1. Can each player choose their own starting weapons for online battles?
2. Is there a party system or something similar that lets you play on the same team as your friends in ranked matches?
3. Can ability enhancing perks be used in multiplayer?
4. Concerning the starting weapons, the way i understood what you said was that if one of your co-op buddies drops his weapon and you pick it up, you get you weapon and not his... Why did you make that decision? wouldn't it be better to allow people to swap weapons?
5. Can you get assist points if someone steals your kill?
6. Is there an option to either reduce the size of the onscreen text or at lease have it to where names only appear above a players head if your cross-hair is over them?
7. Are their destructible environments online?
8. Are that any online modes that have AI enemies?
Wow, quite the list here...
1- Yes. Like I said pretty clearly within the blog, you can pick your weapons. So for instance, if starting weapon is "Standard" you start with whatever weapon you have picked for that slot, like Machine Gun. But maybe I have mine set to Gun Sword. The weapon categories is a pretty simple concept to grasp, especially once you've tried it out.
2- We're not revealing any of the details of how the multiplayer lobby system works just yet.
3- Again, as mention in my blogs (you should read them, check them out: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) you take your custom character everywhere you go in the game. That includes multiplayer. So if you've customized your abilities, they stick to your character no matter what part of the game you're playing.
4- You can swap weapons, but within categories. So as I stated, wait until you try this out. It's a unique system that adds a lot to the gameplay. Everyone has a role in the game, whether playing with your friends via co-op, or playing with your friends via multiplayer battle. Your setup will contribute to the team in a different way than anyone else's. The goal here is to add a new layer of strategy within the multiplayer, and it works quite well. We're encouraging real team work, not just "run shoot die respawn."
5- Our new points system is unique, and we'll reveal more on that closer to the launch of the game.
6- The HUD is a set standard HUD, just like 99% of all other games out there. We have ours set the way we feel is most enjoyable and informative for the player without being a hinderance. There are no real options to change it.
7- We'll talk more about the online stages later. But for now we're just talking a little about the jungle battle area we revealed at TGS.
8- Again, the only modes we're discussing at this time are Elimination and Team Elimination.
-Is Akrid Hunter in Lost Planet 2!?
-Will there be any type of "horde"-esque mode where you and 3 other friends go up against wave after wave of increasingly larger-sized, and aggressive, Akrid?
Just to state one final time, we're not going to discuss anything about the specific multiplayer battle modes outside of Elimination and Team Elimination.