What would you say is the most anticipating feature in this current installment? Are there any seekrits we can expect as well, no specifications of course?
"My young seeds once again, will look up to the sky, And I know they will grow strong..." "insert long post here when I have time to write it." "Stay Tuned."- Sven Call me the Capcomrade!
What does the "G" in Catagory G stand for? My best guesses so far: "Ginourmous" "Gi-f**ing-gantic" "God dammit, we're totally screwed!"
GT: Gonzogamer X
Pat on the back for Snow, I've never seen anyone help the community and be involved as much as him. Keep it up :)
1. What's with the rotors on the pirates' backs? Are they meant to be pods full of T-ENERGY? 2. I'm guessing that we can replace them with a backpack or nothing at all when it comes down to customizing our guys, for some reason those pods annoy me. Is that right Snow?
Will VS's suck up T-ENG in multiplayer?
What does the "G" in Catagory G stand for?
My best guesses so far:
"God dammit, we're totally screwed!"
In Japan it stands for "Giga" which is another way of saying "extreme" or something of the like.
What would you say is the most anticipating feature in this current installment?
Are there any seekrits we can expect as well, no specifications of course?
I really can't choose just one feature, and of course we have tons of seekrits throughout Lost Planet 2.
1. What's with the rotors on the pirates' backs? Are they meant to be pods full of T-ENERGY?
2. I'm guessing that we can replace them with a backpack or nothing at all when it comes down to customizing our guys, for some reason those pods annoy me. Is that right Snow?
Yea, that's where T-ENG is stored. It's only aesthetic though. And you have to have some part on your back, but there are some that are so small it might as well just be a piece of your torso armor.
PS4: Snow_Tessellate 360: Snow Infernus Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
Is there a clan system for online? Is there a sort of party system so i can join friends games and be on thier team?
In Lost Planet: Colonies there was the Dead Rising "Mega Man" that was playable. It was hilariously awesome. Any chance of something similar in Lost Planet 2? Maybe Mega Man Volnutt from Mega Man Legends? Lost Planet reminded me of it.
I know you said something about career points and that u will only talk about elimination and team elimination, so not sure where this fits in then but ill ask: Is there still going to be a leveling system 1-200 or whatever, OR is the career points u mentioned, the replacement for that?? I also noticed that some pirate images u could see skin. Will u be able to color the skin of your character?? I read ur blog and it was awesome btw. When u talked about the nicknames (maybe i need to read it again) but i didnt realy understand when or where they show up. When someone is aiming at me does it show? Or is it when they kill me or i kill them does it show? Or is it just something you will see before and after a match in the lobby? Or...all the above? It just kinda sticks with u lol. And about the story campeign: How long do u think a playthrough is?? Has capcom completed it? I know LP1 had 11 chapters...it was a nice length...im hoping for the same..maybe even longer. Thanks and again thanks for the write ups... very impressive to see someone keep the hardcore fans at ease and give to the community.
I noticed that some of the grenades were customized for the four demo characters. But the Dummy grenade is available for all of them. Will the dummy grenade customization category have alternatives availble, or will it be a fall back grenade for every player?