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Ask Snow Your Questions
11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 1:43PM #91
Posts: 83

Speaking of release, any word on a possible Collectors Edition? I know there was one for LP, and I've never wanted to buy a CE before, but LP2 deserves it and then some Cool

"Who Feels It Knows It"
11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 1:46PM #92
Posts: 4

Oct 3, 2009 -- 1:42AM, Zades wrote:

Is there a clan system for online? Is there a sort of party system so i can join friends games and be on thier team?

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 2:32PM #93
Posts: 2,074

When customizing the different parts for your character, Do you still have to unlock the new color variations? Or do you just start with them. Also could you make your own custom color? Or are they all pre-rendered?

Okay and the last part, Could you get specific with the colors, like for instance changing the colors of your goggles so instead of it being red it could be green or blue?

Extremely curious in the customization. Tongue out

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I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 5:36PM #94
Posts: 542

Oct 6, 2009 -- 6:30AM, Black Jack wrote:

Oct 5, 2009 -- 3:18PM, Snow wrote:

I take it you're not a Street Fighter player... SF is very similar to LP in this sense.

What makes Lost Planet shine among other shooters is the fact that it has a layer of strategy most games don't. Take for instance if someone starts shooting you before you have time to think. Most games that means your dead, wait to respawn to start shooting him before he shoots you. Now take for instance the roll. There's no regenerating health, so this adds a section of skill based gameplay as a factor. If someone starts shooting you, you usually have time to counteract this. Turn the tide

I could go on and on if you're interested in my rants. But essentially, those animations make Lost Planet what it is: a game about skill. Not about who can pull the trigger first. 

That said, many of the old animations are gone, have been sped up to improve gameplay, and some are no longer invulnerable. 

Really, that's what you call skill? stupidly putting yourself in a situation where your being attacked and then using some secret exploit in the game that lets you cheat your enemy out of a kill! (that's a rhetorical question) 

Anyway you didn't answer my question. I asked, how are Capcom planning to teach people to use this tactic?

It's strange that the thing that made Lots Planet stand out for you, is the one thing that i hated about the game and i find it hard to believe that anyone enjoyed being locked into those roll, shoot, roll battles with someone.

If it's in the game it's in the game so i'll end my rant there and wait to see what changes have been made.

ive always been of the opinion that roll invinsibility should be played up, not played down. when you roll it just shows you rolling, which is the reason why alot of people never realised that you were invincible while doing it. however if the roll gave you some type of aura (t-eng seeping out from your body) then people would realise sooner that it (rolling) has a affect (a moment on invincibility). if roll did have these effects it should take t-eng to roll as well.

when i come across people that just rolled all over the place in multiplayer games i would just toss a sticky or a disc nade on them and just shoot that when they come out of their roll, more times then not i usually got the kill.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 6:52PM #95
Posts: 137

The invisibility frame is slightly smaller in this game. Rolling shouldn't be so frequent. Especially since the game has more CQC areas and we also have the sprint feature. In the original game, you had the option of running, rolling, or grappling. Running had no advantages or disadvantages. Rolling got you around just as fast with the added I frames + smaller hitbox. Grappling was quick but left you vulnerable. In Lost Planet 2 you can run (same thing), roll (shorter I frame), grapple (same thing), or sprint (faster mobility). As you can see, it won't be as frequent. The game should speed up noticeably.

The roll kept weapons like the energy gun and machine gun from being overpowered.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 7:03PM #96
Posts: 137

Alright. Time for me to ask Snow some questions. I only have two and I tried to keep them unique. (No point in repeating the same questions Cool

1: Control customization. How deep will it be? Can we southpaw analog sticks and swap buttons (TES:Oblivion-style)?

2: Environmental damage. I understand that several objects (particularly in the desert episode) can be destroyed. Can you fill us in (at the present time) as to how much effort is being spent in this area?

Thank you.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 07, 2009 - 3:27AM #97
Posts: 1,366



Will there be "town like" loby's 

Will there be great that needs to be crafted?

Will there submariens

Will there be a local co-up (lan mode)

will there be tree's you can climb al the way up?

In the helicopter can you diside what to take? like a boot, a transport crate or a VS.

Will the buildings in the town be open?

Is there more than one way to finish the game?

With how many players can you play the game in online battle (not the co-up mode)

Can you  catch Sir Om Nom Nom so you can take care of him to be your friend? (a place to sleep when the days are cold)

Will there be colonies to chose from? or your own home town or snow pirate clan.

Will there be a "great host" system and a "beginner host" system so that people will see if some one is a great host or new to hosting games or even a bad host?

Will there be easter eggs in the game like Christmas trees in dec and a mantis on broom in oct?

will there be a clan system and would they be able to create their own clan sticker/logo for in game reconition?

Will shields have weaknesses and durability? 

In co-up mode can you turn friendly fire on and of?

how many more type of akrid will there be in the game?

Can we compare Lost Planet 2 with Monster Hunter in a way?

Do you have any questions for me?

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

Some akrid seem to fight them self.. are there high AI akrid,s and low AI akrid's in the game?

Will we go off the planet in this game?

when your termal runs out will heat effect you as mush as cold does (slowly killing you when you are out)

well that is it...

11 years ago  ::  Oct 07, 2009 - 3:48AM #98
Posts: 832

Oct 7, 2009 -- 3:27AM, maiky-nisute wrote:



Will there be "town like" loby's 

Will there be great that needs to be crafted?

Will there submariens

Will there be a local co-up (lan mode)

will there be tree's you can climb al the way up?

In the helicopter can you diside what to take? like a boot, a transport crate or a VS.

Will the buildings in the town be open?

Is there more than one way to finish the game?

With how many players can you play the game in online battle (not the co-up mode)

Can you  catch Sir Om Nom Nom so you can take care of him to be your friend? (a place to sleep when the days are cold)

Will there be colonies to chose from? or your own home town or snow pirate clan.

Will there be a "great host" system and a "beginner host" system so that people will see if some one is a great host or new to hosting games or even a bad host?

Will there be easter eggs in the game like Christmas trees in dec and a mantis on broom in oct?

will there be a clan system and would they be able to create their own clan sticker/logo for in game reconition?

Will shields have weaknesses and durability? 

In co-up mode can you turn friendly fire on and of?

how many more type of akrid will there be in the game?

Can we compare Lost Planet 2 with Monster Hunter in a way?

Do you have any questions for me?

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

Some akrid seem to fight them self.. are there high AI akrid,s and low AI akrid's in the game?

Will we go off the planet in this game?

when your termal runs out will heat effect you as mush as cold does (slowly killing you when you are out)

well that is it...

O.o *heads explode

Your FACE!...god damnit!
C'mon,Magma Dragoon for a future Capcom vs___!(Not changin' till it happens.)
3DS friend Code:5241-1970-5045 Add me.
Add me on PS3/Vita,Flashy211
What you're doing is 120% criminal.
Remember:What doesn't kill you,usually succeeds in the second attempt.
You know you've given up on one your IPs if you let Spark Unlimited develop it. (or Nihilistic)
11 years ago  ::  Oct 07, 2009 - 1:36PM #99
Posts: 4,873

Oct 4, 2009 -- 12:41PM, maiky-nisute wrote:


Will there be "town like" loby's 

Will there be great that needs to be crafted?

Will there submariens

Will there be a local co-up (lan mode)

will there be tree's you can climb al the way up?

In the helicopter can you diside what to take? like a boot, a transport crate or a VS.

Will the buildings in the town be open?

Is there more than one way to finish the game?

With how many players can you play the game in online battle (not the co-up mode)

Can you  catch Sir Om Nom Nom so you can take care of him to be your friend? (a place to sleep when the days are cold)

Will there be colonies to chose from? or your own home town or snow pirate clan.

Will there be a "great host" system and a "beginner host" system so that people will see if some one is a great host or new to hosting games or even a bad host?

Will there be easter eggs in the game like Christmas trees in dec and a mantis on broom in oct?

will there be a clan system and would they be able to create their own clan sticker/logo for in game reconition?

Will shields have weaknesses and durability? 

In co-up mode can you turn friendly fire on and of?

how many more type of akrid will there be in the game?

Can we compare Lost Planet 2 with Monster Hunter in a way?

Do you have any questions for me?

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

Some akrid seem to fight them self.. are there high AI akrid,s and low AI akrid's in the game?

Will we go off the planet in this game?

when your termal runs out will heat effect you as mush as cold does (slowly killing you when you are out)

well that is it...

I'm not being rude, but forgive me here. I'm not going to answer any of these questions. It's just too early for most of them to start being talked about, or they lead to answers that will eventually cross into things we don't want to talk about at the moment. 

Sorry again. 

For everyone else, I read all the questions here. I just don't answer them all do to the fact the answer has the potential to go into something we're not discussing at the moment. So feel free to ask away, just don't expect answers for everything right now. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
11 years ago  ::  Oct 07, 2009 - 1:47PM #100
Posts: 1,366

-_-; sob.....



but yeah i understand ^.- i kinda tough so when you dint react the first time. well only time will tell. ^.^ but can you please answer the most important one?

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

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