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Ask Snow Your Questions
11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 3:04AM #121
Posts: 1,483

Oct 8, 2009 -- 9:31PM, KaosSwirl wrote:

Oct 8, 2009 -- 7:10PM, Kill it with fire! wrote:

Oct 8, 2009 -- 2:25PM, NewAku wrote:

Are VS weapons involved in the customization, or will everybody share the same VS weapons like in LP1?

Oh, and I know this has been asked multiple times before, but can you start with a weapon of your choice? Being able to select a rifle as my long range weapon won't mean **** to me if I still have to race to a certain spot to get it, and then fight over it. And having the host choose what weapon/weapon category you start with is just a terrible idea in general. 

Allowing people to choose their starting weapon is what basically every other game does, and it works. It's simple, weapon diversity=better teamwork. Your best shotgun user is worthless if he can't start with a shotgun, and your best sniper is worthless if he starts with a machine gun.

As far as I know, VS weapons aren't customisable, which is why they all show up as "VS" in the catagories.

The host selects catagories, and you get your prefered weapon in that catagory.

this hasnt been confirmed yet, why are people spreading this as if its fact?



 People aren't spreading this as fact.  Everyone just believes this is the way it will turn out.

 We know that in LP1 the host could select a weapon to start with.  Now we are suspecting that since customization works in the battle modes that the host won't chose the specific weapon, they will only select the category of weapon.

 The reason many of us are willing to believe this is because we know that the battle games will not work if one person starts with shotgun and another starts with Rocket Launcher.

 And no ammount of you saying you don't understand, or that you don't want someone else selecting your weapon will allow you to start with the rocket launcher if it isn't selected in some way by the host.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 8:51AM #122
Posts: 957

Oct 8, 2009 -- 9:31PM, KaosSwirl wrote:

Oct 8, 2009 -- 7:10PM, Kill it with fire! wrote:

Oct 8, 2009 -- 2:25PM, NewAku wrote:

Are VS weapons involved in the customization, or will everybody share the same VS weapons like in LP1?

Oh, and I know this has been asked multiple times before, but can you start with a weapon of your choice? Being able to select a rifle as my long range weapon won't mean **** to me if I still have to race to a certain spot to get it, and then fight over it. And having the host choose what weapon/weapon category you start with is just a terrible idea in general. 

Allowing people to choose their starting weapon is what basically every other game does, and it works. It's simple, weapon diversity=better teamwork. Your best shotgun user is worthless if he can't start with a shotgun, and your best sniper is worthless if he starts with a machine gun.

As far as I know, VS weapons aren't customisable, which is why they all show up as "VS" in the catagories.

The host selects catagories, and you get your prefered weapon in that catagory.

this hasnt been confirmed yet, why are people spreading this as if its fact?


i hope it is a fact it would suck if everyone started with rockets and rifles every match

11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 10:48AM #123
Posts: 25

Hey Snow i got another question for you: Will the target markers return? Or something like them...coins or something hidden in every level of the campaign? I thought those things were fun to get...extremely challenging on extreme mode...but in the end u feel like u accomplished something big..even though all u get was gamerscore points...not a fan really i would rather get an ingame prize..instead of 20 useless

11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 1:15PM #124
General Shrooms
Posts: 184

Oct 9, 2009 -- 10:48AM, Corrupted333 wrote:

Hey Snow i got another question for you: Will the target markers return? Or something like them...coins or something hidden in every level of the campaign? I thought those things were fun to get...extremely challenging on extreme mode...but in the end u feel like u accomplished something big..even though all u get was gamerscore points...not a fan really i would rather get an ingame prize..instead of 20 useless

When I got the master Pioneer achievement I was expecting something like an extra character as a badge of honer but got nothing instead. Another thing, for some reason the master pioneer achievement was worth less than beating the game on extreme, not that it mattered.Yell

11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 2:31PM #125
Posts: 4,549

Q: So these "Rare Items" you talk about how are they unlocked are they done Via the ? Box system or are the on a whole different Scale that we do not know of yet

11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 2:35PM #126
Posts: 4

Oct 7, 2009 -- 2:10PM, Zades wrote:

How much color can you customize on your outfits? Like changing the color of collars and sleeves or is it set so you can only change the color of only one part of a shirt or pants?

11 years ago  ::  Oct 09, 2009 - 6:32PM #127
Posts: 2,074

Oct 7, 2009 -- 2:10PM, Zades wrote:

How much color can you customize on your outfits? Like changing the color of collars and sleeves or is it set so you can only change the color of only one part of a shirt or pants?


Oct 7, 2009 -- 1:36PM, Snow wrote:

[For everyone else, I read all the questions here. I just don't answer them all do to the fact the answer has the potential to go into something we're not discussing at the moment. So feel free to ask away, just don't expect answers for everything right now.


Moderated by BTHR Zero X on Oct 10, 2009 - 12:06AM
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Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
11 years ago  ::  Oct 11, 2009 - 1:42PM #128
Posts: 2,074

Is there really only one V.S. that stays flying, or are there other ones as well?

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Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
11 years ago  ::  Oct 11, 2009 - 8:26PM #129
Posts: 84

Um hi snow quick question

Did you get to use the character customising?

If so did you get to make some awesome characters?

I mean you don't have to tell me what they were just in general

11 years ago  ::  Oct 11, 2009 - 8:55PM #130
Posts: 890

IGN says Lost Planet 2's release date is in December. Is this false?

PSN-Lost_Killler (3 Ls)

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