Hello Snow,
My question is if the rocket launcher has been fixed cuz in the demo it sucked for me :( . Meaning if ur gonna be able to reload in mid air after u shoot. or lets say it like this (jump, shoot really fast and reload) before hitting the ground. Im a big fan of the rocket, an know alot of ppl that would love to see this again in LP2. i wouldnt consider the rocket to be overpower since u can roll it :) but the combats get better same as the 1 vs 1. Same goes with rifles where u can double shoot (shoot, jump and shoot again) really good tecnique when it comes to rifle playes... and so on with plasma revolver handgun. An if not go be able could you please tell them to put it back !!!PLEASE!!!... as i said i know alot of ppl mostly rocket players in LP, an on behalf of all of them i would LOVE to see that implemented on LP2. it would be way funner, an if its not going to be possible thank you Snow :( Danny GT: I DRUMM3R I
1. Can we plz get a sweet new wallpaper? lol ive had the same wallpaper for a year and i thought it would be nice to find a decent/ really good LP2 wallpaper. 2. Is the Red Eye Boss battle music the music used in the TGS trailer on the train scene?
Since my questions were just ignored and other people's "energy gun problem" pretty much the hype of the thread,
there's no release date announced, yes? so that means the game will most likely be released next year yeah? ok cool, cuz i'm gonna go ahead and get Tekken 6 instead of just waiting here getting no responses about the game and the so-called release of RE3 for PSN which we had waited for, months of its announcement...might as well play something i enjoyed during sweet childhood and share with people online(and friends who visit)
1. The release date is unknown. That question has been asked multiple times. Do some basic research.
2. Lost Planet 2 has a single community manager and he's done an excellent job working with us. Just because he can't personally respond to every single question (especially questions that have been asked multiple times, or questions that are plain stupid) doesn't discredit him or the game. 3. Is this your personal blog or something? The only people who read this board are Lost Planet fans and the community manager. He's probably busy right now and we sure as hell don't care.
3. Is this your personal blog or something? The only people who read this board are Lost Planet fans and the community manager. He's probably busy right now and we sure as hell don't care.
He is busy right now he is in NYC At the Fight Club and there is no reason for you to respond in such a manor
Since my questions were just ignored and other people's "energy gun problem" pretty much the hype of the thread,
there's no release date announced, yes? so that means the game will most likely be released next year yeah? ok cool, cuz i'm gonna go ahead and get Tekken 6 instead of just waiting here getting no responses about the game and the so-called release of RE3 for PSN which we had waited for, months of its announcement...might as well play something i enjoyed during sweet childhood and share with people online(and friends who visit)
1. The release date is unknown. That question has been asked multiple times. Do some basic research.
2. Lost Planet 2 has a single community manager and he's done an excellent job working with us. Just because he can't personally respond to every single question (especially questions that have been asked multiple times, or questions that are plain stupid) doesn't discredit him or the game.
3. Is this your personal blog or something? The only people who read this board are Lost Planet fans and the community manager. He's probably busy right now and we sure as hell don't care.
IW has one "community manager" he's always answering questions and giving updates, but that's because he gets paid for it, plus its a different company and a different game.
Hey snow will u hang out with me?
Here's a question that has not been answered and you hopefully can address; Will there be tactical overhead maps ever released for the multiplayer levels? Example - www.modbase.be/images/cod4/maps/multipla... LP was one of the few games that never had tactical maps for us to use as a reference. Awhile ago somebody (snow, chaser, lucent don't remember who) did an awesome tactical map of Canyon 810 on this site but never did the others that I know of. So if Capcom does not release something like this will we be able to do this by using a camera feature or overhead view? Thanks and hopefully Snow can this answer at his convenience.
Check out my LP vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/xXLostInPlaceXx
Follow our coverage of Lost Planet 2 and many other games at http://www.battlestrats.com/
I don't know if this has already been asked and answered but, will there be more control options in addition to what's in the demo?
Hey snow will u hang out with me?
come on u know u want to