, 2009 - 3:24PM #164
Posts: 650

Hey snow is any chance there could be some Capcom hosted tournaments in the future?  (with prizes of course Cool)

11 years ago  ::  Oct 16, 2009 - 6:56PM #165
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

Oct 15, 2009 -- 11:28PM, infra red011 wrote:

Well if you can answer this, i know the Revolver and the Handcannon are both in the game, but can you confirm if the Handgun will be in the game as well? I really enjoyed using this gun but felt it was very underrated and underpowered. I couldve sworn i saw it in a LP2 gameplay vid at one point but i wasnt entirely sure.

And I dont recall, but did you guys say that you still had some "Super Secret" new Multiplayer modes in developpment? I would really look forward to some sort of Horde/Firefight mode.

The Handgun is in that pic of all the guns/gharacters/VS's, so I'm pretty sure it is in the game.

GT: Gonzogamer X
11 years ago  ::  Oct 17, 2009 - 7:57PM #166
Posts: 31

I'm a sucker for customization, so...

1. How many clothes are there in all the categories rough ly so farand how many will there be in the end?

2. Likewise with colours, roughly how many colours are there so far and how many will there be in the end?

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 8:16AM #167
Posts: 13


I'm new here, glad i found these forums. Quite hard.. Innocent
I've read through your three blog parts and this thread, and still wondering about some unanswered

Maybe many questions.. Embarassed *hides*

How precise can you color your characters armour? every little detail? or just presets (also the question above mine!)?

In customization, can you choose "looks" of your character, head/face + his/her voice?

Are there many weapons in each cathegory? Seen maybe three types of the "shotgun cathegory" in the demo.

When playing the demo, i noticed at the third stage, if you look back in the start, it seems like
you skipped a stage for not spoiling. How many "stages" (between loading) are there in each "chapter/campaign"?

Any plans on "voice acting" - with which i mean; your character can shout things that can help the team or instruct (almost like MGS4). Examples; "Stop!", "Need assistance!", "Follow me!" or "Jump in!". This would be helpful if people need help or want to quickly say anything to anyone! OR will there be any texting function?

Are DLC:s planned? Huge/small? I'm sure i'd buy them if the game is good, which it will be. ;)

Release this (before xmas?) or next year? I read winter in the thread ;)

Collectors edition - earlier mentioned - Some type of extraordinary box (steel), extra ingame content and
perhaps something usefull for everyday life! Things you can't get otherwise since some other games gets
you trailers you can find online in such an edition as an example... which is not cool <.<.


- Shroom

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 9:02AM #168
Posts: 55

Hi there! welcome to the forums, glad you could find your way around (even though i'm still new myself)
I've tried to answer as many of your questions as i could, and i think that would probably be the same answer as snow would give you.

Oct 18, 2009 -- 8:16AM, Mushroomcar wrote:


I'm new here, glad i found these forums. Quite hard..
I've read through your three blog parts and this thread, and still wondering about some unanswered

Maybe many questions..  *hides*

How precise can you color your characters armour? every little detail? or just presets (also the question above mine!)?
Only thing known is that you can color your character, what parts of the character isn't being answered yet :/

In customization, can you choose "looks" of your character, head/face + his/her voice?
I'd doubt it, you can decide gender, but i think face will be preset with each helmet/mask.

Are there many weapons in each cathegory? Seen maybe three types of the "shotgun cathegory" in the demo.
There's many weapons that have not yet been revealed, possibly even more weapon catagories.

When playing the demo, i noticed at the third stage, if you look back in the start, it seems like
you skipped a stage for not spoiling. How many "stages" (between loading) are there in each "chapter/campaign"? 
I don't think there's any of those in the final game, i think they just put that in to shorten the levels.
ever noticed how in part 2 you start out in a crashed elevator? (looks like one, i have no idea what it is)

Any plans on "voice acting" - with which i mean; your character can shout things that can help the team or instruct (almost like MGS4). Examples; "Stop!", "Need assistance!", "Follow me!" or "Jump in!". This would be helpful if people need help or want to quickly say anything to anyone! OR will there be any texting function?
There is a taunt system in the demo, you can use some of them as commands i guess.
Texting function would suck, seeing as it would take ages for most people to type something on consoles, just use voice chat :)

Are DLC:s planned? Huge/small? I'm sure i'd buy them if the game is good, which it will be. ;)
I think they'll focuss on the game first, then they'll see for dlc

Release this (before xmas?) or next year? I read winter in the thread ;)
Psht, i still want to know this myself.

Collectors edition - earlier mentioned - Some type of extraordinary box (steel), extra ingame content and
perhaps something usefull for everyday life! Things you can't get otherwise since some other games gets
you trailers you can find online in such an edition as an example... which is not cool <.<.
Try mentioning this in my thread as well, i'm trying to get a compilation of what people would want the most in a collector's edition :D


- Shroom
hope this helped,
- Burning

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 9:55AM #169
Posts: 98

Is the harmonizer in online multiplayer gameplay?

11 years ago  ::  Oct 18, 2009 - 10:46AM #170
Posts: 13

Oct 18, 2009 -- 9:02AM, BurningshadowsX wrote:

Hi there! welcome to the forums, glad you could find your way around (even though i'm still new myself)
I've tried to answer as many of your questions as i could, and i think that would probably be the same answer as snow would give you.

Oct 18, 2009 -- 8:16AM, Mushroomcar wrote:


I'm new here, glad i found these forums. Quite hard..
I've read through your three blog parts and this thread, and still wondering about some unanswered

Maybe many questions..  *hides*

How precise can you color your characters armour? every little detail? or just presets (also the question above mine!)?
Only thing known is that you can color your character, what parts of the character isn't being answered yet :/

In customization, can you choose "looks" of your character, head/face + his/her voice?
I'd doubt it, you can decide gender, but i think face will be preset with each helmet/mask.

Are there many weapons in each cathegory? Seen maybe three types of the "shotgun cathegory" in the demo.
There's many weapons that have not yet been revealed, possibly even more weapon catagories.

When playing the demo, i noticed at the third stage, if you look back in the start, it seems like
you skipped a stage for not spoiling. How many "stages" (between loading) are there in each "chapter/campaign"? 
I don't think there's any of those in the final game, i think they just put that in to shorten the levels.
ever noticed how in part 2 you start out in a crashed elevator? (looks like one, i have no idea what it is)

Any plans on "voice acting" - with which i mean; your character can shout things that can help the team or instruct (almost like MGS4). Examples; "Stop!", "Need assistance!", "Follow me!" or "Jump in!". This would be helpful if people need help or want to quickly say anything to anyone! OR will there be any texting function?
There is a taunt system in the demo, you can use some of them as commands i guess.
Texting function would suck, seeing as it would take ages for most people to type something on consoles, just use voice chat :)

Are DLC:s planned? Huge/small? I'm sure i'd buy them if the game is good, which it will be. ;)
I think they'll focuss on the game first, then they'll see for dlc

Release this (before xmas?) or next year? I read winter in the thread ;)
Psht, i still want to know this myself.

Collectors edition - earlier mentioned - Some type of extraordinary box (steel), extra ingame content and
perhaps something usefull for everyday life! Things you can't get otherwise since some other games gets
you trailers you can find online in such an edition as an example... which is not cool <.<.
Try mentioning this in my thread as well, i'm trying to get a compilation of what people would want the most in a collector's edition :D


- Shroom
hope this helped,
- Burning

Thanks man! Very nice of you to help answer! However, i was looking for even more precise answers since i already know the most, but want to squeeze out more info from the devs. Embarassed The taunt system doesn't say anything formal, at least people aren't paying attention, so some voice lines or texting would be an great addition for communicating! Also, i can't use voicechat right now. And in my opinion it would be nice with such additions as described when playing with unfamiliar players. And that elevator, that may be a "dropbox" from the helicopters? Of course they will focus on the game first, but they can still have something planned since it's comming out quite soon i suppose. Cool

I'll mention some more wishes in your collectors thread!


- Shroom

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