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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 1:16PM #31
Posts: 4,873

I missed a bunch of these overnight, so I'll try to catch up with everyone's questions. 


Oct 1, 2009 -- 10:34PM, KalicoKaiju wrote:

I heard somewhere you would have to play through the campaign as a standard character to first unlock a customizable character to use for solo play, is that true?

Second, I know I'm a huge story nerd, so is there an explanation for the new "animal" akrid, as the previous game pretty much just had big bug types. And also any idea about how many new ones are going to be in the game?

Yes, when you play through the first time, you'll have to play as the faction of pirates pertaining to that episode. But that play through is going to help you unlock quite a bit for customizing. You will have reason to play through a second time, and when you do, you can use your character that you've created and customized. Better still, all the cutscenes are rendered in game, so you'll see your custom character in the scene instead of the other pirates. 

You'll find out more about the new akrid in the story, so I won't spoil that for you. And I do know about how many new ones there are, but I won't spoil that either. Wink But it's a significant number increase in kinds of akrid. 


Oct 1, 2009 -- 10:37PM, Christopher wrote:

snow is the flying VS the transport helicopter in both trailers?(if not picture?)Tongue out

where is the interveiw that took place on the aircraft carrier a while back?

The flying VS you could use in the desert stage demo at TGS was the fighter styled one. You can actually see it in the TGS trailer, but it's not the transport one. At the beginning of the trailer you see some helicopters drop off boats into the water (not the transports) and those are the kind you could use in the stage we showed at TGS. 

And not really sure what happened to the interview from the aircraft carrier.... 

Oct 1, 2009 -- 10:37PM, Flamheart wrote:

Just to clarify, there WILL be chainmail bikinis for character customiation, correct?

I think you're referring to the GamePro article. But yes, there is a secksy chainmail outfit for the ladies. Laughing

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 1:22PM #32
Posts: 4,873

Oct 1, 2009 -- 10:40PM, RagingDemon015 wrote:

The mystery boxes only provide boday parts and colors or will they serve as currency too?

Are the taunts customizable?

You'll see more of how they play a part down the line. There's something called Career Points now, but their purpose will be revealed later on. And yes, as I mentioned in my blog you will be able to apply any eight taunts you want to your custom character. 

Oct 1, 2009 -- 11:47PM, Shiro Kitsune wrote:

in the customization can u take off ur head gear to see ur guys face?

and also will there be an akrid hunter mode in the MP like in LP:Colonies?

There are certain head changes that reveal the face, but it's an actual switch out, verses a revealing of the face. And we're not talking about any of the multiplayer battle modes aside from Elimination and Team Elimination. 

Oct 2, 2009 -- 7:14AM, Ender wrote:

So with the weapon sets, once you choose a particular weapon, like the shotgun, is there any way for you to use other weapons in that category while in a match? If not, that seems kinda limiting.

No, there's not. It may seem limiting, but you have to try it out first to see it's brilliance. Also, changing your character customization can be done pretty easily, which is great for changing it up between games. 

Oct 2, 2009 -- 7:27AM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Joke Question :  Why hasn't me or Adam got a Build of this :(

Real Question : Now I know you have Annouced Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch for MP but can you confirm anyother Mode's or is this still hush hush

LOL Why? Well that wouldn't be fair to the other hardcore Lost Planet fans here, now would it? 

And no, I won't talk about anything besides Elimination and Team Elimination as far as multiplayer battle modes. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 1:41PM #33
Posts: 4,873

Oct 2, 2009 -- 8:39AM, Black Jack wrote:

1. Can each player choose their own starting weapons for online battles?

2. Is there a party system or something similar that lets you play on the same team as your friends in ranked matches?

3. Can ability enhancing perks be used in multiplayer?

4. Concerning the starting weapons, the way i understood what you said was that if one of your co-op buddies drops his weapon and you pick it up, you get you weapon and not his... Why did you make that decision? wouldn't it be better to allow people to swap weapons?

5. Can you get assist points if someone steals your kill?

6. Is there an option to either reduce the size of the onscreen text or at lease have it to where names only appear above a players head if your cross-hair is over them?

7. Are their destructible environments online?

8. Are that any online modes that have AI enemies?

Wow, quite the list here... 

1- Yes. Like I said pretty clearly within the blog, you can pick your weapons. So for instance, if starting weapon is "Standard" you start with whatever weapon you have picked for that slot, like Machine Gun. But maybe I have mine set to Gun Sword. The weapon categories is a pretty simple concept to grasp, especially once you've tried it out. 

2- We're not revealing any of the details of how the multiplayer lobby system works just yet. 

3- Again, as mention in my blogs (you should read them, check them out: Part 1Part 2, and Part 3) you take your custom character everywhere you go in the game. That includes multiplayer. So if you've customized your abilities, they stick to your character no matter what part of the game you're playing. 

4- You can swap weapons, but within categories. So as I stated, wait until you try this out. It's a unique system that adds a lot to the gameplay. Everyone has a role in the game, whether playing with your friends via co-op, or playing with your friends via multiplayer battle. Your setup will contribute to the team in a different way than anyone else's. The goal here is to add a new layer of strategy within the multiplayer, and it works quite well. We're encouraging real team work, not just "run shoot die respawn." 

5- Our new points system is unique, and we'll reveal more on that closer to the launch of the game. 

6- The HUD is a set standard HUD, just like 99% of all other games out there. We have ours set the way we feel is most enjoyable and informative for the player without being a hinderance. There are no real options to change it. 

7- We'll talk more about the online stages later. But for now we're just talking a little about the jungle battle area we revealed at TGS. 

8- Again, the only modes we're discussing at this time are Elimination and Team Elimination. 

Oct 2, 2009 -- 10:19AM, Leonesaurus wrote:

-Is Akrid Hunter in Lost Planet 2!?

-Will there be any type of "horde"-esque mode where you and 3 other friends go up against wave after wave of increasingly larger-sized, and aggressive, Akrid?

Just to state one final time, we're not going to discuss anything about the specific multiplayer battle modes outside of Elimination and Team Elimination. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 4:53PM #34
Posts: 4,549

Can you release some more information on the new types of Akrid I.E. Names, Code Names, Renders Concepts or screen shots

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 5:30PM #35
Posts: 650

Oct 1, 2009 -- 7:50PM, Snow wrote:

Oct 1, 2009 -- 7:46PM, robotboot wrote:

can we get some mp info?

Can I get a more specific question about the multiplayer? lol 

Has the extreme lag been addressed?

Is the invincible roll still in multiplayer?

Are there any maps without vs?

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 5:43PM #36
Posts: 4,873

Oct 2, 2009 -- 4:53PM, BTHR Zero X wrote:

Can you release some more information on the new types of Akrid I.E. Names, Code Names, Renders Concepts or screen shots

Nope. lol

But sorry, not yet. Stay tuned though, we'll be releasing more with time. 

Oct 2, 2009 -- 5:30PM, A SILENT EMU wrote:

Has the extreme lag been addressed?

Is the invincible roll still in multiplayer?

Are there any maps without vs?

The part of the team working on the network portions of the game have quite a bit of experience since the days of Lost Planet 1. In fact, they've become so talented that even the SFIV team asked them to come in and help with SFIV's network code. Cool

As you may have noticed from playing the co-op demos on PSN and XBL, yes, the roll still has it's brief moment of invulnerability. 

And as I've stated above, the only map we're discussing for multiplayer battle modes is the jungle area we revealed at TGS. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 5:59PM #37
Posts: 957
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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 6:05PM #38
Posts: 84

Oct 2, 2009 -- 5:59PM, robotboot wrote:

Can u still T-bag people after u kill them?

A bag of T-energy? what for?

But anyways what is your favorite weapons to use for the categories

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 7:15PM #39
infra red011
Posts: 142

Just how big will the Akrid get in LP2?

And is the release date 2/21/2010? I had saw that release date on but i wasnt sure if it was real. 

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11 years ago  ::  Oct 02, 2009 - 8:26PM #40
Posts: 4,873

Oct 2, 2009 -- 5:59PM, robotboot wrote:

Can u still T-bag people after u kill them?

Actually, you'll notice the crouch happens much slower this time. This is to stop the T-Bag shooters from continuing to cheat.

Oct 2, 2009 -- 6:05PM, JAWDOG wrote:

But anyways what is your favorite weapons to use for the categories

I honestly don't have a "favorite" weapon. I'm all about learning to use what tools area available to me. So I'll love them all. 

Oct 2, 2009 -- 7:15PM, infra red011 wrote:

Just how big will the Akrid get in LP2?

And is the release date 2/21/2010? I had saw that release date on but i wasnt sure if it was real. 

Oh, they get much bigger. But, is there such a thing as an akrid that's "too big?" 

The date they have is wrong. Until you hear a date from us, don't believe it. We'll talk a date once we have one finalized. 

Oct 2, 2009 -- 7:41PM, Yuffie wrote:

Sir Nom Nom is a "small Akrid"  =3

No dates have been released, all just rumors and guess's

Actually, he's a HUGE akrid, but he's definitely on the small side when it comes to Category G Bosses. 

And correct, no info on dates just yet. Everything out there for now is just rumors and speculation. 

PS4: Snow_Tessellate
360: Snow Infernus
Wii U: Shawn_Baxter
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