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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 10:54AM #61
Posts: 9

I see the campaign mode maps show on the TGS 09 new trailers only have 6 stage, this is too short. SNOW!!! tell me i'm wrong. I want atlease 10-15 stage and G type boss.

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 11:16AM #62
Kill it with fire!
Posts: 280

There are only 6 stages, but each stage is much longer than any single level from the first campaign. So don't worry, the campaign is at least as long as the first LP.

GT: Gonzogamer X
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 11:41AM #63
Posts: 2,074

Oct 4, 2009 -- 10:54AM, townnet wrote:

I see the campaign mode maps show on the TGS 09 new trailers only have 6 stage, this is too short. SNOW!!! tell me i'm wrong. I want atlease 10-15 stage and G type boss.

Okay, There are 6 Chapters, which is like a whole campaign for one faction, it sort of tells you the story of each group, so its not going to be six stages; more of six areas that it takes place in, after its all summed up, is going to be a lot longer than Lost Planet 1's campaign. Plus it is going to have high replay value so your going to keep doing it over again.

Now that I think of it, The first campaign kind of got stale after a while, I mean it had some really fun parts, but once I completed it I was like. "Oh my god..FINALLY" I don't know, I just REALLY did not want to try to finish the campaign again after that.

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I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 12:37PM #64
Posts: 9

I know what you guys mean, but i mean if Forest, Desert...6 diferent area total only have 6 G type boss really not enough.

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 12:41PM #65
Posts: 1,366

Will there be "town like" loby's 

Will there be great that needs to be crafted?

Will there submariens

Will there be a local co-up (lan mode)

will there be tree's you can climb al the way up?

In the helicopter can you diside what to take? like a boot, a transport crate or a VS.

Will the buildings in the town be open?

Is there more than one way to finish the game?

With how many players can you play the game in online battle (not the co-up mode)

Can you  catch Sir Om Nom Nom so you can take care of him to be your friend? (a place to sleep when the days are cold)

Will there be colonies to chose from? or your own home town or snow pirate clan.

Will there be a "great host" system and a "beginner host" system so that people will see if some one is a great host or new to hosting games or even a bad host?

Will there be easter eggs in the game like Christmas trees in dec and a mantis on broom in oct?

will there be a clan system and would they be able to create their own clan sticker/logo for in game reconition?

Will shields have weaknesses and durability? 

In co-up mode can you turn friendly fire on and of?

how many more type of akrid will there be in the game?

Can we compare Lost Planet 2 with Monster Hunter in a way?

Do you have any questions for me?

Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?

Some akrid seem to fight them self.. are there high AI akrid,s and low AI akrid's in the game?

Will we go off the planet in this game?

when your termal runs out will heat effect you as mush as cold does (slowly killing you when you are out)

well that is it...

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 3:45PM #66
Posts: 4,873

Oct 3, 2009 -- 4:08PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

and what is this rumor about filling VS's?

Filling VS? I don't even know what the heck you're talking about. Unless you mean "flying" VS, but we've already confirmed a flying VS. 

Oct 3, 2009 -- 9:48PM, Deaco wrote:

I was playing the demo a bit ago and I noticed that when I had accidentally thrown a grenade at one of my AI team mates, that when he died I got a (?) box from him, but it was glowing bright orange. Does that mean you actually get awarded for kill your AI bots?

Also, Can you say a few names of the characters? Whenever I played the first Lost Planet, I never really knew the names of anyone besides NEVEC.

You'll occasionally see boxes drop from the AI, whether friendlies or enemies. And no names yet. 

Oct 4, 2009 -- 10:54AM, townnet wrote:

I see the campaign mode maps show on the TGS 09 new trailers only have 6 stage, this is too short. SNOW!!! tell me i'm wrong. I want atlease 10-15 stage and G type boss.

Oct 4, 2009 -- 12:37PM, townnet wrote:

I know what you guys mean, but i mean if Forest, Desert...6 diferent area total only have 6 G type boss really not enough.

There's plenty of bosses. For some reason you're assuming there's only six... 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 04, 2009 - 5:24PM #67
Posts: 650

Did you fix where people can repeatedly get in and out of vs to avoid taking damage?

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2009 - 2:38AM #68
Posts: 55

1. In what catagory of weapons is the shield? i tried looking it up in gameplay vids, but i couldn't see it.

2. Are there still weapon catagories we haven't seen? if so, is it possible to tell us how many?

3: Do you really love sir om-nom-nom as much as you seem to do?

4: Why do you barely post any tweets, i'd love to stay informed via twitter.

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2009 - 2:42AM #69
General Shrooms
Posts: 184

Oct 3, 2009 -- 1:08AM, General Shrooms wrote:

Will VS's suck up T-ENG in multiplayer?

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 05, 2009 - 4:09AM #70
Black Jack
Posts: 278

Snow, as you have confirmed that players will still have the ability to be invincible during certain animations, what are the developers doing to teach new players how to take advantage of this feature?

Personally i think theses kind of features shouldn't be in a game like this and i'm hoping that Capcom learn how to improve their animations so it doesn't make the game feel unrealistic.

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