I just saw a video of Bioshock 2 where they'll be using stages from Bioshock 1 as multiplayer maps. Please, tell me there's plenty of LP1 maps in LP2? Also, multiplayer demo please?? Oh, and that bird symbol between your health and the team gauge is taking too much space imo, need to streamline it.
There will be Lost Planet multiplayer maps included in Lost Planet 2 multiplayer. The names and number of these maps can not be disclosed at this time.
There will be no multiplayer demo on either console version of the game.
There will be no multiplayer demo on either console version of the game.
They already said that?
There will be no multiplayer demo on either console version of the game.
Whoa, whoa where did you hear that from? I need a confirmation. (Edited Off) Also, did you have to learn a certain degree of Japanese whenever you first worked at Capcom, since it was originally a Japanese company?
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
There will be no multiplayer demo on either console version of the game.
Whoa, whoa where did you hear that from? I need a confirmation.
Also, did you have to learn a certain degree of Japanese whenever you first worked at Capcom, since it was originally a Japanese company?
Look harder.
Snow, since all of the weapons from colonies edition are returning, you think that you could balance them? It's great that the VS Rifle has a scope, but it needs to supply the player with less ammunition to limit their killstreak. Additionally, the flamethrower does horrible damage considering the limited effective range. Lastly, the handgun/magnum don't carry the firepower to compete with similar weapons in their respective classes.
Snow, thanks for answering our questions and you've told me all i want to know about the game but i have one more request... Is is possible for the developer to make some sort of in game UNITY jacket for Lost Planet 2 that is only available to people registered on this site?
Snow, thanks for answering our questions and your told me all i want to know about the game but i have one more request...
Is is possible for the developer to make some sort of in game UNITY jacket for Lost Planet 2 that is only available to people registered on the this site?
Heh, yeah that would be sorta cool! 
Have a question? Send me a Message! Gamertag - xBiBx FrOsTy
Youtube - Jsrfsongwizard
AIM: Defcon97@gmail.com
Lunethex is muh best frand! :)I mod the Lost Planet forums. Cuz' they coo', and I like the Mod Crest
I think it would be best if we let Snow answer the questions before rumors and false facts start to float around, the thread is titled "Ask Snow Your Questions", not "Ask the Community".
Recently I put up a three part blog talking about some of the brand new things we're revealing in Lost Planet 2. Read up on them right here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
If you have more questions, ask away below.
snow thanks for making such amazing game. creators of halo and resistance could learn i thing from u. big boss battles and coop, big weapons. wow. will blow halo and gears of war out of the water. i just have one question how long will the game be. hope its atleast 14 hours to beat
Recently I put up a three part blog talking about some of the brand new things we're revealing in Lost Planet 2. Read up on them right here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
If you have more questions, ask away below.
snow thanks for making such amazing game. creators of halo and resistance could learn i thing from u. big boss battles and coop, big weapons. wow. will blow halo and gears of war out of the water. i just have one question how long will the game be. hope its atleast 14 hours to beat
While I greatly prefer Lost Planet to the above mentioned franchises (which I am fond of), I wouldn't want every game to become a Lost Planet clone. The fact that it's so unique is a big plus.
Recently I put up a three part blog talking about some of the brand new things we're revealing in Lost Planet 2. Read up on them right here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
If you have more questions, ask away below.
snow thanks for making such amazing game. creators of halo and resistance could learn i thing from u. big boss battles and coop, big weapons. wow. will blow halo and gears of war out of the water. i just have one question how long will the game be. hope its atleast 14 hours to beat
He's not the producer nor does he have any part in the actual production of the game. Snow is a LP superfan and I beilieve the game shall last more than a rounded 20 hours. At least for the first play.
"My young seeds once again, will look up to the sky, And I know they will grow strong..." "insert long post here when I have time to write it." "Stay Tuned."- Sven Call me the Capcomrade!