Will there be "town like" loby's
Will there be great that needs to be crafted?
Will there submariens
Will there be a local co-up (lan mode)
will there be tree's you can climb al the way up?
In the helicopter can you diside what to take? like a boot, a transport crate or a VS.
Will the buildings in the town be open?
Is there more than one way to finish the game?
With how many players can you play the game in online battle (not the co-up mode)
Can you catch Sir Om Nom Nom so you can take care of him to be your friend? (a place to sleep when the days are cold)
Will there be colonies to chose from? or your own home town or snow pirate clan.
Will there be a "great host" system and a "beginner host" system so that people will see if some one is a great host or new to hosting games or even a bad host?
Will there be easter eggs in the game like Christmas trees in dec and a mantis on broom in oct?
will there be a clan system and would they be able to create their own clan sticker/logo for in game reconition?
Will shields have weaknesses and durability?
In co-up mode can you turn friendly fire on and of?
how many more type of akrid will there be in the game?
Can we compare Lost Planet 2 with Monster Hunter in a way?
Do you have any questions for me?
Can akrid see colour or are they color blind?
Some akrid seem to fight them self.. are there high AI akrid,s and low AI akrid's in the game?
Will we go off the planet in this game?
when your termal runs out will heat effect you as mush as cold does (slowly killing you when you are out)
well that is it...