Hey Snow i got another question for you: Will the target markers return? Or something like them...coins or something hidden in every level of the campaign? I thought those things were fun to get...extremely challenging on extreme mode...but in the end u feel like u accomplished something big..even though all u get was gamerscore points...not a fan really i would rather get an ingame prize..instead of 20 useless points...lol
I can't answer that question for you at the moment, but keep in mind that there will be some form of exploration in the game with rewards.
IGN says Lost Planet 2's release date is in December. Is this false?
At the moment, we're only saying a "winter" release. Stay tuned.
Will PC, Xbox and PS3 players be split? since i am getting sick of the cheating PC players
We have no plans for a PC version at this time. That said, you won't be seeing any cross compatible online play between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions.
Will there be collectors editions for Lost Planet 2
*shurgs* Too early to tell. Why? You guys want a collector's edition? If so, what do you want in it?
Any split screen possibilities?
The possibility is still there, but the answer is the same. There's no final word yet, as making a game as intensive as LP2 run twice on the same console is quite the technical feat.
Snow, would you mind answering some questions please?
There you go! Sorry if I delay in answering. I tend to get extremely busy, especially as of late. But stopping in here is something I love to do in my free time. Thanks for posting your questions, everyone.