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Ask Snow Your Questions
11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 12:38PM #111
Posts: 25

I would agree. I loved the VS rifle but it does feel like ur just taking advantage of people lol. Myabe they will add more of a kickso it takes longer to get a shot off (less kills), or a one shot clip so constant reload, or a trail of smoke so u can see where they are shooting from..then ur teamates (or u after respawn lol) can hunt them down.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 2:25PM #112
Posts: 17

Are VS weapons involved in the customization, or will everybody share the same VS weapons like in LP1?

Oh, and I know this has been asked multiple times before, but can you start with a weapon of your choice? Being able to select a rifle as my long range weapon won't mean **** to me if I still have to race to a certain spot to get it, and then fight over it. And having the host choose what weapon/weapon category you start with is just a terrible idea in general. 

Allowing people to choose their starting weapon is what basically every other game does, and it works. It's simple, weapon diversity=better teamwork. Your best shotgun user is worthless if he can't start with a shotgun, and your best sniper is worthless if he starts with a machine gun.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 3:21PM #113
Posts: 4,873

Oct 8, 2009 -- 11:18AM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Gah questions from the GameFAQ's board here

Q: Will we Xbox users get to see the PS3 Demo?

Q: Will the TSG Demo for the desert and the TSG Mulitplayer Demo be release

Q: Why does it seem the PS3 Demo has more glitchs and Lag

Xbox 360 users will see the content of the PS3 demo when the play the full game upon release. Laughing

The TGS Demos were for TGS and showing to the press and media only. Sorry. 

The PS3 is just harder to make games for. And be aware too that it's just a demo, there's GOING to be bugs. The good news is that the PS3 build recently is my personal favorite. It runs real nice. Cool

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 7:07PM #114
Posts: 2,074

Will there be extremely outrageous rare items in the game to unlock? I heard something a while ago about a gun the Japanese will recognize but Americans and Europeans will probably laugh about.


-Just a note, will you be able to spill your guts about the game a week before release, besides all of the super rare things you have to find yourself? Just wondering since you did that for the Demo. Tongue out

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Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
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Lunethex is muh best frand! :)

I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 7:10PM #115
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

Oct 8, 2009 -- 2:25PM, NewAku wrote:

Are VS weapons involved in the customization, or will everybody share the same VS weapons like in LP1?

Oh, and I know this has been asked multiple times before, but can you start with a weapon of your choice? Being able to select a rifle as my long range weapon won't mean **** to me if I still have to race to a certain spot to get it, and then fight over it. And having the host choose what weapon/weapon category you start with is just a terrible idea in general. 

Allowing people to choose their starting weapon is what basically every other game does, and it works. It's simple, weapon diversity=better teamwork. Your best shotgun user is worthless if he can't start with a shotgun, and your best sniper is worthless if he starts with a machine gun.

As far as I know, VS weapons aren't customisable, which is why they all show up as "VS" in the catagories.

The host selects catagories, and you get your prefered weapon in that catagory. And fighting for power weapons has been in just about every shooter (that has power weapons) Having everyone spawn with their prefered weapon wouldn't work well, because people could just pick heavy weapons and spawn with a plasma cannon. I don't know why having certain start weapons is a terrible idea, the catagories prevent it from being to host controlled.

The only really big game that lets you choose your starting weapon right now is Call of Duty, and that has a whole different playstyle from lost planet.

GT: Gonzogamer X
11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 7:55PM #116
Posts: 4,873

Oct 8, 2009 -- 7:07PM, Deaco wrote:

Will there be extremely outrageous rare items in the game to unlock? I heard something a while ago about a gun the Japanese will recognize but Americans and Europeans will probably laugh about.

-Just a note, will you be able to spill your guts about the game a week before release, besides all of the super rare things you have to find yourself? Just wondering since you did that for the Demo. Tongue out

 Of course there's going to be rare items! But how rare...? Well, I guess that depends on your dedication on getting them. Wink

And I won't spill the beans about the whole game before release. I could, but I really don't want to. There's so many amazing things in Lost Planet 2... I'd hate to spoil all of that for you guys. There's just something awesome about discovering something on your own, you know? 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 7:56PM #117
Posts: 4,873

Oct 8, 2009 -- 7:10PM, Kill it with fire! wrote:

As far as I know, VS weapons aren't customisable, which is why they all show up as "VS" in the catagories.

Sorry I missed the original question, but Kill it with Fire is absolutely right. There's no customizing the VS weapons.

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 8:16PM #118
infra red011
Posts: 142

Just how Epic will the Final boss battle be?

And are the voices of the characters customizable? Or are they Pre-Chosen?

If you are playing solo, will that affect the way cutscenes are played? Or are their AI Pirates that will take the place of the other 3 missing players?

Will all the Pirates AI be improved? Because im sorry to say but the AI is pretty bad, at least from what i see so far

Will we be able to choose the way our weapons are holstered? Ive already seen several different ways the guns have been holstered so i was just wondering.


11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 9:31PM #119
Posts: 542

Oct 8, 2009 -- 7:10PM, Kill it with fire! wrote:

Oct 8, 2009 -- 2:25PM, NewAku wrote:

Are VS weapons involved in the customization, or will everybody share the same VS weapons like in LP1?

Oh, and I know this has been asked multiple times before, but can you start with a weapon of your choice? Being able to select a rifle as my long range weapon won't mean **** to me if I still have to race to a certain spot to get it, and then fight over it. And having the host choose what weapon/weapon category you start with is just a terrible idea in general. 

Allowing people to choose their starting weapon is what basically every other game does, and it works. It's simple, weapon diversity=better teamwork. Your best shotgun user is worthless if he can't start with a shotgun, and your best sniper is worthless if he starts with a machine gun.

As far as I know, VS weapons aren't customisable, which is why they all show up as "VS" in the catagories.

The host selects catagories, and you get your prefered weapon in that catagory.

this hasnt been confirmed yet, why are people spreading this as if its fact?

11 years ago  ::  Oct 08, 2009 - 11:09PM #120
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

Oh. I thought it had been confirmed somewhere...oh well.

GT: Gonzogamer X
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