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Lost Planet

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Ask Snow Your Questions
11 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2009 - 7:28PM #81
Posts: 31

I haven't played Lost Planet 1 Online, and I was wondering how bad the lag was, and what type of lag was it. Like did you have to aim in front of them to counter lag, or would you hit them and have to wait a few seconds before it did damage, or would you teleport all over the level? Will Lost Planet 2 try to negotiate this in anyway?


(I ask this because I have a very lousy internet {and live in AUS}, but there seemed to be very little to no lag in co-op when I played with other nationalities)

11 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2009 - 10:53PM #82
Posts: 1,483

 In LP one, if you were laggy, you just had to get lucky.  You could never do things like invincible roll.  You couldn't dodge.  Leading them firing where you see them, either way was 50 50 if you hit.

 If you lagged, you probably went for gum grenades and disc grenade.  Or hoped your target stood still a long time.  That said, if you are connecting okay with other players in co-op, then you will probably be okay most of the time in versus, even with 16 players.  Though stick to the 8 player games, you will have even fewer issues then.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 12:13AM #83
Posts: 261

I usually had pretty good luck with aiming ahead of people when there was lag.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 6:30AM #84
Black Jack
Posts: 278

Oct 5, 2009 -- 3:18PM, Snow wrote:

I take it you're not a Street Fighter player... SF is very similar to LP in this sense.

What makes Lost Planet shine among other shooters is the fact that it has a layer of strategy most games don't. Take for instance if someone starts shooting you before you have time to think. Most games that means your dead, wait to respawn to start shooting him before he shoots you. Now take for instance the roll. There's no regenerating health, so this adds a section of skill based gameplay as a factor. If someone starts shooting you, you usually have time to counteract this. Turn the tide

I could go on and on if you're interested in my rants. But essentially, those animations make Lost Planet what it is: a game about skill. Not about who can pull the trigger first. 

That said, many of the old animations are gone, have been sped up to improve gameplay, and some are no longer invulnerable. 

Really, that's what you call skill? stupidly putting yourself in a situation where your being attacked and then using some secret exploit in the game that lets you cheat your enemy out of a kill! (that's a rhetorical question) 

Anyway you didn't answer my question. I asked, how are Capcom planning to teach people to use this tactic?

It's strange that the thing that made Lots Planet stand out for you, is the one thing that i hated about the game and i find it hard to believe that anyone enjoyed being locked into those roll, shoot, roll battles with someone.

If it's in the game it's in the game so i'll end my rant there and wait to see what changes have been made.

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 9:24AM #85
Posts: 83

Oct 6, 2009 -- 6:30AM, Black Jack wrote:

If it's in the game it's in the game so i'll end my rant there and wait to see what changes have been made.

I definitely think patience is a virtue, especially for the fans of the original LP online modes. I know what it's like to have a game effectively "ruined" by the most recent iteration, so I understand your concerns. I think Capcom is really going all out with this one, because they realize how much of an impact they can make on the Gears & Halo crowd. They've got a lot of features to cover, and only one PR manager, so he can't really spill too much at one time either way.

I don't think Snow needs any defense here because I think he expresses himself very clearly, but I believe the points he is making are in the larger context of movement and weapon restrictions in the multiplayer action genre at large. What do you do in Halo or Gears when your shield/health goes down? You hide until they recharge! Personally I find the rolling aspect a lot more intuitive and engaging, the fact that you get a few i-frames in there makes no more sense to me than Spartans or Space Bro's running around with battle suits that have an infinite internal energy source. We'll just have to wait and see, I just ask that you have a little more faith in Capcom for appearing to be such a big fan! Cool

Another game that recently tried to structure itself around avoiding "twitch" based game skill was Section 8, and they went to the far extremes. Every decision you make about your outfit and equipment before spawning has more impact on your gameplay score than your actual skill with the weapons, which throws a lot of genre fans off. At the end of the day an action shooting game has to be about twitch based skills and who is the best individual player with the beast team with the best connection, but adding these extra sets of features can help mitigate some of the frustration players feel when they aren't doing so well - without penalizing those who enjoy the most hardcore aspects. I think the fact that they have already been on record as having addressed the supposed "t-bag" repetitive crouching animation exploit is a very good indication that they are taking these balance issues very seriously in the context of multiplayer versus.

I also realize Snow expressed the fact that they would not be getting into multiplayer details at this point, but my interest has definitely shifted there recently. I picked up LP:CE for a 20 spot the other night, and I haven't even participated in the online modes, but they are certainly extensive. I would absolutely flip if they include what I could only assume to be more refined and polished version of Akrid Hunting, where one team of players controls some Akrid types. I used to be a big fan of a Half Life mod called Natural Selection and the idea of playing through an Akrid character against a set of players online is incredibly exciting Innocent After I eat 8 Snow Pirates and max my battle gauge could you then let me crawl into a corner and gestate through a gooey pulsating chrysalis into a Category G for the grand finale? My head would explode! Surprised

"Who Feels It Knows It"
11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 10:20AM #86
Black Jack
Posts: 278

I see what your saying and i think the problem i have with i-animations is the fact that it isn't explained in the game. In Halo at lease, you can say that the suit has some form of auto medic built in but in Lost Planet, how do you explain that a bullet will harm you when you stood still but not if you're rolling? With the new addition of the sprint feature i think it would be even easier to avoid being shot so there is even less reason for it.

Anyway, let's not carry of this conversation as this thread is meant for people to ask snow questions. But rest assured, i do have faith in Capcom but, i just giving them food for thought. Wink 

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 12:24PM #87
Black Jack
Posts: 278

Oct 6, 2009 -- 11:55AM, Corrupted333 wrote:

Halo huh... man Black Jack ur comments u been leaving on here are extremely sad to see.. comparing this game to Halo, complaining about THIS games version of showing off ur skill via rolls and dodging...have you played lost planet (or should i say Lost Plant hahahaha) much? Or are u just on here to upset true fans because its working... when this game comes out and i cannot wait...i hope to not see you there. But if u show up and u realize that its not so bad..then welcome.. but these comments ur my friend just dont buy it plain and simple. think we gonna be ok with out u...jesus, cant believe people sometimes. Sorry for the post everyone wont happen again. Just had to get that off my chest.

I wasn't the one that brought up Halo so get your facts right before you have a go at me you fool. In fact i have never played a Halo game.

Someone can be a fan of a game without liking every feature. I'm not here to lick arse like you, i'm here to give constructive feedback and i suggest you do the same instead of wasting your time attacking people for their opinion. 

11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 12:42PM #88
Posts: 4,873

Oct 6, 2009 -- 11:55AM, Corrupted333 wrote:

Halo huh... man Black Jack ur comments u been leaving on here are extremely sad to see.. comparing this game to Halo, complaining about THIS games version of showing off ur skill via rolls and dodging...have you played lost planet (or should i say Lost Plant hahahaha) much? Or are u just on here to upset true fans because its working... when this game comes out and i cannot wait...i hope to not see you there. But if u show up and u realize that its not so bad..then welcome.. but these comments ur my friend just dont buy it plain and simple. think we gonna be ok with out u...jesus, cant believe people sometimes. Sorry for the post everyone wont happen again. Just had to get that off my chest.

Don't turn this into a flame war. Take your trolling elsewhere. That is your only warning. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 1:35PM #89
Shiro Kitsune
Posts: 29

will there be downloadable content for LP2?


i cant w8 for this game any longer lol im to exited!!! this game is in  the top of my list to buy i simply must get 1st day. lol <--------------------------------

PSN - WhiteFangKitsune

an explosion of pure JUSTICE
11 years ago  ::  Oct 06, 2009 - 1:41PM #90
Posts: 650

Oct 4, 2009 -- 5:24PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Did you fix where people can repeatedly get in and out of vs to avoid taking damage?

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